Today’s Reading: Matthew 23
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Here you see the Western slope of the Mount of Olives covered by thousands of Jewish graves facing toward the Temple Mount and the Eastern Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem. Those buried here desired to be first in the resurrection. The valley between is the Kidron Valley. This slope of the Mount of Olives has been used as a Jewish cemetery for over 3,000 years and holds approximately 150,000 graves. The Pharisees believed in the resurrection but Jesus said that by their traditions they caused the Scriptures to be ineffective in their lives.
Key Verses: Matthew 23:25b & 26
“Inside they are full of extortion and self indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.”
Learn to see as God sees and think as God thinks by making the Word of God a daily part of your thinking process. This is the eternal value of what we’re doing together in this blog. Over 3,000 years ago the prophet wrote, “For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). It’s true; we do look on the outward. Therefore, it’s important to groom our appearance so we do not draw undue attention to ourselves and hinder the shining forth of the inner beauty of Christ. Cleanse the inside in two ways: The washing of God’s Word (Ephesians 5:26) and by confessing our sins, “The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Dear Lord, thank You for washing me inside with Your Word which I’ve just read, and thank You for washing away my sin by Your precious blood. I believe Your promises. You cannot lie. Therefore, it’s done. Amen!
A few blog entries ago, I mentioned a woman named May, who asked me, a public school teacher, to conduct her husband Win’s funeral, even though I was not an ordained minister at the time. May had been born and raised in Northern Ontario. As a young man, Win, who was a railroad engineer, on almost every trip across that most northerly section of the tracks would notice a young girl running out of the bush, standing beside the tracks and waving at him. Eventually they met at the water tank (steam engine), and later Win and May married. May’s usual stance was hands on her hips and normally a cigarette was dangling from the corner of her mouth. She was probably 65 when I met her. Win was in his eighties. It would’ve been easy to see May only from her outward appearance; but there was a deeper May. One day I asked her why she would not allow an ordained minister or priest to conduct Win’s funeral. She said, “I knew what you were doing out in that boat with Win besides fishing. He told me you prayed with him and he became a believer in Jesus and was not afraid to die anymore.” I had the great honour of leading May to Christ also. The inner beauty of Jesus was evident as she lived to serve others. Sorry, I’m well over 100 words!
P.S. People see the outside, God looks inside! Do we just appear to be religious or do we have a genuine inner experience with God which shines out through ordinary looking people who have the reality of God’s Holy Spirit within.

Jews praying, no doubt very sincerely. Jesus, a Jew Himself, spoke of those who “Love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly they have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” (Matthew 6:5b & 6).
Such a beautiful message, prayer, scripture and history lesson with the photos. Touched very deeply this morning by the blog. The voice of the Holy Spirit just now, saying, “you will know what to do.” May it give peace to whom it is meant for, besides me. We praise You Lord God, for this blessed day. We thank You for Your mercy, love, grace, and sacrifice for us. His blessings upon you, fellow saints in the Lord. Be still and know that I am God. Amen.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 ESV
Kim Walker Smith | Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here | Jesus Culture
Amen Beverly.. thank you for the song
Great song Beverlee. The words didn’t match what they were singing in a couple of places but it was an anointed prayer and the Presence of God is beautiful. Blessings all on a warm day.
Dear Lord, thank You for Your Word. Write it in our hearts today so we won’t sin against You, in Jesus’s name, amen
yes Amen Rob
I Am The Darkness
I am the darkness and lurk near the edge ,
I shun the light that all can still see.
Where my goal is to guide you off your ledge,
So you will be in darkness just like me.
I am pretentious and seem like a friend,
I will teach within yourself that you will find,
The answers that make your sorrow end,
But not reveal,this will make you blind.
I wait in shadows by the fork in the road,
I may not even know that I lead astray,
As I will seem to help you with your load,
And you and I walk down the wrong way.
I will keep you in sorrow with a soft word,
That eases the pain but blinds the mind,
And twist God’s message you have heard,
So that you also will…..remain blind.
GW(Bill) Marshall /Sept 18, 2012
Maybe this poem should be entitled “Satan’s encouragement ” or “The Twisted Message”,. All said, it must be wonderful to have the gift of being capable to put ‘thoughts to poetry’. May God continue to bless you.
A very good poem, Bill! It shines a light on how easy it is to be enticed to go astray. Another poster stated two titles he/she thought the poem could be called. A Bible verse came to my mind, of which I thought might make a good title. “Strait and narrow is the way.”
Great testimony about May and her conversion. God loves all people
Thank you Ron, Ann and Reynold for continuing this legacy your dad, David Mainse passed on to you. It is a blessing to receive this daily bread.
Praise God, for a beautiful sunshiny day, maybe summer is here at last
Be blessed on this new day saints of the Lord