Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 16
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This is the entrance to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the hometown of King David. This is the oldest functioning church building in the world. It is believed to cover the stable/cave where Jesus was born.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Samuel 16:7b
For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
Lord Jesus, I ask that everyone I meet today will see You. You live in my heart. I am, according to Your Word, the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are looking on my heart. If You see anything that should not be there, please clean it out of me now and forever. May Your love, Your joy, and Your peace be seen by all those with whom I interact. In Your Name I pray, Amen!
When Norma-Jean gets up, I may suggest that we sing together “The Solid Rock.” While it’s true that we are joined as one flesh before God, I’ll still have to stand as an individual at the judgment of the believers. Getting up at 4 a.m. is not Norma-Jean’s calling from God. When we were first married, I asked her to get up and pray with me. That did not go over too well. She spends considerable time praying before she sleeps at night. Whereas I’m far too sleepy at night to do more than a brief, “See You in the morning Lord.” I’m asleep long before my wife finishes reading my blog for the day, the suggested Scriptures and praying. So I concluded that between the two of us, we cover more of the 24-hour clock this way! She’s a night person, and I’m a morning person. Fifty-nine years of marriage (this September), and we’re still deeply committed to each other (that’s true love!). It’s a miracle of God’s grace! Amen! As I’m typing this, she’s still sleeping soundly. I often remind Norma-Jean before I fall asleep that over and over God promises rest to the weary.
Yours for seeing our hearts as God sees our hearts,

The stained glass artwork at the exit of the Church of St. Catherine, which is attached to the Church of the Nativity, in Bethlehem. This newer church is where the Christmas Eve celebration takes place and is televised live worldwide. In a cave beneath this building, St. Jerome translated the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into what is known as the Latin Vulgate Version.
Grateful for today’s photos and captions. Said David’s prayer out loud; such a blessing. The light and love of our Lord be upon you, fellow saints. Wishing you a blessed day. Amen.
One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple. Psalm 27:4 ESV
O’ Lord w/ Lyrics (Lauren Daigle)
Dr. Charles Stanley’s podcast this morning; so good:
The first one I posted was Part 2.
This is Part 1, which will make you cry:
I have to leave this morning to get to my vaccination appointment. I asked the Lord to show me His Will in this – that if it rains this a.m. I should not go. It is very sunny, so I’m off. I will listen later in the day, Beverlee’s posting. Have a safe God Day all. It’s a long way for me to go & I’m not familiar with the area. Blessings
Amen…a blessed day for all bloggers
Out of abundance of Christian love, I just like to say, be careful when asking for confirmation signs, that you are really asking God for a sign, then waiting for the sign He chooses, rather than telling Him the sign you want, and then assuming when you get said sign it was from Him. Most signs in Scripture were given by God, He told us what the sign would be– yes, there is Gideon and the fleece, but that was the exception rather than the rule for signs.
God will confirm our choices when asked, but He wants to build our trust in Him, so at some point we either trust Him to work all things for good or we don’t. So what we decide isn’t as important as knowing the outcome, positive or negative will in God’s hands to work for good. But if in our human weakness we require some assurance, after exhausting all reasonable discernment methods, then asking for a sign can be useful.
However short circuiting all that discernment, to get to the quick answer, telling God what sign you want, and just assuming that He is the one giving it to you, and not the enemy who is listening to your prayers too– well that kind of sign seeking is basically just one level above basic human superstition.
And the reason I know this, is because I was that person, who relied on signs all the time and it took our Lord a very long time to break me of that childish habit of easy answers and blind faith, instead of seeking deep faith that was built on experience of knowing who God is, his heart and trusting that when everything around me falls apart. The Lord showed me I cannot control the outcome of any choices, all I can do is use my free will to make the loving choice
Not saying do not seek confirmation signs, just warning out of love, based on a very hard lesson I had to learn from our Lord, be careful on how you do it, why you do it and how much you are doing it.
May God bless you all.
That is very nice of you to share your views Donna but you just said something very judgmental to someone else who mentioned asking God for a sign. You said it was a childish habit of easy answers and blind faith, and that may not at all apply to the person who made the post. In fact, it doesn’t apply at all to her. It was just a statement she made–someone who has been through a great deal of loss of late and just needs to be reassured and lifted up, not criticized. It sounded very authoritative, though I am certain that is not at all what you meant to do when you made the post. May God bless you and keep you, Donna.
I knew when I posted my comment, this being a very tight knit little group who believe this blog belongs solely to them, that someone would think I was attacking one of their own, and attack me in return. But the Lord asked me to share those thoughts so I shared them, if you got issues with what I wrote then take it up with Him, not me, my conscience is clear.
It is just sad when one Christian tries to muzzle the voice of another, but I wrote those words for whoever God meant them for, if you are so spiritually arrogant to think those words are meant for Doreen, when they might not
have been, then you are far superior than me.
The Holy Spirit asked me to share that, I did and I am not responsible for you reading all sorts of things and motives into what I wrote or why, but I expected you would, so you are in God’s hands for correction, not mine.
I am not attacking you Donna. Your words sound vicious. So forgive me for saying anything to upset you. This blog is for everyone. Certain people post all the time, that is all. The point is that we read the Word of God, daily.
Amen Doreen. Spring was lovely here in Kingston, too. Lots of people out walking, chatting with neighbours, hearing the birds.
And prayer. Of course, it is important that we pray together and for one another. I never meant to judge you Donna. If there was a button to delete a comment that has already been posted, I would use it. 🙏
Sorry for causing controversy. I didn’t get the shot for another reason – they were overcrowded & there was no parking places left (even though I was given a time). People were lined up in cars. I have notified the Ontario.ca about the prob & they will get back to me. The birds 🦅 were singing so loudly today around here – Spring is truly here! Blessings on all.