Today’s Reading: Mark 2
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Ruins from Capernaum. In the background you can see a church that is built over what is thought to be the home of Peter.
GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo…Click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 2:15
Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi’s house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many, and they followed Him.
SINNERS WELCOME!…this could be the sign in front of Jesus’ Church. Four men (could’ve been Peter, Andrew, James and John) brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith (the four looking down through the hole in the roof), He said to the man on the mat, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” The four could be named, Compassion, Co-operation, Confidence & Courage. Ask yourself, “Do I have three friends with whom I could work to bring someone to Jesus today?”
Does Mark 2:13-17 sound like a Church supper in your Church? If not, should it? Jesus spent almost all His ministry time with sinners and with the outcasts of society. Let’s be unconscious of class, uncaring of economic success, and colourblind. Jesus is an equal opportunity Saviour.
Dear Jesus, thank You for the time I first heard You speak to me through Your Word and say, “Son (or daughter) your sins are forgiven.” Thank You for coming to my place and meeting me there, and meeting others there too. Help me to throw a party, the purpose of which is to introduce You, Jesus, as my Guest of honour! Amen!
Jesus did the most important miracle first. He forgave the sins of the paralyzed man. Secondly, Jesus healed him. That first and greatest miracle happened to me when I was 16. I took Jesus at His Word when He said, “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37). Later, when I was 19, I also experienced a miracle of healing. I had such a high fever with raging infection shutting down my body that the doctors said I would likely die, or, at the very least, be a mental case for life. Well, I didn’t die, so now you’ve guessed which prediction happened to me…..Here I am, 19 days away from my 80th birthday. My wife thinks I’m in my right mind. For that I’m truly thankful!
For all who started reading with me June 3, we’re into the third time through the Bible now. I’m amazed to still be here on earth. You see, I was given two years to live on March 15th, 2012. Let’s go for another two years!!! Of course anyone can start with us and complete reading every Word two years from the date they begin. Pray for me as I record 31 more Vlogs (video blogs) this week, two minutes each. These are being used for TV network commercial breaks daily on “YES TV.” Here’s a link to my Vlogs!
We have not heard from Lynda for quite some time; wondering where and how she is. Prayed last night and this morning for the girls: Irene, Ger, Eleanor, Doreen; Luisa, Teresa, Nan, Blessed, Sah, and Lianne Hogg if she is still reading the blog and just not able to post; and anyone whose name I missed. If we had a cup of tea at the same time, each day, 10 am or 3 pm, say, we might think of each other as if we were together. It could be a Christian relaxation time of prayer for each other. Let me know what you think. Wishing all a beautiful and blessed day in the Lord. Amen.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 ESV
God Will Take Care of You
Thank you, Beverlee for your prayers, I sure can use them in my life right now. Anxiety issues. Going on for quite awhile. Taking medication for it. It’s helping .
I prayed Psalm 91, over blog partners, along with others.
May God bless you all greatly today.
We pray, to You, our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, for Nan. You know all her needs Lord, and we ask that Your Hand be upon her. Bring the healing calm and peacefulness she needs and cause her anxiety and unrest to dissipate completely. As she relies on You for her strength and comfort, assure her that all will be well and she need not fear. In Jesus’ precious Name, we pray. Amen.
Agreeing with you for Nan, Beverlee.
Amen Beverlee, agreeing with in prayer for Nan
Thank you for your prayers. I have a much better life than I deserve. Thanks again.
Thank you Beverlee for praying for me, Your suggestion for unison prayer sounds great. 3 pm would work for me
I would love to start a prayer time. I started the blog November of last year and loving it. You have all been and encouragement to me.
Sounds like a great idea, Beverlee. Praying every day for everyone @ a chosen time. We all need that. Nice hymn (a pretty old term in the song “assail”) Language is always changing. Have a wonderful day all.
Dear Beverley, thank you for your prayers, also for that wonder hymn. I have been thinking about your back, any updates on that? Orillas keep praying for you.
Good idea about thinking of each other over tea. 3pm night be a good time for us In the East, and that would let the ones in the West join in at not so early a time. Even if we are not having tea it would be good to think of each other. Blessings all, Eleanor M.
Error: I will keep praying for you.
3 pm would be great. I saw the new neurosurgeon and am waiting now for a catscan he has ordered on my back and a MRI on my neck. He said he can perform the surgery to correct the pain shooting down my leg into my foot (pinched nerve) and he can clean up some of the arthritis. But, he wants these tests first; so, I wait. It could be up to a year by the time I have the surgery; another 1-2 years of rehab/healing after that. It has been and continues to be a long haul. Thank you for your continued prayers; particularly regarding a move from my location, which has stairs–that is my immediate necessity.
May God richly bless you!
Lord Jesus thank you, Your word tells us that “You are with us always and in all things” .I pray, and ask You Lord, that during this time of waiting, please ease the pain in Beverlee’s body. And fill this time of waiting with Your Joy and Peace. Amen
Beverlee, I just turned on my computer now and I think that is a great idea praying every day for everyone at a set time Watched Rev. Marcus Lamb, founder and host of Daystar TV preach about “The Anointing” and was deeply touched and the same today so your prayers are working. Our dear Brother David Mainse was anointed when he wrote this blog and I am glad that he did. Foremost Jesus said in our reading yesterday, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”(Mark 1:17). It’s a process. I agree with Eleanor M. that 3pm might be a better time. God bless every one.
Yes dear Beverlee I see that you need prayer so will pray for you during all this waiting. I am also still waiting for a colonoscopy and my doctor put in a second request for me. It’s been a good day already!
Thank you Beverlee for your prayers and your thoughtfulness. I also wonder when I don’t see our friends’ posts. I pray they are well. I do pray for every blogger.
Will continue to pray for your specific needs (tests, surgery and moving). It is so comforting to know that our Heavenly Father cares so much for us and He knows just what to do. We rest in that truth.
Good idea to think and pray for each other at the same time each day…..3 pm works for all time zones. Let us try to stay committed to doing this.
May the Lord bless and encourage each and everyone of us in whatever situation we find ourselves in. Just prayed for you, Nan. May His peace fill your heart and mind.
Lord Jesus, You care about everything You made; the sparrows and (astonishingly) how much more, people. Please help people everywhere to see how they are valued by You. It is amazing.
Thank You, Lord, for keeping on working on us, for not giving up. Help us not to give in to temptation but to see and choose the way out that You provide.
Thank You for the amazing teaching; even better, for being our Teacher!
Lord God, please help Nan and all Your own to enter into the rest You provide for us and know we so need:
“Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!””
Lead us all, Lord, in Your ever-good ways, in Jesus’s great name, amen
I am wearing a heart monitor for 48 hours. Had an echo prior to getting it. I am ready to go home when the Lord calls but have asked Him to keep me going to be able to look out for my sister (in nursing home). She is nonverbal now & physically challenged. There’s a big staff change @ the home & today I got a message saying the Manager is leaving. She is very good @ her job & will be greatly missed. These changes are difficult for residents, families, & staff. Father bless all the folks in the home & on the blog, in Jesus Name. Amen
We commit Doreen into your care. We pray that you will give her much needed strength and good health to be able to help her sister.
Almighty God! We know that nothing takes you by surprise. You knew the Manager at the Nursing Home would be leaving even before she announced it..please send another one who will be compassionate and caring. One who will treat each resident with dignity and respect and will advocate for the best possible care for each of them. We thank you for hearing and answering our prayer regarding this situation. Amen!
Amen Luisa
Thank you all for your prayers. I was just tell God what a good day I had. Then read all your prayers for me. I surely felt them. Again thank you so much.
Praying you all have a good night. A good sleep. God bless
Thank you Beverlee for praying for me, Your suggestion for unison prayer sounds great. 3 pm would work for me