Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 21-22
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

From Joppa you can see modern Tel Aviv and the beautiful beaches. Today Israel is a prosperous modern state. Obviously God is not finished with His ancient people. He still has a purpose for Israel. Joppa, or Jaffa, as it is called today, is a Palestinian suburb of Tel Aviv. Jesus taught in word and by example that His Father cares for all people.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 1 Chronicles 21:1, 22:19
“Now Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel…” “Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God. Therefore, arise and build the sanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the Lord.”
The first and last verses of today’s reading begin with the word “now.” “Now” is an action word. Satan moved David to action, and God urged David into action. In the first instance there is no record that David prayed about his action; he acted without God’s blessing. In the second action, he had clear instructions from God. David learned a very hard lesson, repented, prayed much, and then he started action preparing for the building of God’s Temple. David did his best to rectify the problem resulting from his failure, but not without cost. Ornan offered David the land for the erection of the Temple for free, but David wisely refused and paid the costs himself (21:23). Would any of us do the same? This sacrificial act by David showed his repentance was sincere. Let us ask ourselves, “Are we as ready as David to recognize our sin and do something to make wrongs right?” We will bring judgment upon ourselves and others if we fail to genuinely repent. It’s like the natural laws such as gravity. We break these laws and we suffer the consequences. What we sow we will surely reap (Galatians 6:7). Here’s a suggested New Testament reading: Galatians 6:1-10.
Lord God, grant me, I pray, the grace of true repentance, whatever the cost. I want to do Your will NOW and FOREVER! In the Name of the One who always did what He saw His Father doing, the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask. Amen!!!
As a result of today’s reading, I ask myself this question…What on earth could be wrong with taking a census? Here in Canada, the present government has introduced a much shorter census form, asking less intrusive questions of us. There was harsh criticism of this action by the political opposition. Why? Does anyone in authority today actually pray about the decisions that impact millions of people? I pray daily for those who are in authority over us as the Scriptures teach me (1 Timothy 2:1-8). A census is far more than simply finding out how many people live in Canada. It’s about political control. It’s about identifying the concentrations of people power, so that by catering to certain interests, political leaders can perpetuate themselves in power. Of course, some of those in authority have better motives. They want to know the census results so that they can serve in a better way.
Recently, my friend, Lois Neely, an excellent journalist, author and editor, sent me a copy of The Toronto Daily Star from the year of my birth, 1936 (the paper would later be renamed just The Toronto Star). The entire front section of that 1936 paper was filled with the passing of King George V and Prince Edward’s ascension to the throne. Lois also sent me an even older copy of a newspaper, The Globe (later becoming The Globe and Mail). I was surprised to read the date on the paper being Monday, July 1st, 1867…Canada’s Confederation Day…when the original four British colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Lower Canada (Quebec) and Upper Canada (Ontario) joined together in unity (I also noticed the paper referring to a recent census that had been taken).
I’ll ask my son to take a couple of pictures of these yellowed and tattered papers, and if possible include them below. In case the print is not readable I’ll quote from a portion of the 1867 Globe: “Let us gratefully acknowledge the hand of the Almighty Dispenser of Events in bringing about this result, pregnant with so important an influence on the condition and destinies of these provinces, and of the teeming millions who in ages to come will people the Dominion of Canada from ocean to ocean, and give it its character in the annals of time.” I believe God has a purpose for all the nations on earth!
Yours for God’s will being done “on earth as it is in Heaven,”
P.S. On this day in 1977 the 100 Huntley Street daily TV ministry first went to air on the Global TV network. For 15 years before that, our weekly Crossroads program was on the CBC independently owned stations and on the CTV network, and for several years with the Circle Square children’s productions. PRAISE THE LORD!
P.P.S. Below are the photos of the newspapers I referred to above. Click on them to enlarge them (and print a copy if you wish)…
Lord God, as those before us prayed for Your will to be done in Canada and throughout this world, so we pray that You keep Your mighty hand on this nation. Turn our hearts to You, Father, and bring us to our proper position of dependence on You. We need You and praise You for providing everything, even our smallest breath, for us. Thank You, Lord. May we be faithful to You in all we say and do, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen to your prayers, Rob and Doreen. I have been praying for Beverlee as well. Am looking forward to her next post.
Our God reigns!
Amen Rob.
Amen, Rob
Amen Rob – in total agreement. I pray for those leaders of ours but I realize now, that thanksgiving to God for them is also very important. Blessings on all today, especially Beverlee. May His amazing Presence be with you Beverlee. Amen and amen
Thank you Nan and Doreen for your continued prayers.
Beverlee, Know that we Bloggers may not put thoughts in writing, but I am certain that you- (your health, well-being and inspiration) are close in all of our thoughts/ prayers.
May Today be a wonderful day for all.
May Our country and leaders and people be in God’s Will.
I agree Laur: Beverlee is a sister-in-Christ and we care about her well being.
Also for those that continue to suffer, you know who they are Lord, so we ask for a special touch for all of them.
Good lesson today, remember to pray first before we jump into anything we might be sorry for .
Blessings to all you are all precious in His sight.
Amen Laur Rob and Doreen
Yes Beverlee we are all praying for you!!!
Amen to all the comments about May everybody have a blessed day amen.
“Prayer Map of Canada” for the 15th day of the month:
1. Pray for the Lord to convict all Canadians of His righteous standards for living. (John 16:8-11)
2. Pray for Nova Scotia.
-Pray for the leaders of the province, that God’s Spirit would influence them to act justly, serve with integrity and honour high moral standards. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
-Pray for the churches of the province, that they would be lighthouses beaming forth the illuminating truth of God’s Word.