Today’s Reading: Genesis 32-33
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A jewish man prays with Torah in hand at the the “Wailing Wall”– The Western Wall of the Temple Mount. Just over half the wall, including its 17 layers of stones located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period: 516 BC – 70 AD. Papers jammed in the cracks of the wall contain the prayers of many sincere hearts.
To view the location of today’s photo on Google Maps, click here.
Key Verse: Genesis 32:28
And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”
The vertical and the horizontal directions of life are both important. Think of a cross and you have the God/man relationships. Jesus is 100% God and 100% Man. In Him we can get it right both ways. Before Jacob could handle the fear of meeting his brother, he had a much more important meeting. An encounter with God is absolutely essential before a truly successful, God-blessed encounter with man. Because of his refusal to let go of God, Jacob’s “dark night of the soul” became a glorious morning of forgivness for past wrongs Jacob had done. The horizontal relationship with his brother was restored directly as a result of the vertical struggle with God. Jacob now becomes Israel, a “Prince of God.”
Lord God, You are King of kings and I believe that I am Your child. By faith I know that as a result of the Cross, my relationship with You is in place. Now I will approach my human relationships with the confidence that You have gone before me to prepare the way, because of Jesus Christ. Amen!
It was over 50 years ago that I heard Rev. Laurie Price tell a story of two daughters. One said, “You wouldn’t give me 25 cents would you?” Dad said, “You’re right, I wouldn’t.” The other jumped up on his lap, kissed him and said, “Would you give me 25 cents?” Dad said, “Yes,” and produced the money. This story is probably a parable, useful to make a point. I’ve never forgotten the truth I learned that day. I make sure I’m in a fresh loving relationship with God before I ask God for His provision. I remember my two young sons, Reynold and Ron, when we went to an ice cream stand, waiting patiently for me to order. They would order exactly what I ordered. My Heavenly Father is the Provider. I want what He wants, no more, no less. His choice is always the best!
Yours truly for right relationships vertically and horizontally,
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Favoured scripture passages and an excellent message from David. Enjoyed watching his video link. We are so blessed. Overwhelmed by God’s love and presence and ever thankful for the essence of hope and restoration from God’s Word. Our steadfast relationship with Him is the key. Amen? Oh, how He loves us, so. His blessings of love comfort and peace be upon you, fellow saints in the Lord.
But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter;
we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8 ESV
You are the Potter and I am the Clay
Thank You, Lord God, for loving even me. I pray for all Your workers today, Lord. Send them out filled with Your Holy Spirit to overflowing. We pray that You are glorified today throughout this world, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen! (I do wonder why God touched his hip). I’m sure Jacob would never forget that struggle, but why the hip?
He had to use some part of the body, signifying the flesh, that Jacob was dependant on. Putting out his hip meant Jacob could not run; he would always be reminded; he had to trust God and rely on His grace. Also, iI would always be a prompting of God’s blessing on his life. Makes me think of the apostle Paul; the thorn in his flesh; though that is all we know other than that it was something to do with his body. It was also a blessing for Paul in the exact same way.
Thanks Beverlee for your explanation
Doreen,I have puzzled about God making Himself human to test Jacob.It must have been a test of perseverance (or a lesson ).Jacob must have had “the man” pinned and the man could only reach the vulnerable spot in his hip.Here is an example of God’s fair play,limiting Himself to being a human in a contest with Jacob.(I assume there was a moon that night.)
Amen William