Today’s Reading: Genesis 31
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Mount Hermon is at the north of Israel and is the highest point in the land. A peak in this area rises to 2,236 m (7,336 ft). Psalm 133:3.
To view the location of today’s photo on Google Maps, click here.
Key Verses: Genesis 31:3, 44-45
Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your family, and I will be with you…Now therefore, come, let us make a covenant, you and I, and let it be a witness between you and Me.” So Jacob took a stone and set it up as a pillar.
Jacob heard from God and from his father-in-law Laban. Back in Genesis 28:18 Jacob set up a stone as a pillar of witness to God’s restating of the covenant He made with Abraham and Isaac. God reaffirms the same with Jacob. Now Jacob does the same as a witness to his covenant with his father-in-law, Laban. These stone pillars would be permanent reminders of the life-changing commitments made to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and now, Jacob; also to Jacob’s family. Be assured that the twelve sons of Jacob and his daughters listened over and over to the stories of Jacob’s encounters with God and now they were watching as their Dad and Grandpa Laban made their commitments to each other. Here’s a lesson: pass on to your family “stones of witness,” e.g. your testimony for Christ in your will, special mementos, etc.
Dear Lord, help me to be creative in the reminders for my family of those times I have encountered You, as well as my commitments to others. Cause these items and/or documents to bless my children, their children and beyond. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!
In 1992, I carefully chose a great and beautiful “Stone of Witness” from a quarry near our Severn Bridge, Ontario, Circle Square Ranch, transported it to the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario, and erected it in front of the main entrance. Along the stone’s foundation a Bible verse is written, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16 NIV). The cost of doing this was paid for by Leno Mori of Niagara-on-the-Lake in memory of his wife who had recently passed into Heaven. It is a powerful witness to the Mori family and to all of us (see photos below). Norma-Jean and I are still working on the “witness” we want to pass on to our family. It won’t be a great stone, but we believe it will serve to remind generations to come of God’s faithfulness.
Yours sincerely for blessing our families,
Beautiful photo, today. In memory of Philomena Mori and David Mainse. Such a wonderful tribute to the Lord. Oh servants of God, what stone of witness could we each make as a testimony of our covenant with the Lord? We find rest for our souls in You, God. We give You all the praise for it is all for Your glory. In Jesus’ precious Name. May His blessings be great upon you, today, fellow saints in the Lord. Amen.
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” Matthew 7:13-14 ESV
All who are Thirsty by Kutless
Yes indeed “what stone?”
Dear Lord God, thank You for loving and directing us. Guide us in Your ways, Lord, in ways that acknowledge You, that glorify You, that cause people to look to You and desire You. You are the King, Lord. What does not belong to You? You made everything.
Cause people to turn to You today, Lord, in true repentance. Bless all Your children with hearts that are true and focused on You. Help us to be good witnesses and ambassadors for You, I ask in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen Rob!
It must have been hard for Laban to see his daughters & grandchildren leave without any forewarning. It must have been painful for his daughters and grandchildren too. Thank you for your prayers for me. Feeling better today. I’m hoping to see my sister in a few days. (I have an appointment with the nursing home for an outdoor visit (for 30 minutes). Trusting for strength & good weather. For 3 times now a mourning dove has walked across my path as I walked outside. I thought of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I talked to it and he/she remained calm. A different experience for me! Have a great day folks.
Doreen , I am so glad you are feeling better and am praying that it doesn’t rain for your visit with your dear sister.
I loved what you said said about the doves. I have a thing with the cardinals. Every time I see or hear one when I am out walking, I feel so blessed . I then thank the Lord for this precious moment. At first I didn’t want to tell anyone as they might have thought I was being silly. Now I cherish the moments that I see or hear them.
Blessings to all you dear blog friends, it is a joy to read all your comments and join in prayer when requested.🤗❤️
Praise the LORD, Doreen, that you are feeling better.
Thank you for these Words of Life -Beverlee Kay and Rob, and for David’s ongoing legacy.
May all find ‘rest for their souls.’
May God bless all bloggers.l
Absolutely-Bless all!
Note was sent when only 2 Blogs were available.
So glad that you are feeling better, Doreen. I pray for continued healing and strength. May you have a very enjoyable visit with your sister. I pray that the weather will be very favourable and you will come away “with a full heart”.
Amen Luisa; agreeing with you for Doreen! 🌹🌻🌼🌻🌼🌹
Thank you folk for your prayers folks. Blessings on all today.
Amen, blessings on you Doreen and all fellow bloggers. I read all your posts and am thankful for them.
What a difficult decision JACOB had to make; but he heard from God, and obeyed; “God is our refuge and our strength a very present help in time of trouble”