Today’s Reading: Matthew 26
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Looking east from the south end of the Old City of Jerusalem you can see the Mount of Olives. The graves of thousands of Jewish people who await the general resurrection dot the hillside. The tower to the left is said to mark the spot from which Jesus ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:9-11).
Key Verse: Matthew 26:32
But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee.
It’s difficult to choose a key verse as this chapter is filled with crucial truth for all people. The death and resurrection of Christ is the focal point of all history. It is His story! Once again Jesus states the fact of His death and resurrection and once again His disciples failed to comprehend. This time they were too sleepy to take in truth. Are you wide awake? Are you ready to understand? Understand that when Jesus gives a promise, its fulfillment is absolutely sure! It is impossible for Him to lie! He knew He must die and He also knew He must rise again. This was the reason He came. He also knew the humanity of His followers. They would remember His instructions about meeting Him in Galilee after the resurrection, and they would obey Him.
Lord Jesus, as I read Your Words, grant the grace to make those Words an integral element in my spiritual DNA. Please grant me full comphrehension and obedience. I pray this with sincerety and faith that You will do this in me for Your Glory and for the fulfillment of Your plan for my life. Amen!
I have been reading your responses to 100words.ca. Thank you for letting me know that you are there with me daily. As an old-timer I’m not always sure anyone would bother reading my blog. I don’t really understand the new social media. Come to think of it, I didn’t understand television back on June 2nd, 1962 either. I do know, however, that God gave me the grace of obedience then, and He’s doing so now. If you are blessed and encouraged, or if this blog helps you in the daily discipline of reading the entire Bible in meal-sized portions over two years, then God’s purpose is being fulfilled. Amen and Amen!
Continuing in obedience,
P.S. Yesterday I mentioned my first two times preaching. Someone said to me, “I’ve heard you talk on TV, but I’ve never heard you preach.” Well, here goes! Below is a link to a message I delivered in the mid-90’s at Compass Point Church, which is located next door to the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario. My opening remarks will seem odd unless I tell you that actor Bruce Marchiano, who played the part of Jesus in The Gospel of Matthew movie, had been quoting Jesus’ words as he walked down the stairs between the pulpit and the congregation. Unfortunately Bruce tripped and fell, but recovered quickly. I was scheduled to preach immediately after Bruce’s last line. That evening we were celebrating the 5,000th 100 Huntley Street telecast. It was some years ago, and now we have have celebrated the 10,000th telecast. If you have the time to handle some preaching, click here (it’s only about 13 minutes long). If you think that this message might touch someone, bringing them to Christ, please pass it on! Thank you!!!
Amen to David’s prayer. Thank You Lord for Your mercy and grace upon us. Thank you for your prayers, fellow saints in the Lord. I am waiting for a catscan, and facing another back surgery and move. Today’s scripture that came:
But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 ESV
My writing that came this morning:
Do you not feel my presence with you child?
Do you not know that I am near?
Whereby your wrestless heart, lets go of all it carries;
And gives to me the weight of all you bear?
Yes, I am with you. I shall never leave you, nor forsake you.
Hear my voice, and heed the words I share.
And do not fear the changes of tomorrow,
My strength will carry you, because I care.
Beverlee Kay, June 2020
I Will Carry You, Michael W. Smith
Dear Beverlee I am joining in with the prayers of others for strength for you , to go through what lies ahead of you. I love the words that our Saviour gave to you this morning. I know that you are completely trusting in Him for whatever lies ahead. Also know that you are completely loved by Him and by all of us.

♥️ Eleanor M.
Thank you so much Eleanor. I love our 100words.ca family, too. I so appreciate your prayers. God bless you!
God bless you Beverlee Kay; Lord heal this precious prayer partner; give her a complete healthy body; give her many many more years to serve You and to be a prayer partner Thank You Lord, You know this precious Child of Yours in Jesus Name we pray amen amen amen
thank you Beverlee for sharing the words of promise our Lord comforted you with, the Peace that only comes from Him
Praise God Beverlee. He will be with you every step of the way. EVERY STEP. May the peace of knowing this, overtake you dear one.
Amen Doreen!
Remembering Beverlee in prayer that Jesus Christ
will provide all her needs in Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen.
Great tribute to Ron Hembree by David and heartfelt prayer,both by David and then by Ron Mainse.Such words could easily describe David too.Thank you Ron Mainse for your devotion.God bless this blog
From my ‘Benedictions’ file (#13)
Seeds Of Peace
May seeds of peace find a home in your heart,
May forgiveness help mend each broken part,
For you are worthy when the last sunset falls
To cross that bridge when the trumpet calls.
So be not of sorrow for those gone ahead,
They are more happy than we who are dead,
For most of us fail to learn how to live,
The secret is to open your heart and just give,
For this is the way our Savior had taught,
But through Satan’s lies,His words we forgot,
So as time grows shorter we must reawaken,
To remind the world of His love forsaken.
G W (Bill) Marshall/2011
I was at the service where David is speaking in this video. It was an amazing night!
Wonderful video of David. Yes, I remember this one. Love David’s powerful and reflective voice. All for Jesus. Amen.
Yes, I agree “wonderful video of David”
“Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the Earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let His people rejoice!
O come to the Father
Through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory
-Great things He has done!”
Thank You, Lord God of all, for life itself. In Jesus’s name, amen
We would often sing that in church,Rob.Thank you.God is good….
in our church too
Thank you, Rob
Beverlee,sorry to hear this again/still.I have back pain daily but I know it is minor compared to yours,controlled or lessened by Tylonl-3.I am never sure if ‘today’ will be the day when I will be flat on my back for 2 weeks or more.I pray that our very good Lord will guide the experts in your treatment and recovery.May God bless you
Blissful Peace
Within the bonds of His holy love,
May you sleep in blissful peace,
As angels watch from up above
And sing the songs that never cease,
For you are the wonder in His eye;
A child no one can compare
And for you One came to die,
In death that none need share.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 17-Dec-13
Thank you Bill. Pain is pain; we are all in the same boat. But thank you for your kind words.
Reading The Word again with others. It is a privilege and blessing. Thank you.
Heavenly Father, You alone know our every joy, our every care, and our every pain. Encompass Beverlee round about with Your peace as she faces another back surgery and move. Grant that the entire medical team will carefully and expertly work to bring relief from pain.
Yes Lord I join in with all the prayers sent up to you for dear Beverlee as she faces another back operation, be with her and the surgeons and all medical staff and may it be a success for her relief from pain and for your glory Lord, Amen! God bless you Beverlee.
Beverley you are such an encourager and inspiration to so many of us that daily follow this blog.
Sorry to hear of your circumstances.
Peter tells us to cast all of our cares on Him as He cares for us so much.
Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6. To be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God,and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
God’s Word tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and Jesus still heals and does miracle today.
Keep cofessing healing scriptures over your back and believe by faith you are totalling healed in the mighty Name of Jesus.
Thank you Karen, Ger, Verna, everyone who has commented and is praying. I trust God completely for the surgeon and healing of my back; that is not at question, as I have gone through this before. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The move is the difficult part that I really need prayer for. That decision is crucial. But, I trust the Lord will show me and that I will indeed hear His voice guide me. Thank you for all for your loving uplifting words and prayers. You are such a strength to me!