Today’s Reading: Genesis 45-46
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Inner sanctuary of the Temple of Edfu, Egypt. The ancient religions of Egypt were well established by the time Joseph came to prominence. It is believed by many that Joseph’s influence helped to bring about the worship of one God in Egypt for many years, but then, as the Scripture says, “There arose a ruler who knew not Joseph” (Exodus 1:8, Acts 7:18).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo click HERE.
Key Verse: Genesis 45:5
But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.
Joseph was sure that God used even the cruelty of his brothers in order to send him to Egypt. This knowledge helped Joseph to forgive. Imagine the bewilderment and the renewal of guilt the brothers felt. Psalm 76:10 tells us that, “Surely the wrath of man shall praise You.” The anger of the brothers could not thwart God’s plan to preserve life. God forgives our sins. We accept that as a fact based on God’s promises. But forgiving ourselves is another matter. Joseph urged his brothers to forgive themselves. If they failed to do this they would never rise above the slave mentality they had shown. Their dad was “Israel,” “Prince of God.” They, too, were members of God’s royal family. It’s important to know who we are in God’s eyes, and to live up to His view of us!
Dear Lord, I forgive myself for the sin and wrong I’ve done. By the gift of Your grace I realize that I am Your precious child. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Amen!
In 1922 my Dad began his ministry in Egypt. My Mother and he were married in 1924 in Cairo. My childhood days were filled with imagination about ancient Egypt. Dad had a black granite carved head of an ancient official of Pharaoh’s court. This was the opinion of an Egyptologist at the University of Toronto. I would wonder, “Could this be Joseph?” My photographer son, Reynold, has this head now. Reynold’s pictures of ancient Egypt are magnificent. I believe that these temples were an attempt by the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) to get the worship he desired when in Heaven. This fallen Archangel inspired the closest thing he could get to the architecture of the centre of the worship of Almighty God in Heaven and then inhabited these temples to receive the worship of man. The temples are in ruins, as are the efforts of our enemy who desires to keep us from worshipping the true God.
Yours, as a forgiven sinner who has also forgiven himself, and who is a worshipper of the “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
A handsome couple in that picture.Jesus was all about forgiveness.It is we who have to work on forgiveness and demonstrate it to the world by forgiving others.
Often times the one we forgive may not even know that they offended.In this light forgiving them sets the one forgiving free.Forgive and be free.God bless
Forgive Myself
Does God ever make mistakes,
Does He regret where He has led
When each step His child takes
Dries up the blood His Son has shed.
Now I fear I am now lost,
When I try to do what is right,
For mistakes are the cost
But it’s His blood that wins my fight.
So forgive myself I must,
For,if not,then in vain He died
And I would yield His trust,
Then they could say my Savior lied.
So get back upon your feet
And know Satan is a liar
Cast down in his defeat
To burn ever in hell fire.
No,God never makes mistakes,
But His ways are above our own,
So know,each child He makes
Is of the holy seed He’s sown.
(G.W.)Bill Marshall/23,June,2016
Amen William
Ron…the email version did not arrive today.Thanks and many blessings
Dear Lord God, thank You for Your plans. Life is not a series of random events. You knew what You would bring about through Joseph’s sufferings, as You knew what You would bring about through Jesus’s. Thank You for bringing life even out of death. Help all Your people to live for You today. Bring many more to You, in Jesus’s name, amen
Yes and Amen!!
Good advice. Remember to forgive ourselves as well. Burdens are lifted @ Calvary! Thank You
Amen Doreen
Such profound wisdom in the scripture, today. Joseph was so in tune with God and knew why and how God used him to save his brothers and their families, decades later. He was able to claim forgiving his brothers because of his right relationship with God. When we understand what it means–it is all for His glory–we are able to prevail over difficult and defining circumstances in life. Wishing all saints a blessed day in the Lord. Doreen, have a nice visit with your sister. His blessings upon you.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Esphesians 2:8-9 ESV
Matt Redman – You Alone Can Rescue (with lyrics)
Beautiful story of love and forgiveness today. Would be a great movie to see, such a real and godly attitude shown by Joseph and a great example to follow. God bless each one today on this perfect day in the Maritimes.
Here is a movie, Ger:
I truly want to thank you for reformatting this blog today as I can now read it. My computer was not recognizing the Scripture references as valid and telling me that it was suspicious. May the Lord bless the Mainse family for continuing this ministry. It is so vital to the roots of the Lord’s work among us both here in Toronto and beyond….. to keep the Word going in circulation.
Thank you Beverlee. I visit my sister tomorrow @ 10 am. (If I can get out of our parking lot). They are making repairs today & it takes 24 hours before use. I’m trusting that I will be able to get out @ 9 am. A bit of a break from the heat today! Blessings all.
Praying you will be able to drive out of the parking lot and have a wonderful visit with your sister.
David’s parents were very good looking. No wonder David was such a handsome man. I believe his outward appearance revealed the beauty within his heart. May we all be carriers of that Godly beauty and messengers of grace to a broken, hurting and often confused world
Blessings on each one of you!
David’s Mom and Dad, such a lovely couple!