Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Here at the southern end of the Dead Sea you can see how dry and difficult the land would be to inhabit or even cross. The Kings of Israel and Judah took this route in their campaign against Moab, and here God provided the miracle of water.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Kings 3:15
But now bring me a musician.
Lord God, I sing unto You “a new song.” I pray for Your Holy Spirit to fill me with the refreshing water of life. You said, Lord Jesus, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37). I’m doing that just now as I worship You. My spiritual thirst is being quenched. Thank You, Jesus!
This month we will celebrate mothers! I’ve been so very blessed by the music of the mother of my four children. In the churches I pastored, she played piano or organ and led choirs. I was reading my diary from January 2, 1963. Here’s some of what I read: “We measured the children and weighed them. Elaine, 3′ 5″ and 40 lbs – Ellen, 3′ and 30 lbs – Reynold 2′ 8″ and 29 lbs. Norma-Jean is 3 and 1/2 months pregnant and weighs ???” (I’m being careful here). I love you, mother of my children. X0 X0! Ron arrived on May 29th, 1963, in the Deep River hospital. Ann, the mother of Ron’s three children, also gave birth to their daughter Andrea on May 29th, 1986. Andrea is now married to Rev. Jason Patterson, has earned her PhD, and is a mother of two herself.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you who have biological or adopted children and all women who celebrate being spiritual mothers to many children!
Yours because of “MOTHERS,”
P.S. Here’s a link I found on You Tube to a beautiful rendition of “Sing Unto the Lord” by a lovely couple. I believe they are from India (click here). You may have to endure an automobile commercial before the song, but it’s worth waiting for.
Worship, praise, & thanksgiving, are so important and lead us into God’s Presence. So many groups don’t realize this. Our God is so worthy of our praise. He is amazing and nothing to impossible for Him. Love the music David included. I was working @ World Vision when David came to our office about the child sponsorships. He had a big smile on his face as he walked to his appointment with Cathy M. who headed up the childcare department. (So, so, long ago)! Blessings all.
Amen, Doreen.
I enjoyed David’s music that he suggested listening to.
I supported World Vision for a number of years.
Have a blessed day all.
Amen Doreen ❀ and Nan ✿.
Those flowers were not very colourful; here are some more for you girls. 🌸🌼🌷🌼
Got them, thank you.
We worship You Lord and sing with praise to Your Holy Name! What an awesome God we serve!There is nothing more precious than when we sing to Him in praise. Can you imagine when we are in heaven, singing His praises, fellow saints in the Lord? It will sound like a golden choir! Oh, what a glorious day that will be! His blessings upon you.
The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
Job 33:4 ESV
Don Moen – God Will Make A Way [with lyrics]
Amen Beverlee! Thank you and God bless!
Thank You, Lord, for this day, for Your Word, Your Spirit, and Your witness through Your people in this generation. Have Your way, Lord, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen Rob.
Amen to the prayers and blessings from all.
Thanks Beverlee for the beautiful song. I am so thankful that he will make a way for me.
God Bless You All.
You are all so encouraging to me.
I’m on the blog everyday!!!!