Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 8-9
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This is the ancient Hippodrome at Jerash, where tourists can enjoy re-enactments of chariot races and play fighting. Recent excavations show that Jerash was already inhabited during the Bronze Age (3200 BC – 1200 BC). After the Roman conquest in 63 BC, Jerash and the lands surrounding it were annexed by the Roman province of Syria and joined the Decapolis cities. Jesus ministered here. These were non-Jewish cities. He cares for us all!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 1 Chronicles 9:27-28
And they lodged all around the house of God because they had the responsibility, and they were in charge of opening it every morning. Now some of them were in charge of the serving vessels, for they brought them in and took them out by count.
Names, names and more names are found in our readings. Perhaps this is tedious for some, but not for God. Every person is of infinite and eternal importance to Him, including each of us! The Chronicles are not written with a specific timeline in mind; rather it moves back and forth with the stories of various families. The key verse is not about the Temple of Solomon but about its successor built under the leadership of Ezra. This was the Temple, which was extensively renovated and enlarged by King Herod, in which Jesus would have worshipped. Notice the care given to the management and operation of the Temple.
Consider our responsibility to the sanctuary in which we worship. This is not the earthly building built for the purpose of meeting together as believers to worship corporately, to learn the Word of God, and to have fellowship one with another, but rather the Tabernacle “not made with hands.” The earthly building was a copy of that which exists in Heaven. It is to the heavenly building, the Church in the heavenly place, in which each one of us have the responsibility to serve every day. “Morning by morning” with consistency is so very important. Let us take the time, if possible, to read from Hebrews 9:1-28. Let us meditate on our place of service.
Lord God, even as those who served You in Your earthly building called the Temple, so I desire to take responsibility in serving in Your eternal building, the Church, which You, Jesus, said You would build. Please show me my specific responsibility, and I pray for grace to faithfully do my job. In the Name of the One who carries out His responsibility with total faithfulness, the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen!!!
Everyone reading this blog has a job to do, as did those who lived around the Temple in Jerusalem. I have some responsibilities currently at the Crossroads Centre here in Burlington. Every morning my job is to make sure you who read this blog actually receive it. Ron and Ann are a big blessing, making sure it gets done right. I’m determined to give top priority to my wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. My over-arching job is to serve in that Tabernacle “not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens” (2 Corinthians 5:1). I’m doing this now as I write this blog. Faithfulness in prayer, in meditating on God’s Word, in bringing others and their needs before God daily is my first job every morning.
Yours for faithfully carrying out our responsibility to God and to people,
P.S. In case you haven’t watched 100 Huntley Street lately, here’s the website where you can watch online…

Dubbed the “Pompeii of the East,” ancient Jerash is a Greco-Roman city located 80 miles north of Amman Jordan. The impressive, beautifully preserved ruins of Jerash include places of worship and other buildings from the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and early Muslim periods. In this photo you can see the full length of the Hippodrome. The ruins of earthly buildings can be contrasted with the eternal importance of the true Temple “not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens” (2 Corinthians 5:1).
Father God, thank You for Your work in us. You are the Author and Finisher of our faith. You started a good work in us and You will bring it to completion. You are making us more and more like Your Son, our Saviour. Help us to cooperate with You in that work. Bless all Your children today, Lord, and help each one to grow in Your Presence today. May Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen Rob. Jesus is as close as the mention of His Name, it has been said, and I believe it. May He be close to each and everyone today and always. Amen
Rob and Doreen- thank you for these prayers and words of wisdom, this morning.
Praying also that Eleanor and Edward and HJR and Beverlee are surrounded in God’s Perfect Peace and Love as they each have had so many challenges.
Thank you Laur for your prayers for Edward and I and for Beverlee and HJR. I really appreciate the prayers of the saints.
Blessings to all Eleanor M.
Amen and amen!
Amen,Rob.Rev.John Fortier used to encourage me with that quote (Philippians 1:6
“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”NIV) when I experienced self doubt as a baby Christian only 10 years ago.He is with the Lord now.His wife suggested 100 Words to me in 2013 and I am still here by the grace of God.Thank you,David,for sharing yourself,your family and Jesus with me.I have learned so much.Thank you,Ron for all you now do.May God bless you as in the Prayer Of Jabez.Amen
Can’t Be Bought
May happiness be yours to share
And joy be your constant kin,
So you have peace beyond compare
As He cleanses the temple within
And as the world sees your face,
Will be seen what they have not,
For this gift is an unearned grace
From a Love that can’t be bought.
GW(Bill) Marshall 24 Aug, 2015
PS: an interesting note about Rev.Fortier:He had Pancreatic cancer at 86,and the nurses kept asking if he was in much pain.He got tired of them asking and one day,very politely, he pointed to different areas of his body and said :I have no pain here,no pain here and no pain here.Nope,I have no pain.”Pancreatic cancer is perhaps the most painful form of cancer.He was never given any pain meds.God rewarded his great faith.
That is interesting, William. The power of God! Amen.
Amen to all the prayers, and thanks to Laur for remembering me.
I may not post daily, but I do read the posts and continue to pray for all the bloggers.
God bless.
The prayer focus for the 8th day of the month from the “Prayer Map of Canada” is:
1. Pray that the Church will deepen it’s commitment to prayer and never cease to call upon God. (Isaiah 62:6, Psalm 5:3, Psalm 55:17)
2. Pray for Manitoba.
-Pray for the leaders of the province, (Premier Brian Pallister and wife Esther)
that God’s spirit would influence them to act justly, serve with integrity and
honour high moral standards. ( 1Timothy 2:1-4)
-Pray for the churches of the province , that they would be lighthouses
beaming forth the illuminating truth of God’s Word.
Amen Charlene.
Please pray also for Beverlee, that Father God will keep her close and comfortable. We miss her when we don’t see her posts. In Jesus Name, Lord, bless her and minister to her today. Amen and amen
Thank you Doreen and all you beautiful saints. My appt. with the neurologist is Monday.
Praying for your appointment with the neurologist, dear Beverlee.