Today’s Reading: Romans 16
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Here is an interior view of the ancient Colosseum in Rome. A partial floor has been built at the far end. You can see in the middle the corridors and rooms that once were under the Colosseum floor. The floor in ancient times was covered in sand to absorb the blood. Also, animals and gladiators were held under the Colosseum floor, awaiting their turn to kill or fight to the death.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 16:16
Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.
Our reading today should be a great encouragement to all of us who serve the Lord in any capacity, particularly to those who work behind the scenes and receive little attention. Be assured that God pays attention, and so do wise leaders like Paul. This letter to the believers in Rome was written from Corinth where Paul’s partners in ministry and in tentmaking were Aquila and Priscilla. Do you remember them from the book of Acts? They, along with Phoebe, probably carried Paul’s letter to Rome, and then served as missionaries to Rome. Phoebe’s work was key to soul winning in Rome. She had been entrusted with social service among needy people. Paul knew she would need the help of others to accomplish the call of God on her life. We all need help. The “holy kiss” speaks of genuine affection one for another. Only as all of us serve God and each other will the cause of Christ flourish. The book of Joshua, which we begin tomorrow, God willing, will continue to emphasize the need to work together.
Lord Jesus, thank You for Mary, who is mentioned in verse six. She laboured much for Paul and the team. This Mary is a VIP to You, Lord. Please help me to labour much to serve also. Please guide me to those You want me to serve. In Your Name I pray. Amen!
The summer I turned 20, with the help of others, I initiated a series of tent meetings in the village of Chalk River, Ontario. That led to planting a Church in a local hall. I had not yet met my beloved Norma-Jean, and I was working on my theological studies by correspondence. My Dad gave me back-issues of the Nazarene “Preacher’s Magazine,” and from it I learned how to construct my sermons. I lived in one room built on the side of the house where the Leach family lived. I thank them for their kindness to me. I was eating my own cooking from Monday to Saturday, and the Stan Thomas family took me to their home every Sunday for dinner. That lasted until I went back to college in Peterborough a year later. Mrs. Thomas, Doreen, was what we called a “war bride.” She met and married Stan in England during WW2. What a great cook! These are two families I think of when I read Romans 16. Thank You to everyone who has helped me through the years. Syd, who gave the first $300.00 to start us on TV in 1962, and Sharon, the teenager who made the first pledge of $5.00 per month to support the TV outreach. God has recorded the names of all others who have served as Partners of the ministry. If I could, and if it was appropriate, I’d greet you all with a “holy kiss.” I’ll try to greet each one when we meet in Heaven, if not down here.
Yours with deep gratitude for your partnership in ministry,

In 1863, Jean-Leon Gerome painted this depiction of the ancient Roman Colosseum, entitled, “The Christian Martyrs’ Last Prayer”.
P.S. I don’t have a video attachment for today, but this painting is worth 1,000 words. Behind the hungry lion, a tiger is about to emerge from beneath the floor of the Colosseum. This scene speaks volumes to me about my commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ.
A few days ago,George Foreman Quoted this to David when he greeted him with a kiss on the cheek;”Greet one another with a holy kiss.”That is not possible under present circumstances but we could blow a kiss perhaps.
This scripture also shows approval and blessings on women preachers!
Those wild beasts could not eat all of those Christians at once.There are more behind the Tiger ,no doubt.What a terrifying experience for those victims waiting their turn.Truly that was Satan’s playground.
Keep safe from Covid and stay home.May God bless
Amen God Bless You
What horrible methods of death men designed. The cross being another. I watched “A Word for Today” on DayStar last night. It showed the Chinese pictograph writings from early civilization. Very amazing. They had Bible teaching in their early language by pictures. So much surprising information. Have a safe and Wonderful day all. Amen
God bless you Anne; I will take a break from posting, though. Thanks for the update about Mike. HJR. I will forward a card to him at Ave Maria.
Miss You!!!
Love You
God Bless
Amen to the prayers, and thanks Beverlee for your prayers for Mike and the card will be a blessing to Mike and his family. I sincerely hope your break from posting won’t be long, you always post such uplifting links which really bless us all.
May God continue to bless you and keep you healthy and safe.
BlessingS, Love, Peace , Prayers and Harmony, to all in The Body, IN JESUS, our LORD✝️
Yes hurry back Beverlee, we need your encouraging prayers. I prayed David’s prayer today, this fiits in with our church sermon this morning.
God ‘s blessings on each and everyone. Thinking of Irene and wondering why we haven’t heard from her. I pray that whatever the problem is, God has it in control as she loves Him so. 🙏🙏
Thank you, Beverlee Kay, for your message this morning. Your prayers and contributions are gifts to all of us. I apologize for pushing you or anyone else anywhere but closer to Christ.
Dear Lord God, forgive me for putting myself and my own ways before You and Yours. Help me and all Your people build our lives with You at the centre. Please bless all Your people wherever they may be. Thank You for David Mainse, 100 Huntley St, and all the Mainse family who keep on working for You. Help all Your people draw close to You and to others.
“Now all glory to God, who is able to make you strong, just as my Good News says. This message about Jesus Christ has revealed his plan for you Gentiles, a plan kept secret from the beginning of time. But now as the prophets foretold and as the eternal God has commanded, this message is made known to all Gentiles everywhere, so that they too might believe and obey him. All glory to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen.”
May God bless all bloggers… you are all such special people and each one brings their unique perspective!
I grew up in a family of 10 children, as brothers and sisters we sure did disagree at times… but we also had love and loyalty and compassion for each other!
That’s how I think of you all… with affection and loyalty, in a sense we are family!!
Sometimes I get irritated or disagree but that’s ok… because our Heavenly Father is in charge and teaching and maturing us all!
Yes we are all brother and sister In the Lord.
One day we will meet and hug each other.
Love all my bloggers.
Yes, may the Lord bless all bloggers and I was glad to see you on here Beverlee. We all have been blessed by your prayers and encouraging words. Glad you are returning as we all need each other and so much more so in these times. David’s message ministered to me as well. Interesting that I have a Doreen Thomas in my life who is a good Christian. Glad Mike is continuing to improve.
Yes I’m blessed by your prayers and encouraging word.