Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 6-7
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Herod’s Gate (named after Herod the Great), also known as Gate of the Flowers, is a gate in the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. It adjoins the Muslim Quarter and is a short distance east of the Damascus Gate. The city gate that is mentioned in 2 Kings 7:1 may have looked like this.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Kings 6:17
And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
Lord Jesus, as Your disciples asked You, “Teach us to pray!” Even so, I ask You this blessing, not just what to say when I pray, Lord, but to actually do it with fervency. I believe You now for Your Spirit to come upon me, giving me a spirit of intercession. Amen!
As I read today’s Scriptures, I thought how that during the years 1938 to 1945, when my Dad was separated from us by WW2, my mother carried the family devotions responsiibility. Thank you, Norma Hazel Pritchard Mainse, for being a great MOTHER!!! (see photo below).
The well-known London, England, pastor, Charles Spurgeon, preached on “Man’s Extremity, God’s Opportunity.” I think of his message as I meditate on the circumstances of Israel in today’s reading. If you can find the time, click here to read Spurgeon’s sermon (PDF file).
Here’s a little insight about the four lepers mentioned in 2 Kings 7:3. There is a tradition, not in the Bible, that these were the former servants of Elisha, Gehazi and his three sons. Review from yesterday 2 Kings 5:27.
Yours for fervently inviting God’s intervention in our lives and circumstances,
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day month!
Thank You, Father, for all of this beautiful creation. Thank You for Your Word and for coming for us. Thank You for giving Your all for us. Thank You for Your people. Help each one to know You are there for them, as Elisha did. Thank You that, in reality, “the wrong shall fail; the right prevail”, and we shall see, as Job said, our Redeemer standing on this Earth. In Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen, Rob. Amen.
Amen, Rob
Amen, Rob. Amen and amen.
Thx You for late Prayers last night Beverlee and your prayer this morning, Rob.
Lori Anne is close in prayer.
If she has needs, please let me know, as I am in Calgary for another week
Thanks you Laur. Her test today came back negative. I don’t know if she is allowed to return to the floor yet or if they require more than one negative test. She really needs the rest, however. Thanks all who prayed. I took 2 blankets off the bed as it is so warm suddenly. People are enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Blessings all.
Amen to your late night prayers Beverlee, and thank you for your prayers for myself. They are greatly appreciated.
Praying for all of the bloggers and their families, and for peace to be returned to Jerusalem..
Really enjoyed the Spurgeon link, today. Lord God, please bring an end to the mob violence of Jews and Arabs attacking and beating each other in streets that once held peaceful co-existence. We pray for a return to peace in Israel. We pray for peace in the world. Amen, amen and amen.

Amen, Beverlee!
I am praying for all the needs mentioned here as well as for everyone and their unspoken prayer requests.
Thanking the Lord for answering our prayers for Doreen’s daughter. Our God is great!