WHO IS BILLY GRAHAM? (a waitress asked me this question)
Today’s Reading: Revelation 18
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This is a view from high up in the Roman Col0sseum looking towards the Arch of Constantine. It is one of the triumphal arches in Rome. This one is situated between the Colosseum and the Palatine Hill. It was erected by the Roman Senate to commemorate Constantine I’s victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge on October 28, 312. It is probable that the Christians who read or heard the “Revelation” believed that Rome was the manifestation of the ancient tower of Babel and the city which grew around it, Babylon (Revelation 18:2a).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Revelation 18:17a
For in one hour such great riches came to nothing…
Jim and Kathy Cantelon write today’s 100 Words segment (originally published in Crossroads’ Day Unto Day devotional series)…
In this chapter we read of two angels shouting poetically over the “fallen” earthly kingdom of Rome. The first angel speaks in verses 1-20 and the second in verses 21-24. They express the lament of sailors, sea captains, merchants, workmen, and all “the world’s great men.” They also express the joy of “saints and apostles and prophets.” The truth of 11:15 is symbolized in the fall of Rome – “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ” (KJV). The Lamb has conquered! And great is the fall of any and all kingdoms outside of His rule.
Recent events (I write this in the summer of 1991) have made the suddenness of the fall of earth’s kingdoms appear less shocking. Over the course of the past 36 months, we have seen the fall of the Berlin Wall, the destruction of the Iron Curtain, the end of the Warsaw Pact, and, most recently, the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Most surprising of all was the demise of the Soviet Communist Party in less than one hour! President Gorbachev simply signed its death warrant with one stroke of a pen.
We have entered an era of instant wars and instant victories. Things have speeded up to an almost breakneck pace. No longer does it seem impossible, nor improbable, that kingdoms and “kings” rise and fall in “an hour” (verse 17).
We who believe in the return of the Lord had better “lift up our heads – for our redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).
Almighty God, as I read Revelation 18 I am in awe of the messages of Your angels, and of John’s recording of what he saw and heard. I pray for my mind to comprehend, and for wisdom to interpret these words correctly and to apply them to my personal life. I surrender voluntarily to Your purpose for my life. I ask this in the Name of the One who always, without fail, fulfilled Your purpose, Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus the Messiah (Christ in Greek). Amen!!!
The other morning I stopped at a local restaurant for breakfast and the waitress, a lovely and efficient young lady in her early twenties, asked me what I did. I mentioned that I had had the honour to interview thousands of people for national television in Canada. She asked, “Who was the most famous person you interviewed?” She had told me on another occasion that she was a Baptist, so I thought of the great evangelist who is a Baptist minister, and answered, “Billy Graham.” Then she said, “Who’s he?”
It is a fact that the human family is in big trouble if we rely on past ministries, even those as powerful as that as Billy Graham. We must pray fervently that God will raise up in this second decade of the 21st century strong prophetic voices, not necessarily a big name, but millions of us (tomorrow’s reading will explain “the spirit of prophecy”). Will Graham, Billy’s grandson, asked his grandfather what he would do differently if he had his life to live over again. Billy answered, “I would pray more, and read my Bible more!” To me this is just another reason to continue strongly to encourage prayer and reading God’s Word, as proposed by this blog, which starts its second two-year journey through the Bible on June 3rd. I would consider it a great honour if some of God’s people would stay with me for more fresh bread taken out of the oven and posted at 6 a.m.
Yours for taking more time (the earlier the better, before the phone starts to ring, etc.) in God’s Word and in prayer,
There is a remote chance that someone reading this does not know of Billy Graham. Here’s a link to tell us about Billy. And here is a tribute to him from 100 Huntley Street on his 95th birthday in 2013 (hosted by my son Ron and his wife Ann).
Inspired this morning by the love of hope such great evangelical Pastors, Billy Graham and David Mainse, have instilled in us by encouraging us to pray and read the bible more, daily. That is the greatest message we could ever receive. May the indwelling of the Holy Spirit manifest itself in the lives of all the saints, today. May all your needs be fulfilled and your hearts be uplifted. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen.
I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.
I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.
Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?
Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people. Psalm 77:11-14 KJV
Til The Storm Passes By – Joseph Larson
Amen Beverlee. Also appreciated these two great men of God, David Mainse and Billy Graham. That is the greatest message they could give us and need to pass it on. I remember sharing what Billy Graham said on a mission trip. God is so good to us. Give us direction Lord for the times ahead and give us strength. Amen!
Amen,Ger.Two very great humble servants of God.Humility is what kept them strong.”Give me humility to keep me strong.”I think they both would insist that we remind others that it is not ‘about the messenger but about the message’.
Amen Beverlee Ger and Bill, your words are my sentiments also. I really found these two men so very humble, honorable and above reproach. Blessings to all, Eleanor M.
Yes, Amen, Ger
None of my poems are great.(It was friends that told me I should save them.)Here are two tributes to two great men of God:
Oh So Bright (4 Dr Graham )
You who have whispered eternity
To many,lost in shadows of dark,
In My name for infinity,
Have shown the path to embark.
You who have walked firmly in the light,
Whereby your example opened eyes,
For you are My friend of delight,
With the truth evil can not disguise.
You,who have walked on many oceans
Gathering the aimless waves to rest,
Have pleased me with your devotions;
You’ve loved beyond any test.
You,who’s heart is a vault of My love,
Have been a sower of these seeds,
A harvest that grows high above,
Separate from the demon’s weeds.
You,who I have walked with every day,
Have spoken my word of shinning light,
And never refused to obey:
You,who has shone oh so bright.
G W Marshall / 07-Nov-013
This poem ‘intruded’ as I was commenting
in the 100 Words blog
All The Way.
You have been a light to many,
You sought to make them free,
And through the years of plenty
You served Me so faithfully.
I know you wanted to stay,
I need you more now than they,
So I brought you home that day,
Now you’re with Me all the way.
Your light shone so bright and so far
When you heard me and obeyed,
Now your torch is their bright star,
From one who never delayed.
Faith will keep your light shinning bright
And love will feed the flame,
So the world can see His light,
The One Who took all the blame.
GW (Bill) Marshall/30Jan/2018
The one speaking is The Father….
4 David Mainse
Here’s one I forgot about:
Set Me Free (Pst.David Mainse)
Set me free,oh Lord,from this prison,
As I praise Jesus,’the Lord arisen’,
For I want to be at home with you,
Here I’ve done all that I can do.
Set me free,oh Lord,so I can roam
With You along those golden streets of home,
Let me walk along and ask of You
What my mortal mind never knew.
Just call my name and there I will be,
As a babe in the womb needs to be free,
But in your timing all is made right;
When I behold Your wondrous sight.
I still linger here for those behind,
For your plan still holds wonders they will find
And there is no hurry for me to go
When life is so short here below.
Now they’ll show Your message every day,
To tell the world You are the only way
And Your work goes on ’til His return
In hope that all will heed and learn.
G W (Bill)Marshall /23,Sept,2017
Thank You, Lord God, for these great ones, Your children who never gave up, who walked with You till You took them home. Help us all, Lord, be faithful to You and Your Word forever. In Jesus’s great name, amen
Today’s blog indicates that we will begin again the two year journey through the Bible. Time really does go fast. Every time we go through it, there seems to be some information that seems new to me! Looking forward to a new start again. Does anyone remember the date David started the blog? Prior to the privilege we have had (with videos, history, and David’s experiences, etc), there wasn’t really anything like this opportunity to study with a very anointed and experienced pastor. We are most blessed, especially during these days. Thank you David and family.
We were camping in June of 2012 and seen it advertised on tv and when we got home I looked it up and have been with it since. I think it had just started.
It had sure been a blessing to me.
Like you Doreen every time I go through I find something new.
Praise the Lord!!!
Good a.m. dear saints. In total agreement with all comments.
Ravi Zacharias noted: “We are living in a generation that listens with its eyes and thinks with its feelings. If they cannot see the gospel in you and me they will not feel the persuasion of what you and I are trying to present to them.”
So nice to see the pics. as I once visited Italy and remember those places.
Peace and joy to all believers this day.
Yes, Peace and Joy in the LORD to all believers today and always