Thursday, January 7, 2021


Today’s Reading: Romans 4

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The distant dome is St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. St. Peter’s draws pilgrims from all over the world. Few are disappointed when they enter the intricately decorated basilica beneath Michelangelo’s vast dome (an interior photo is below). A memorial structure was erected on the site of St. Peter’s tomb in the 2nd century, and the first great basilica, ordered by the Emperor Constantine, was completed around AD 349. In the early 1500’s, the German monk Tetzel was raising money to build the present St. Peter’s Basilica by promising salvation by works (money actually), and the reaction to his teaching, which was so contrary to the book of Romans, was a major thrust towards reformation.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Romans 4:20-21

He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.


Romans gives us so much excellent teaching that it is impossible to cover it properly in this blog. However, it might be good to review the first four chapters. Notice that the words “circumcision” and “uncircumcision” are repeated 17 times. They indicate that Paul is addressing both Jews and Gentiles. Key words, such as righteousness, faith, law, all, and sin appear at least 60 times in Romans. Abraham provides the great example of righteousness apart from his works, and apart from the keeping of the Law, which was not given until 500 years later. He is known as the father of righteousness by faith for both the Jew and the non-Jew. Faith is simply believing that God tells the truth. God promised a child to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham believed that God spoke the truth. Isaac was eventually born! Abraham’s faith was stronger than the physical fact of their old age. Abraham’s faith was stronger than the confusion and fear he must have had when God told him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. That faith was not based on Abraham himself, but on the fact that God cannot lie. God keeps His Word. Amen!


Lord God, I pray for the same gift of faith You gave Abraham. May I always take You at Your Word and act upon it. May I not stumble in unbelief but, having heard from You, may I simply obey You. In the Name of the One who always obeyed His Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!


I studied Romans under the teaching of Dr. Charles Ratz. His book on Romans is a classic. Before this blog is posted, I’ll check to see if it’s available for sale online (click here). There are other thorough study guides in Romans which are excellent. I recommend additional resources, like the following online Bible study tools (note the various commentaries at the end of each chapter of Romans…click here).

Jesus, in His humanity, was Jewish. You’ll remember that Jesus was circumcised when He was eight days old (Luke 2:21). The late Dr. Nelles Silverthorne, a research pediatrician at Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto, was often a guest on the 100 Huntley Street telecast. He declared that the blood coagulation properties were greater at eight days old than at any time before or after. He said that God’s instructions to His Jewish people were medically accurate. This man of faith raised the first oxygen tent, gave the first civiliian injection of penicillin and, among other firsts, developed the vaccine used around the world for whooping cough. Most of all, he gave a crystal clear testimony to his faith in Jesus Christ.

Yours for the righteousness which is by faith,


Here is an interior view of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.


14 thoughts on “Thursday, January 7, 2021

  1. Thank You, Lord, that no matter how things crumble and shake in this temporal world, Your Word is unshakeable. You are the Eternal One and Your Word is sure forever. Thank You for being a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. Help all Your people today, Lord, in whatever circumstances they are in. Give them strength, faith, even joy in Your Presence. Help the unsaved hear Your Word and turn to You. And help our leaders to make good and just decisions; bring Godly advisors to those in positions of authority, so Your will is done on Earth as in Heaven. In Jesus’s great name, amen

  2. Here is to righteousness of faith. Amen! Praying David’s prayer, this morning. Thank you God, for being with all in Washington DC, USA. Congress has confirmed Biden as the next President, and we pray for an end to the madness of outgoing leadership and the violence he encouraged. Such a sad, sad time in the world but we can be lifted up because we know Christ is with us and is forgiving of our sins. Wishing His protection, blessings and peace upon you all, fellow saints in the Lord. Amen.

    The Joy of Forgiveness
    Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
    Whose sin is covered.
    Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity,
    And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
    Psalm 32:1-2 NIV

    Come, Lord Jesus [Official Lyric Video]

  3. Amen Rob. I continue to pray for peace in the USA and their government and for strength for all their believers and that their constitution continue to help them as a nation under God. The ending of a prayer with Amen & Awoman, concerns me.

    I ask also for prayer for myself as I am dealing with an estate. I know the Lord is there every step of the way, but every call from the Lawyer is always unsettling for me.
    Please pray for me as I work my way through this estate and for my guidance from above.

  4. Amen to your prayers Rob and Beverlee. I wept when I watched what was happening in our closest neighbour and ally US yesterday. May God bring peace and righteousness to that land. Prayers for your situation HJR that things will be settled peacefully and right. Amen.

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