Today’s Reading: 2 Corinthians 8
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Pella is an ancient Greek city located in the current Pella regional unit of Central Macedonia in Greece. It was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 8:9
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
Today’s reading is all about giving. Jesus instructed a young person who had abundance to sell what he had and give it away (Matthew 19:16-26) and (Luke 18:18-27). I know of two families who did just that. God made sure that they never lacked any necessity, and in fact they have blessed many others since that time. One of these was Charles and Esther Mully. They owned and operated a large trucking firm in Nairobi, Kenya, sold everything, gave it all to the Lord, and then opened the Mully Children’s Family, which Crossroads Missions supports. The other family is here in Canada, and they want to remain anonymous. Paul may have done this himself, as he was from a family of Jews who were also Roman citizens. For Roman citizenship they no doubt paid a large amount. Of course, he may have been disinherited when he confessed Jesus as Messiah and God. However, he does not ask the rest of us to give everything. He does, however, expect sacrificial giving of all who have received the riches of Christ.
Lord Jesus, You, most of all, gave everything to save me from sin and eternal loss. I pray for grace to give sacrificially. In Your giving Name I pray. Amen!
The 100 Huntley Street daily TV ministry had just begun when I received a letter from a lawyer telling me that a lady had left a sum of money in her will in support of the non-profit charity listed as Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. Shortly thereafter, the cheque arrived from the law firm. Then a letter from her son arrived. He was a tough union leader who objected and claimed that his mother had been manipulated in some way. I could never calculate the value of his soul in dollars, so I went to the treasurer who cut a cheque in the full amount of the bequest and sent it to the son. I started to pray fervently for him and about two years later, Crossroads received a cheque from him for double the amount of his mother’s bequest. He had started watching 100 Huntley Street, gave his life to Christ, and obviously repented of his actions towards his mom’s wishes. There are those who give in different ways. One comes to mind where a lady, who obviously wanted “treasure in heaven” (Matthew 6:19-21), made the payments on a life insurance policy for which Crossroads was the beneficiary. We heard from her lawyer after her passing into her eternal reward. I endorse fully Paul’s exhortation in 8:20-21: “Avoiding this: that anyone should blame us in this lavish gift which is administered by us – providing honourable things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.” Crossroads is audited annually by PriceWaterhouseCoopers and has an excellent report “in the sight of men.” Norma-Jean and I trust the Board of Directors and the management completely, and we are monthly givers. We support other worthy ministries as well.
Yours for giving!
Even more surprises. How blessed am I to be part of a prayer chain. I lift every single prayer request, knowing that our Father is fully aware of all our wants and needs and HE is a Father who hears and answers prayers in Yeshua’s Name I pray 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you Claudette for your prayers….I pray as well for all bloggers and their requests.
The Lord our God knows them all….I have unspoken ones and bring them into the throne room.
May your name Lord Jesus be glorified across the whole earth today.
Amen Anne.
Today’s scripture and message calls us to be generous in our giving to the church and to one another in prayer. Praying for everyone who needs God’s blessing. May you have a wonderful day in worship to our sovereign Lord. If you are unable to get out to church, may you be blessed by watching services online. Our God is an awesome God! Amen!
He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.
Psalm 25:9 ESV
50 Greatest Gospel Hymns of all Time
Amen Beverlee. Hope you are getting settled in.
Baby Jack is on his way. But he is taking his time. Please pray for him to be delivered soon. Like today. All is well with the momma and baby. She is exhausted although. But she is in good shape. Being her sweet self. Not wanting to bother anyone too much. Anyway I ask for your prayers. Thank you.
May God bless you all.
Praising God! Baby Jack arrived around 10 am. All is well. He weighed in at 7.7 pounds. Thank you God.
Thank you Lord for the safe arrival of Jack.
Pray for Blessings on this family.
I have a great grandson named Jack.
Thank you God!!!
Praise God and congratulations to you and your family, Nan!
Praise the Lord for Baby Jack’s safe arrival.
Amen to all the prayers above.
Thank You, Father, for new life. Bless Baby Jack and all his family.
Please, Lord, help all Your people to be good workers, trustworthy and diligent, and may You be glorified in each one’s work, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen, thank you Lord for the safe delivery of baby Jack May he grow up to know and serve You. Amen
Blessings to all on this The Lord’s Day.
Eleanor M.
Amen Eleanor M.
Thank you all for your prayers. They mean a lot.
So good to hear baby Jack arrived safely! Answer to prayer. I just spoke to Christiana and she said that Jacob was able to talk on the phone today so that’s a good sign. It’s not known if they will do further intervention @ this time or not. He needs 2 more stents apparently but no plans for them yet. God is good – thanks for your prayers. The 50 hymn songs a Wonderful, Beverley. Thanks. I walked around our large property listening to them this a.m. remembering all those great hymns. Blessings all.
Amen Doreen. Thank
Praise God for the safe arrival of Jack. There was a Jack born in this family last month as well. Blessings on all today. Love those old songs Beverlee. Thanks!
Thanking God for answering our prayers for baby Jack and Jacob. May Jack grow up to serve God wholeheartedly always and may Jacob’s condition continue to improve daily.
Congratulations Nan!
Thank you God that baby Jack was born & that Jacob is slowly coming along! I also pray for every person who visits & comments on this site.
I am asking for prayers for a good friend (Joy) who had a nervous breakdown 3 months ago & is still in hospital. I was not able to reach her & became concerned. I finally found her in hospital yesterday.
I also ask for prayers for myself as the Osteoporosis is worse than either my doctor or I ever thought.
I also have issues with walking worse than I was able to walk before I owned a walker. It is my left leg, mostly on the outside of the ankle.
Sorry for the long post today!
God bless you all!
We pray to our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, that Maria be given healing and the medical means to fight the arthritis and strengthen her left leg. Your will be done in her life, Lord God. Give her all she needs to overcome these difficulties. May she know how very much You love her, Lord. In Jesus’ precious Name, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen.✟ God bless you, Maria.
God heal all our bloggers In Jesus Name Amen.
God bless you Maria. I’m praying that God will minister to you. Sometimes He works through the medical doctors and other times He touches us in amazing ways. Praying that He will strengthen your body & help you with walking difficulties & give doctors wisdom, skill, & time to treat you. With the pandemic it can be difficult to get treatment that was available prior to Covid19. I hope you are able to get some exercise (even short walks if you can). We need to keep moving for overall health. Blessings upon you.