Friday, October 16, 2020


Today’s Reading: Leviticus 26

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


In Egypt, hieroglyphics can be found on many pillars and walls, telling the history of the ancient Egyptians and of the gods they worshipped.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Leviticus 26:45

But for their sake I will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the Lord.


Today’s reading is exhilarating for the obedient believer, but it should strike fear into the hearts of the disobedient. In our two-year journey through the Bible, we will shortly come to the book of Judges, and the books of 1 & 2 Kings. Over and over, the truth of this 26th chapter of Leviticus is proven. Repent, call upon the Lord, obey, and we are blessed. Rebel, turn away from God in disobedience, and we lose out in every area of life. Paul quotes from Leviticus 26:12 in 2 Corinthians 6:16. Read a New Testament lesson which confirms the eternal truth of God’s Word (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). Yes, God remembers His first covenant with Israel, and He remembers His New Covenant with believers in Jesus. The old hymn says, “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” Check out all the words of this hymn here.


Lord God, You’ve laid it out so clearly. When I obey You, I am blessed, and when I disobey, I remove myself away from Your protection. It’s not Your fault Lord; it’s my fault. Please grant me the grace of obedience, I pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Pattie Mallette is the mother of the extremely popular singer, Justin Bieber. As a teen, Pattie ended up in a hospital in Stratford, Ontario, following a failed suicide attempt. There she was visited often by a local pastor, and one day he brought her a rose, telling her, “God sees you beautiful like this rose.” It was exactly what she needed to hear. Her life was turned around. Later, this teen turned back briefly to the old life, became pregnant with Justin, and then returned permanently to the Lord in repentance and faith. Pattie has testified several times on the 100 Huntley Street telecast (here is a link to her most recent interview – note that it’s in two parts).

Yours to encourage us all to “Trust and Obey,”


24 thoughts on “Friday, October 16, 2020

  1. Great link to Pattie’s testimony. Praying for all saints, this morning, who need to be uplifted and strengthened through the Spirit of our Living God. His blessings of love peace and joy be upon you. Thank you for your continued prayers for me as I step forward in the faith. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen.

    “The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!” Psalm 50:23 ESV

    Here Be Lions ~ We’re Singing Holy (Lyrics)

  2. Doreen I read you did not feel well yesterday. Although one should always check with a doctor about any symptoms to rule out any physical cause I want you to know grief can be felt with the body and not just the heart.

    After my mother passed away four years ago I had grief therapy for three years and I learned a lot about it during that time. Grief is far more involved than feeling sad for a while after someone passes away. Grief affects our bodies and our minds– physical symptoms can include but not limited to stomach problems, blood pressure changes, chest pains, etc. Mind, includes things like fog brain, where you have a hard time concentrating, remembering things can be difficult, inability to make a simple decisions. Grief can cause sleep problems, either sleeping too much or not enough. It can increase or decrease appetite, so you either gain weight or lose it. And the one fact I never knew about grief, was that is cumulative, which means each loss you felt is felt again with each new loss.

    The reason I am sharing this is two fold. First, as believers, although we have assurance of being reunited with those we loved who are with the Lord, this does not gives us immunity to the affects of grief. It is important to truly understand what grief is and how it works, for the more understanding one has the less chance the enemy can use it against us.
    The second reason is because often those who took care of someone long term, like I did with my mother, and you did with your sister, we grieve losing our purpose caring for them gave us. Caring for a loved one, although difficult at times, is very meaningful and losing it is a bit like losing a part of yourself. So you might be grieving that loss too, finding feeling a bit lost with what to do with the time you used to spend taking care of your sister. I know I did, and many people in my grief support group felt the same way, whether it was taking care of
    a spouse, or parent or child– when the care taking role ended, there was grief over losing that role.

    Lastly experiencing grief during a pandemic is even more challenging because all the ways of processing grief in a compassion way is limited. Hugs, face to face talks with a good friends who will listen, attending a grief support group, which did wonders for me– going out and being social, engaging in charitable works– all these are limited or changed during a pandemic, but there are tons of info and resources on line about grief, if you want to learn more about it or need extra support coping with it.

    So please remember all this, take it to prayer, asked the Lord is this grief or something else? If it is grief, it will take time, for grief comes and goes, like waves. At first the waves a huge and powerful, but over time becoming softer and more gentle, but will never really stop– but that is not a bad thing, grief is evidence of love– even our Lord grieves, and I found my grief helped me understand His grieving heart for more than anything else ever did and made us closer

    You are in my prayers, and I ask the Lord to give you a spiritual hug for me. I apologize for the long post, I know most people do not like them, but sometimes something needs a bit more words than can fit in a tweet.

    • Amen Donna M. Very helpful words for all of us as we grieve our loved ones.
      I hope this will help dear Donna in her time of need. I will continue to pray for her.
      Blessings to all Eleanor M.

    • Thank you so much Donna… I can so relate to what you have written so well.
      After my spouse who had not been well for several years passed away I felt so empty, I had no purpose left, at least that is how I felt and it made me panic at times!
      Thank God that he is faithful and so loving and kind….little by little I learned to live again with God as my wonderful companion, helper, advisor and friend!
      This took time and your so right..grief is like huge waves that come and go…now almost ten years later there is still a small empty spot in my heart, but… life is good with my Heavenly Father at my side!

      I read a little quote by author and pastor Gary Thomas in his book…When To Walk Away….”life is learning to life with loss”

      Thank you Donna for your insight and for sharing it!

  3. Father, we need You so. As David prayed so many times, give us the grace to listen to You and obey. Without You, we’re lost, but with You, we have everything! May Your will be done in all Your world today, in Jesus’s great name, amen

  4. Thank you Donna M. A lot of what you stated is what I ‘m facing. I think it might be difficult to find a Greif Group at this time but I will look into it & online. So very tired & weak at the moment. Thank you.

  5. Amen,Donna.Very,very well written.The reason for my faith is that right after I surrendered to the Lord,I was very reluctantly led to ‘a’ grieving site,something I did not know existed.There was an growing,overpowering force (like trying to refuse a simple favour to the one you loved best and owed everything to.) when a gave in to this ‘urging force’ and posted a couple poems then Barbara made me,a male,a member of Grieving,the background is important because these poems came ‘through me’ not from me.Most were written in about 10 min,like taking dictation.I will place a few here that I hope will help.By-the-way I hope you realize that the separation (therein lies the grief) is only temporary.Your sister is young and healthy so be happy (maybe jealous too) for her.It is the only death she will know.Hugs and blessings
    Rules For Grieving

    There are no rules for grieving,
    For it’s a fight against believing
    In God and in yourself also,
    Sapping your will,it won’t let go.

    It is a fight for heart and soul,
    To take back what Satan stole,
    For he will confuse with no shame;
    Placing guilt is part of his game.

    Like a virus in a computer,
    You can isolate but not neuter,
    So you must now learn to ignore
    The voice of grief’s waging war.

    Grief must be moved far to one side
    For you can’t kill it but only hide,
    It’s a bronco to be tamed and tied;
    Never ridden but always denied.

    I have felt the tears God has shed
    For His loving Son as He bled,
    But these tears are also for you,
    As is His hand to help you through.
    GW(Bill) Marshall/2012
    A Secret
    (4 GM)
    If I reveal a secret to you
    Will you hold it in your heart,
    If I tell what is sure and true;
    Our souls will never be apart.

    In a dream it came to me,
    But it also seemed so real,
    As I stood and could see,
    But dared not reach to feel.

    I got down on bended knee,
    Your smile was just so clear,
    But as I formed words to plea,
    I knew I couldn’t hold you near.

    Then a voice so rich in love,
    Assured me you would wait,
    And there’s a place high above
    For every child through His gate.
    G W (Bill) Marshall/Oct 8,2012

    It became expedient to attach notes to some poems.
    These notes were attached back then.Any glory is
    not mine !

    [This is the one where I tried
    to type the angle ‘ I ‘ wanted but
    the words would stop coming. When
    I went with what I felt,the words
    would resume flowing.It’s so very
    humbling when I realize what that means ! ]
    Remove The Pain (4 Grieving Mothers)

    I do not know me any more,
    Nor where I am going to,
    For I search for an open door
    And a hand to help me through.

    Nothing seems to matter now
    For pain is my constant kin,
    And if I could figure out how,
    I’d reclaim what was taken.

    The world thinks time heals,
    But has never been down here,
    Nor known how Satan steals,
    And leaves you trapped in fear.

    I speak for those that can not,
    For sorrow entraps their hearts;
    So know that we all have fought
    The vile demon death imparts.

    I now speak for I have risen
    And broke the hold of sorrow,
    But freedom from this prison,
    May vanish on the morrow.

    We all have walked through hell
    And been burned by the flames,
    But through prayers I can tell,
    These demons have no names.

    They’ve stolen our soul’s crowns,
    To leave only our grieving frowns,
    For sorrow has it’s ups and downs,
    And Hades knows not any bounds.

    So if someone has lost a child,
    Know that one so badly defiled
    Is in a world gone horribly wild,
    Drowned by sins dark waters riled.

    His Other Hand

    Do not linger in your sorrow,
    For your grief just brings fear,
    I want for you a happy tomorrow,
    For our hearts are always near.

    Keep always looking to the sky,
    For in it’s beauty truth is found
    And like me,truth does not die,
    While in truth can love expound.

    Take hold of His outstretched hand,
    Keep Him as close as I would be,
    For what you fail to understand,
    Is His other hand is holding me.
    G W (Bill) Marshall / Dec 3,2012

    If you have been blessed enough,
    Then have endless patience for
    Our tortured souls atop the bluff,
    That need your love ever more.

    We can not possibly ever forget
    The loss that our tragedy begot,
    Nor will time and love ever offset
    A life that seems all for naught.

    If you want us ever to smile again,
    Then bring our children all back,
    For only that can remove the pain
    And restore the joy we all lack.
    G W (Bill) Marshall /Sept03, 2012
    The Holy Spirit is very real.Without
    Him lifting me,I could not go into the
    grieving sites yet I do/did.He also lets
    me feel His love for the bereaved
    but that also is more powerful than
    mortals can handle so he knows just
    how much grief or love I can manage.
    It has happened too many times to
    have the slightest doubt.If you don’t
    believe you are cheating yourself.
    God bless
    Faith will defeat sorrow.Amen

  6. Oops,I somehow inserted a poem (They are actually messages) in the middle of another.Here is the interrupted poem/message again.My apologies.(Mom didn’t call me ‘Sonny’ because I was bright,lol.)
    . [This is the one where I tried
    to type the angle ‘ I ‘ wanted but
    the words would stop coming. When
    I went with what I felt,the words
    would resume flowing.It’s so very
    humbling when I realize what that means ! ]
    Remove The Pain (4 Grieving Mothers)

    I do not know me any more,
    Nor where I am going to,
    For I search for an open door
    And a hand to help me through.

    Nothing seems to matter now
    For pain is my constant kin,
    And if I could figure out how,
    I’d reclaim what was taken.

    The world thinks time heals,
    But has never been down here,
    Nor known how Satan steals,
    And leaves you trapped in fear.

    I speak for those that can not,
    For sorrow entraps their hearts;
    So know that we all have fought
    The vile demon death imparts.

    I now speak for I have risen
    And broke the hold of sorrow,
    But freedom from this prison,
    May vanish on the morrow.

    We all have walked through hell
    And been burned by the flames,
    But through prayers I can tell,
    These demons have no names.

    They’ve stolen our soul’s crowns,
    To leave only our grieving frowns,
    For sorrow has it’s ups and downs,
    And Hades knows not any bounds.

    So if someone has lost a child,
    Know that one so badly defiled
    Is in a world gone horribly wild,
    Drowned by sins dark waters riled.

    If you have been blessed enough,
    Then have endless patience for
    Our tortured souls atop the bluff,
    That need your love ever more.

    We can not possibly ever forget
    The loss that our tragedy begot,
    Nor will time and love ever offset
    A life that seems all for naught.

    If you want us ever to smile again,
    Then bring our children all back,
    For only that can remove the pain
    And restore the joy we all lack.
    G W (Bill) Marshall /Sept03, 2012
    The Holy Spirit is very real.Without
    Him lifting me,I could not go into the
    grieving sites yet I do/did.He also lets
    me feel His love for the bereaved
    but that also is more powerful than
    mortals can handle so he knows just
    how much grief or love I can manage.
    It has happened too many times to
    have the slightest doubt.If you don’t
    believe you are cheating yourself.
    God bless

  7. Thank you Donna M for your informative and heart-felt post on grieving. You have presented with such clarity and honesty; I pray that your words will bring understanding and peace to many hearts this day and in the future.
    I have been following David’s blog for some time now but my first time to post.
    I deeply appreciate Ron & Ann’s daily dedication to this important and timely ministry. I also have been greatly encouraged by all who participate. Thank you for your insightful posts, Prayers and poems which encourage us and bring comfort. May God bless each and every one of you!

  8. Thank you Donna for your posting on the subject of grief it was very helpful not to mention informative you see I lost my best friend Pat 10 months ago and I’m still not over her passing yes I know she’s with the Lord and I will see her again but but getting over her death and passing is still very difficult so I would ask could you please pray for me 🙏 thank you very much and God bless you all.

  9. Thank you Donna M for the very informative post. Thank you for taking the time to post all those details. I’m sure most of us, (if not all) were able to learn something from it.

    Wishing everyone a blessed day!

  10. Prayers for you Marilyn in the loss of your dear friend. Grief does change a person and in a sense we never get over it. One of my great losses was my dear Mother whom I cared for in her home for fourteen and a half years. Also thank you Teresa for your prayers. God bless all you dear saints.

  11. Yes Thank You Donna for the grief information.
    I lost my brother Dec.
    Prayers for all my Blog Friends.
    May God Bless Us All In Jesus Name Amen!!!!

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