Today’s Reading: Genesis 25-26
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REMINDER: You can watch the video version of on the 100 Huntley Street website HERE.

A couple at the Nazareth Village in modern-day Nazareth, exhibiting life as it may have been in Bible times. In today’s reading we learn about what must have been many animated conversations between Isaac and Rebekah. Can you guess what the woman in the picture may be saying? If you have an idea, write it as a comment on this blog. It could be a very serious matter, but we can all appreciate some humour as well.
Key Verse: Genesis 25:21
Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.
Isaac and Rebekah had been married for 19 years but had no children. Isaac became desperate in his prayers. He believed the promise and God gave double…twins. Rebekah prayed also and she received a special word from God (25:23). However, the girl with the ambition to water the camels now took things into her own hands and tried to produce God’s plan rather than letting God do it. Human effort is necessary, but to revert to our own resources alone, after having prayed and received God’s provision, may not change the final outcome, and will cause heartache along the way.
Father God, above all I desire Your will as expressed in Your promises. Grant me the grace to wait on You, making my time and effort available to You, and at the same time to know that You are working all things according to Your will. Like Isaac, I plead fervently with You in prayer. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Over the years in the service of Christ, I’ve done my best to plan and work for the fulfillment of God’s purpose as revealed in His Word. Twice, during the time I served as Chairman and President of Crossroads Christian Communications, I pushed initiatives through the Board of Directors which a majority favoured, but not all. Both times proved to be mistakes. I learned to ask the Directors to take the issue home, pray fervently, and come back to the next meeting to vote again. If we still could not agree unanimously, we dropped the matter or changed course. Like Rebekah, I’m a “Get it done” person. God has used this drive, but I must be careful. The Crossroads Directors approved the sponsorship of this daily blog. Granted, it was not a huge and costly outreach like our participation in four World Expositions (all unanimously approved), but it illustrates the fact that unity brings the blessing of God on our lives and ministry decisions.
In Christ’s love and service,
P.S. With unity we can see the fulfillment of big and little visions. As a result of having a Christian Witness at four World Expos, over 100,000 precious people registered first-time decisions for Christ at our pavilions in Vancouver, Brisbane, Seville, and Hanover! Below is a photo of our first such effort…Pavilion of Promise at Expo ’86 in Vancouver.
Waiting on the Lord, for I know the voice of the Holy Spirit that is guiding me. Isaac follows the path of his father Abraham before him, saying his wife was his sister; like father like son, it seems. Old testament scripture brings us to dig our bones into the rich meaning of learning from the families God used and the lessons He taught them to pray and wait. God knows and He shall move us. Thank You Lord God, for enriching us with teaching and wisdom, understanding and grace. We bow to You, our One and only sovereign King. We give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen. Wishing all saints a blessed day. May His blessings unfold upon you. Amen.
“This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11-12 ESV
Corey Voss, God Who Moves the Mountains, lyrics
Thank You, Father, that You have this whole world in Your hands. And thank You for those who stand up for what is right. We pray for Your will to be done in this world. Bless the righteous and overthrow the liars and cheats, we ask in Jesus’s great name, amen
In Jesus’ mighty Name, we pray. Amen.
Amen Rob, “God’s will to be done in this world”
Amen Rob
Continuing to pray for you, Irene. God is your helper. He will decide the final outcome.
God Bless all of you, fellow bloggers!
Amen, saints. Grieving the loss of a good missionary friend in the last few days. May God be with you Irene in your next test.
Praying for you Ger, and continued prayers for you, Irene.
You guys are wonderful. A big thank you to all of you, and may God bless this ministry and each one of you. As I wrote that prayer this morning, I felt God say to me that there is none righteous, no not one, and but for the grace of God we are all liars and cheats. I know personally that lying was just part of my life until God started working on me. And, He is not finished working on me.
My prayer really was to ask God to bless all those who are standing up for righteousness and for righteous causes, and to overthrow the kingdom which stands on lies and deception; which uses these as its methods – the kingdom of darkness. I pray for those caught up in this kingdom. It will be crushed under the righteous feet of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, but for the many enslaved, I pray that God helps His people to do all they can to set them free. That’s what You came for, dear Lord Jesus, the lost, the broken and the enslaved. May Your work continue on, stronger and stronger, until You return. In Jesus’s name, amen
And oh, what a wonderful day that will be, when our Jesus returns. Amen, Rob!
Yes Rob
The Best Is Yet To Come!!!