Today’s Reading: 2 Corinthians 4-5
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Ruins of ancient Corinth. These buildings were temporary. Paul wrote, “We have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.” 2 Corinthians 5:1
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 2 Corinthians 5:1, 17
For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
The tent-maker, Paul, calls our bodies “tents.” Our new dwelling is a “building…a house…a new creation.” He uses the present tense. Faith says that the new is already ours.
Seven times the word “therefore” is repeated. This word could be replaced by “as a result” or “the conclusion is that…” (1) “We do not lose heart.” (2) “We are renewed day by day.” (3) “We are always confident.” (4) “Our aim . . . to be well pleasing to Him.” (5) “Now we know Him.” (6) “All things have become new.” And (7) “We are ambassadors for Christ.”
Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian believers produced the desired result, a correction in their doctrines and in their practices. This second letter, we may be sure, also produced the desired results. A result is something brought about by a cause. Our reading today is producing in us strength, courage, confidence, inspiration, and a resolve to live to the fullest measure of our potential in Christ. AMEN!!!
Lord Jesus, You are the pure, holy, sinless Son Of God. Yet I read in 5:21 that You were made to be the very embodiment of sin itself for me. I’m overwhelmed by this truth. Enable me, I pray, to live the “new creation” life, which You have provided for me by taking my sin upon Yourself. Amen! Amen!
I noticed a Latin inscription in the picture below and wished I could find my old Latin textbook from 60 years ago to help me figure out what it says. Instead, I emailed my friend Dr. Paul Maier, Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, and asked him what it meant. He replied right away with the following…”The inscriptions are incomplete, hence the brackets in this attempt at translation: ‘Built by N.P. Caesar, [descendant of] the divine [emperor] Antoninus Pius [and] grandson of Minerva.‘” Dr. Maier explained that Antoninus Pius was Emperor of Rome from A.D. 138-161.
It’s interesting how many of the Roman Emperors claimed to be divine, or a god. Jesus said to Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). The Roman-appointed Jewish leaders said to the Roman Governor, “If you let this Man go, you are not Caesar’s friend” (John 19:12). I’ve just read from John 18:28 to John 19:22 (click here).
Yours for daily soaking in God’s Word,
Amazing, familiar, reading today. “It is finished”, Thank You, thanks You, Lord. As I mentioned last night, Jacob had developed complications during the day after his emergency open heart surgery. I ask for continued prayer coverage for him & for the family. His lungs had started to be filling & that is definitely not good. I pray that God will touch him mightily & will give the doctors direction as to their part (medication etc) & that it will be a witness to all of His healing power. In Jesus Name. Amen
We pray to you, our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, to cleanse Jacob’s lungs and bring full healing to his physical heart through the precious blood of Jesus. Give his body all he needs to overcome and be made whole. Bless his family by giving them hope and fill them all with the breath of the Holy Spirit that they may know you and give you praise. We love You Jesus and we are ever thankful for leaning on You in prayer. Amen.
Amen to your prayer Beverlee and
for Jacob’s complete recovery,
in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.
Amen Beverlee
God heal Jacob In Jesus Name Amen
Thank you, Beverlee. Happy to see that you are back. May God greatly bless & help you in your situation. In Jesus Name, Amen
Thank you Doreen. That is so sweet of you. God bless you.
Father, thank You. Bless and strengthen all Your people today, and help Jacob to know he is loved by You. Please heal him, we ask in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen to Beverlees and Robs prayers. God please heal Jacob so he will give you all the glory.
No baby grandson yet. Momma and baby doing fine. Prayers for baby Jacks safe delivery.
God bless all today.
Praying for a safe delivery for this gift from God. Father God, please give great blessings & joy to this family in the safe delivery. In Jesus Name. Amen
Thank you for your prayer Doreen. It means so much.
Amen to all the prayers for Jacob and his family and for Baby Jack and his family.
I have a prayer request for Tim from British Columbia.
He is in his 50’s and this was what I received on Wednesday “Tim has a tumor on his L1 vertebrae pressing on his spinal cord. It has grown rapidly and is causing damage to the nerves.
They are supposed to do surgery tomorrow, which should have been yesterday.
Last night I received this from his wife “Things changed a lot today. New plan. The thing is grapefruit size and a rare form of cancer. Dr. will go in on Monday to hopefully remove it all. It will be tricky and surgery expected to take 12 hours.
He has a vascular team, a plastic surgeon team and the rare tumor team.”
Please pray for him and for strength for his wife, also.
I am also still needing prayer for my financial issues.
God Bless each and everyone of you.
May God’s will be done. Prayers for both those concerned and prayers for Tim.
I am praising God because I feel that he has placed the best of the best in each of their area of expertise required, vascular, plastic surgeon and tumour to complete the procedures. I pray that each member of the medical team will work seamlessly with one another and rehearse through their minds the procedure and steps to take for any complications that may arise prior to surgery. I especially pray for this man and his family for peace that surpasses all understanding in the midst of the unknown. Let this be a time that all involved will marvel at the miracle working God that we serve.
Luisa, I continue to hold Joseph in prayer.
Please pray for good results from a recent CT scan and blood work that my son Sheldon had completed
God heal Tim and bless HJR In Jesus Name Amen
Agreeing with Teresa for Tim and HJR in prayer. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Good news! Jacob was alert today and smiled. A picture of the smile was sent to my friend, Christiana. He’s not out of the woods yet but it seems to be a good sign. His wife will find out more as soon as the Dr speaks with her. He’s sedated now, of course. Thanks folks. I believe he will come through this well. Praying that all will realize that God’s hand was in this. Praying for Tim at this time as well. Father God, in Jesus Name, touch Tim with Your healing hand & bring him through this to Your Glory. Amen & Amen
Agreeing with all the heartfelt prayers today. God has already been at work for all of these requests. We leave them all in His hands.
God’s Blessings to each and everyone.
Eleanor M.
Joining all saints in continued prayer for Jacob and for Tim for his surgery tomorrow. How we need the Lord for these special times and also from day to day as we live out our lives. May they each have a testimony that this sickness was not unto death but that the glory and goodness of God to be revealed. Read yesterday’s and today’s scripture in The Passion Translation and it was so much clearer to understand and was blessed.
Praying for every one on this blog that our Heavenly Father
would answer all their prayers & meet all their needs,
in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Amen Joyce.