Thursday, February 25, 2021


Today’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 10

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Looking to the north-east you can see Lykavittos Hill and Athens' urban sprawl viewed from the Acropolis in Athens. When Paul writes, "That Rock was Christ," (10:4b) he may have been thinking of one of the great rocks in the area.

Looking to the northeast you can see Lykavittos Hill and Athens’ urban sprawl viewed from the Acropolis in Athens. When Paul writes, “That Rock was Christ,” (10:4b) he may have been thinking of one of the great rocks in the area.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:4

…and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.


The word “all” stands out in our reading because it is repeated 10 times. Partaking of Christ is an “all” encompassing life. There is no area of our lives not impacted by Christ. In our readings in Genesis through Judges, we were given examples of how to live and how not to live. Examples are useless unless we learn from them. Here we learn the following: First, Christ our Rock was stricken for our spiritual drink. Go ahead and drink! Second, we learn not to lust after evil. Third, we are to control our tongues…no murmuring. Fourth, God will not force us to take the escape route He provides when we are tempted. Fifth, God wants to be in every detail of our lives. Sixth, we must do “all” to the glory of God. Seventh, give no offense (don’t offend people). Why? Here’s the bottom line: The result of the totality of our lives is, “That they may be saved” (verse 33). We need to ask ourselves the question…”How are we involved in saving precious people who are lost outside of Christ?”


Dear God, by Your grace given to me, enable me to live so passionately for You that my very life will be an example of Christ, so that my words, those things to which I give my time and my money, will be effective in seeing people saved. Amen!


I remember my preacher Dad saying, “They wobble in and wobble out, and leave the people all in doubt.” I don’t remember the occasion. He may have been referring to a politician or perhaps a preacher who spoke moral concepts without the power and authority of God’s Word to prove that he spoke God’s true message. Preparing this blog each morning is leading me more deeply into the mind of God as He expresses His thoughts through the Prophets, the historical record, and in particular, the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.

As a child, I was very impressed by the effort my parents made in order not to give offense to others (10:32). In preparation for the Sunday, any chores had to be completed by bedtime on Saturday night. My job was to clean the little stems out of the beans which would be baked for Sunday dinner. I also churned butter, brought in firewood, etc. I knew that our entire community, with very few exceptions, attempted to keep the Lord’s day exclusively for worship, listening to the Preacher’s sermons, reading church publications, and perhaps going for a walk in the woods. Things have changed but the principles have not. My Dad prayed every day in family prayers, “O Lord, may the smile of Your approval be upon our lives.”

Yours for living to the Glory of God!


P.S. Have you ever sent my blog to a friend? I don’t know how to do this, but I’m told it’s done by a couple of clicks (my son says you can cut and paste the “” web address from your web browser into an email or onto Facebook). The next generations make it look so easy, and I sometimes feel that I’m still in the horse and buggy era. Ha! But I’m enjoying life right where I am!

Looking toward the south-west from the Acropolis in Athens, you can see the Odeon of Herodes Atticus amphitheater that was built on the south slope in 161 AD. In the distance you can also see the Philopappos Hill.

Looking toward the south-west from the Acropolis in Athens, you can see the Odeon of Herodes Atticus amphitheater that was built on the south slope in 161 AD. In the distance you can also see the Philopappos Hill.

12 thoughts on “Thursday, February 25, 2021

  1. To David’s comment:” Have you ever sent my blog to a friend? I don’t know how to do this, but I’m told it’s done by a couple of clicks (my son says you can cut and paste the “” web address from your web browser into an email or onto Facebook). The next generations make it look so easy, and I sometimes feel that I’m still in the horse and buggy era. Ha! But I’m enjoying life right where I am!”
    – I have been posting the Link for 2/3 years at least almost every single day on my facebook page, with suitable introduction and amended photo of David. It’s worth doing.

  2. Amen to today’s scripture, David’s message, and prayer. “O Lord, may the smile of Your approval be upon our lives.” Sometimes it is so hard to live up to that. I pray for God’s forgiveness continually and seek his will in my life. May the Lord’s blessings be upon you all, fellow saints in the Lord. Holding Joseph, you and your family, in my heart, this morning, Luisa.

    It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. Lamentations 3:22-24 KJV

    Mighty to Save, Hillsong with lyrics

  3. Praying David’s prayer along with you Beverlee..”O Lord, may the smile of your approval be upon us today.”

    “Jesus conquered the grave”…Beautiful music, thank you for posting!
    It just lifted my spirits and sent discouragement fleeing!!!

  4. Great song full of true accolades! Blessings all. Claiming the words of that song, in Jesus Name. I sure need prayer today. Struggling with the last Income Tax for my sister who went to be with her Lord in September 2020. Haven’t received T4s, etc. Contacting Revenue Canada is so time consuming/frustrating. Have had incredible difficulty with them ( received a cheque in small envelope with no explanation at all…I could go on & on. Please Lord, in Jesus Name, open the right doors & help me to do this closure. Blessing all our bloggers & their families. Thank You Lord. Amen

    • I was just on the phone for 45 minutes getting my missing T4 sorted out and printed. Praying for you, Doreen. Lord God, bring an army of angels to help Doreen get this done. In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.

  5. My daughter in Alberta had the 2nd vaccination of Moderna yesterday & it made her very ill. She’s an RN in the cardiac ward so was vaccinated early for the sake of patients. Vomiting, head & body pain, plus other symptoms. I’m a bit concerned now about getting the shot. We are supposed to register for middle of March. I’m asking the Lord to guide me in this decision. Has any blogger had this experience @ all or know of success of some? Lori-Anne said some staff also had similar issues. It’s hard when you live alone. Jesus never leaves us ….Father give me guidance. Amen

    • Hello Luisa,

      I have difficulties with my internet when there is bad weather and we are having a heavy snow fall today. Not allowing me to post my email in the comments so my email is my first and last name @

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