Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 9-10
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This donkey is employed full-time in Petra, Jordan, helping to transport tourists over the difficult terrain.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Samuel 10:9
So it was, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day.
Lord God, how often I have been perplexed, frustrated in not finding what I think I’m looking for, when all along You had everything under Your guidance. I pray for a deeper understanding of Your overarching providence, and for a simpler faith in Your promise to “work all things after the counsel of Your will.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
I’ve just read all of Ephesians chapter one as my New Testament reading for today. What assurance! (click here).
Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day, and I’ve been thinking back on a Crossroads/100 Huntley Street outreach to Ireland called, “To Ireland With Love.” Violence was raging between ungodly Protestant and equally ungodly Roman Catholic factions, so we determined to send a team of Christians, RC’s and Protestants, to work with local groups of Christians who were fasting and praying for God to intervene. The churches were packed and hundreds came forward at the invitation to receive Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Not long after those days, the powers of hell were driven back and a time of tranquility and evangelism emerged.
I can’t remember why I was in Winnipeg back in 1976. I may have been “looking for donkeys,” but that was the occasion when I first met a local Jesuit priest. He had let it be known amongst the charismatic prayer meetings that he was to perform an exorcism and he wanted a Pentecostal Pastor to accompany him. I ended up being that Pastor. Before agreeing to accompany him, he gave me his testimony of personal salvation and I gave him mine. The Lord found a couple of donkeys, the priest and me, and that day, God delivered an immigrant man from Brazil, who had become deeply involved in voodooism.
Yours for God’s intervention while looking for donkeys,

A father and son tending their sheep and goats at Nazareth Village. This village, in modern-day Nazareth, is run by a Christian ministry and it depicts what life was like at the time of Jesus.
It’s great comfort knowing God is in charge, indeed. Enjoyed the clip of
Father Bob MacDougall. His blessings upon you, today, fellow saints in the Lord. A very wet damp and cold one here in Kingston. May His loving peace be with you.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4 ESV
King of Glory – Heartcry of David (Worship Song with Lyrics) beautiful!
Wonderful praise hymn. Thank you Beverlee. Great to see that God put a new heart into Saul. Hope for all who reach out to Jesus. He is the One we are to follow. Thankfully. No change in my close friend, Edna, in hospital. Such a sudden change in my days is ahead now. I will not be allowed to visit in hospital – not being a close relative. God has this covered though. Prayers for the family @ this time. Blessings all.
Father, thank You for Your care of all Your children!
“I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves me!
I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves even me!”
Bless each one; You know their needs; help each one cast their cares on You, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Prayers continue for all those who have expressed (and not expressed) the cries of their hearts on this Blog.
Prayers for a Man ( Colin) in Cochrane, AB. who was granted full custody of his two precious girls- Leo and Wyatt, last Friday. They have been missing since (probable abduction by other family members)……please Pray for their safe return. 🙏🏽
Amen to all the prayers. May God place a loving hand on Colin and help his through this time.
Amen to the praise song and pray the girls will be safely returned.
Agreeing with all prayers today, God is faithful and she will answer . Blessings everyone, Eleanor M.
Sorry He will answer!!!
I also enjoy joyed the video of Father of MacDougall. Another wonderful man of God not ashamed to tell his testimony.