Today’s Reading: Luke 12
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Wild flowers grow on the wall of David’s Citadel. This structure is part of the Old City walls of Jerusalem and is surrounded by what used to be a moat and angled walls. Built to strengthen a strategically weak point in the Old City’s defences, the citadel that stands today was constructed during the 2nd century BC and subsequently destroyed and rebuilt by, in succession, the Christian, Muslim, Mamluk, and Ottoman conquerors of Jerusalem. It contains important archaeological finds dating back 2,700 years, and is a popular venue for benefit events, craft shows, concerts, and sound-and-light performances.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verses: Luke 12:8 & 12:27
Also I say to you, whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God….Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Consider the lilies and confess Jesus. We should take the time to smell the roses. When we do, our delight in living will be obvious and infectious. With that joy manifested to others, our communication of Jesus will also be infectious. The saying is, “Better caught than taught”…the teaching will come later (hopefully you’ve encouraged others to check out this blog ). What a chapter this is! I’ve just read it twice. In today’s reading there are only three verses completely in black. There are 56 verses in red print, the words of Jesus. Just imagine, Jesus confessing our names, and then an angel writing them in the Book of Life (Luke 10:20).
Lord, You are so very good. Forgive me for those times when I have selfishly kept You to myself, not sharing You with others. Please fill me so full of Your goodness that when I open my heart and wear it on the outside, I cannot hold back Your love for others. Your goodness and Your Word will flow out of me. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!
It was March, 1978, when Reynold and Ron and I back-packed around Israel. At other times of year, most of the hills resemble a desert because of the lack of rain. However, we experienced little flowers everywhere. Just a little water and the flowers jump from the ground. We sat in the midst of the flowers on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho. What a glorious fragrance! We did as Jesus told us to “consider the lilies.” Also, as I’ve pointed out over the past few days, consider the reliability and historical accuracy of Scripture. We have in the Mishna, the minutes of the Jewish Sanhedrin, the arrest notice for Jesus, but no where is there a denial of the facts of His miraculous deeds. It is as historian Dr. Luke recorded it!!! “TRUTH!!!”
Yours for sharing joyously the best news ever,
P.S. Today is Norma-Jean and my wedding anniversary, and below is a photo from our wedding on September 19th, 1958. God had a great idea. One man and one woman together as long as we both shall live!
Thought provoking message. We know not the hour of His return. So many things are looking like signs of His return. This lock down time gives opportunity to view the wild flowers 🌸 and I’ve been doing that on my walks. Amazing creations. My husband & I were also married in September 1958. He Is also in Heaven now. Looking forward to the day we will hear the trumpet and see the Lord coming!! May the world be ready. Amen
Me too Doreen, thanks for sharing
I always think of D Day,1945.The Germans were confused with oodles of false information but the Underground was prepared and warned with coded messages.The Germans thought that the actual landings were just a diversion until it was too late.When Jesus comes (there will be many falsely claiming to be Him) there will be no doubt.We must be ready and perhaps guide many who are still in darkness.
Praying Beverlee is doing well.I hope Norma Jean can still find some joy today.Big hugs for her and many thanks.God bless
Softly,tenderly we fell in love,
You were the answer I sought,
Then a call from God above
Took you and the joy you brought.
Now in sorrow’s web of pain
As I sort through the days I’m glad,
For as I look back there again,
I’d not trade a thing we had.
You were the candle in the night,
And I was the sparrow lost,
But with you all was just right,
Until loosing you was the cost.
Now my nights are filled with you,
For in my dreams we embrace,
But past the dawn’s early dew,
I chase your elusive angelic face.
I know from our nocturnal meet
That we will meet on golden shores,
And there with open arms greet,
Our happy souls for evermore.
G W (Bill) Marshall / Sept 6, 2012
Amen Doreen
Amen Bill
Blessings to all.
What a beautiful poem, Bill, I lost my husband of 54 years in March this year and your words are so true. I feel for those that don’t have the strength from the Lord when they go through these things. I couldn’t cope without Him.
Amen Hjr
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Word – You are always True. Your Word has always been and always will be True. And yet some of it is difficult. Please break down the resistance in us – may we be like Your disciples who listened to You and, even when others turned away from You because of some of Your hard sayings, made the decision to follow You no matter what: “Where else can we go? You have the Words of Life.”
Bless all Your people today, and as David prayed, fill each one overflowingly with Your Spirit, help all Your people to share Your Word with others, and draw people to You today, in Jesus’s greatest-of-all name, amen
Amen, Rob
Amen Rob
Amen, Rob
Agreeing with your prayer Rob
Yes “where else can we go?”
Amen all you saints. Enjoy your posts!