Today’s Reading: Matthew 13
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Could Jesus have taught from this very boat? It’s 2,000 years old. This is a boat that was discovered about 20 years ago in the Sea of Galilee, when the water level was low. It is called “The Jesus Boat” because it is from the time of Christ. The vessel is 9 metres long, 2.5 metres wide and 1.25 metres high. It may have functioned as a ferry boat, but its measurements also suit those used by fisherman employing a dragnet that was “cast into the sea,” as described in Matthew 13:47-48.
Key Verse: Matthew 13:45-46
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
There is nothing that can equal the value of the Kingdom of God. What could possibly be worth as much as the love of God, the sacrifice of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and fellowship with the Heavenly Father? The merchant sold everything to acquire the “Pearl”…citizenship in God’s Kingdom. A Kingdom has a King, and our King is not a constitutional Monarch with no real authority. King Jesus is Lord over all. Complete obedience is a given. There are serious consequences to disobedience. The King has given laws such as, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbour as yourself”…the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:37-40).
Your Majesty, thank You for allowing me to be constantly in Your presence. I honour You by the gift of everything I am and ever will be. I’m Yours! Your will is my command. Amen!
I’m sad to report that I have not obeyed the greatest of all the commandments most of the time. It’s that word “all” that does me in. That’s the reason I love to quote the most often repeated verse in the Bible…”His mercy endures forever.” King Jesus loves me as a father loves his child. He encourages me to start all over again every day. As I type this blog, I’m praying that today I’ll serve Him 100%. I’m fully aware that “All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” (Romans 3:23). I’m also fully aware that as I ask forgiveness, the next verse kicks in…”Being justified freely by His Grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24).
Your brother in the Grace of Christ,
P.S. I want to try my best to explain here today how to know that when you die you will go to Heaven. When I was a teenager, I decided to believe that Jesus was not lying when He said, “The one who comes to Me, I will never turn away” (John 6:37). Do you believe that? You can decide now to believe it too.
(1) There is a wall between you and God that Jesus will tear down and remove when you ask Him to. That wall is called “sin.”
(2) So I ask you to read this prayer (That means you are talking to God). Say it out loud if you are alone or if you are with someone who loves you. Believe the words you are saying! “Lord Jesus, You died for me on the cross so that all the sin and wrong I’ve ever done can be forgiven. You promised that when I pray such a prayer, the wall that separates me from You and Heaven is removed. God forgive me! I need You in my life for the present and for ever and ever in Heaven some day. I believe Your promise and therefore I invite You into my life and You will never, never turn me away. I am Yours, and You are mine for always! Thank You Father God! Thank You Jesus! Amen!!! I believe this! I know it’s true!!!”
Did you pray this prayer? Yes? Then it’s very important to tell another human being as soon as possible. If you are with someone else now, tell them! Or here’s another very helpful, easy way to do this. Call one of my prayer partners who are at the prayer telephones 24/7. It’s a free call. Please, please do it right away if possible. Here’s the telephone number to call: 1-866-273-4444. A caring non-judgmental person will answer your call and will help answer any questions you may have. You don’t have to give your name unless you want to, but if you do share your name and address, we’ll send you an important booklet that will help you in your new walk with the Lord. I’ll check with our prayer partners to read the notes they will take about your telephone call. You are the most important person in the world to God. This is why I care!
Father God,thank you for the blessings through Your servant David (Mainse).Amen
We have all been blessed through David via this blog and by the power of the Holy Spirit.Yall be blessed
Dust Of The Pearl
No matter how hard we may try
We can never live free from sin,
For we are all created to die
Unless we have His Spirit within.
We were without hope on our own
So He became human with us
By leaving His kingdom and His throne
To become the Lamb we call Jesus.
He lived more lowly than His sheep,
For riches could not save one soul,
And the treasures He sought to keep
Were the same ones the demon stole.
So the whole world was what He sought
And love to all was what He taught,
With words of truth the battle was fought
And with His own life,our freedom bought.
He alone made that sacrifice,
One no one can ever unfurl,
For He became the Pearl of great price
And we are but the dust of the Pearl.
GW (Bill) Marshall/05 April, 2017
Wonderful poem, Bill
Beautiful, meaningful poem Bill, thank you.
Found this great video about Jesus and His parables and the boat they used in this video looks very much like the Jesus boat. Enjoy! and may God bless all dear saints today and always:
Splendid, Lynda! Thank you so much for sharing that; made my morning. God bless you, and all the saints. 🌼🌸❀✿🌷
Enjoyed your poem.Bill. Thank you for sharing. Blessings on all today, may the good seed of His Word produce good fruit in us all.
Jesus you came to show us “THE WAY” AMEN!
Thank you Lynda D for the link
Today is the day to rest in the ARMS of the LORD, be blessed saints of the LORD
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving Your life for us. Help us to live for You. In Jesus’s name, amen
Yes Lord Jesus Thank You for giving your life for us.
Prayers for unsaved friends and family.
Lord call them.
Amen saints. Thank you Luisa and Beverlee for your concern for my health. Glad you got the appointment with the new specialist for your back. Trust he will be very helpful.
God bless you, Ger! 🌺