Today’s Reading: Revelation 12
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Pictured is the exit of the Grotto at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The “male Child” of today’s reading was born here in the cave just beyond the open door.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
Jim and Kathy Cantelon write today’s 100 Words segment (originally published in Crossroads’ Day Unto Day devotional series)…
In this chapter, we read of a “war in heaven” (verse 7) precipitated by an attempt by Satan to destroy the pre-existent Messiah – the “male Child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter” (verse 5). One of the unusual aspects of this account is the use of the past tense. John writes of something that has already happened both in the heavenly and earthly realms.
In reading about Satan’s downfall (verses 8-9) one thinks of Jesus’ words in Luke 10:18, when He says to disciples He had sent out two by two, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” This may help us to understand why Satan now operates in the space/time realm of the created universe. It may also help us understand why this world and this age are so utterly evil. But it should also encourage us to know that Satan’s rule will not last forever…“his time is short” (verse 12c).
We need to remember that Satan is not God, nor is he a dark equivalent. He does not possess godlike attributes. He is not all-present. He is not all-knowing. He is not all-powerful. He is an enemy, but a defeated one. And in the interim, between his present “warrings” and his future destruction, we can resist him “by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of [our] testimony.”
Satan is powerless in the presence of the “Lamb.” All those who by faith have placed themselves beneath the atoning blood of Christ are absolutely beyond the limited reach of this “accuser of the brethren.” As the old hymn says, we are “safe in the arms of Jesus.”
Lord God, I pray for 24/7 faith to resist Satan through “The blood of the Lamb and by the word of their [my] testimony” (Revelation 12:11). Grant me grace, O Lord, as You did those early church believers who “did not love their lives to the death.” I ask these requests in the Name of the One who lived as an Overcomer 100% of the time, Jesus Christ (Messiah). Amen!!!
John sees into eternity past. He can only describe Satan as a fearsome creature who reminds him of a dragon. The woman, Mary, represented the Jewish people through whom Messiah was born. They, the Jewish nation, will be supernaturally protected from the hatred and destruction of the dragon’s puppet, the Antichrist, for 3 1/2 years, the latter half of the great tribulation (12:6). These prophetic pictures seem to move back and forth, from the past to the future. Let us remember that at all times the male Child, Jesus Christ, continues to rule and overrule with the “rod of iron” (complete authority in the lives of all who have given Him their lives, and who continue by a daily act of their free will to yield to Him as their King).
Jesus spoke in John’s hearing decades earlier in similar Words (for a Gospel reading check out Luke 9:51 to 10:1-20). The sin of Satan in Heaven was pride. Jesus used the example of Satan’s fall to warn the disciples against the spiritual pride expressed in their report of successful ministry. Jesus does not say, “Good job, boys!” He immediately references Satan’s fall. John was allowed to see what Jesus had described years before. With God, time is not a limiting factor. He is outside of time! (quantum physics) He sees our first parents cast out of the Garden and the defeat of the serpent/dragon at the same instant.
Yours for the total overcoming power of Jesus who dwells in every believer,

This is the inside entrance to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. This building is the oldest standing church in the Holy Land.

Originally built by Constantine’s mother in the fourth century, Emperor Justinian rebuilt the current structure in the 530s. The Church of the Nativity was apparently spared destruction from the Persians in 614 A.D. because the invaders saw the depictions of the Magi on the walls. Local Muslim-Christian friendship is believed to be why the church was not destroyed during al-Hakim’s rule in 1009. The trapdoors in the floor reveal 4th-century floor mosaics from the Constantinian church.
Great photos with history. Pride is perhaps the most destructive of the seven deadly sins as it opens the door to destruction on so many levels. The Devil sneaks up on a person through pride so quickly but God straightens things out through humility. Praying for the strength of all saints, this morning. May His Hand be upon you and His love, peace, mercy and grace be with you.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1 ESV
Safe in the Arms of Jesus
Lord God, thank You for all Your servants, chief among whom is Jesus the Messiah Himself, who came to aerve, yet is coming again as Ruler of all. Thank You for all those who lived, and those who still live, to lift up the name of Jesus. Where would any of us be without them?
Please comfort all those missing their loved ones; let them experience Your help in these times of trouble. Strengthen all those that remain, Lord, and help each one to stand strong in You, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Beautiful hymn, Beverlee. Listened to it 3 times! Comforting. Thanks
Ravi Zacharias has passed into the arms of Jesus. Well done good and faithful servant. (May 19).
Just heard that about Ravi on our church facebook page, Doreen. So happy he is no longer suffering. Safe in the arms of Jesus. Safe on His gentle breast. Sweetly, thou shalt rest, Ravi. You were such an inspiration and will continue to be.
Glad you liked the hymn, Doreen. God bless you.
He will be missed by many!
Yes, well done thou good and faithful servant, Ravi Zacharias. Glad we were privileged to witness the ministry of this great man of God. May the Holy Spirit comfort all his family and friends. Listened to the sermon by David Jeremiah Beverlee and will listen to today’s song.
Saddened by Ravi’s passing and thankful for his ministry.
Praying God’s peace and comfort for his family and friends and also for God’s continued direction and anointing on all who will carry on the torch .
Praying for Ravi’s wife and family. He was a wonderful man and is now in heaven with all the other great ones. We also lost a dear lady from our congregation today, she is also in heaven. Both are safe in the arms of Jesus. Glory be to His Name. Eleanor M.
Ravi will always be an inspiration.He is a great example of God giving him the words to say when confronted by opposition or to steer someone in the right direction.We should pray for his pray for his daughter and Michael Ramsden as they continue leading his ministry and for all Ravi’s many,many loved ones.Ravi has stepped out of his suit and gone home.I’m pleased that he became a Canadian Christian although I believe he lived in Atlanta.
I wrote this with the intent of describing time in 2 dimensions,as a ‘bump’ on a circle (eternity),which has no beginning nor end.(Picture yourself waist deep in water,standing inside a hoola hoop.There you can touch any spot on that ‘circle’ representing eternity in 2 dinensions.):
Time is a dream where everyone partakes,
Like a bubble on the circle of eternity,
Where God can reach out as He makes
Each one ready to find infinity.
Time is made with a start and a finish,
Where eternity had never known such,
So He could measure without anguish
Every deed we do and each heart we touch.
Time is a miracle that hides our lives
Where darkness is a future yet unknown,
For this darkness has treasure that gives
Light unto the many who’s truth He’s shown.
Time is a gift that will show The Master,
That we freely choose to love fellow man,
Or we fall in selfish disaster,
Where some choose to reject His holy plan.
Time will end at Heaven’s gates where His love
Will welcome His holy Lamb and His sheep,
With new work in His Kingdom above
To find the reward that each one shall reap.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 06 July, 2013
We truly will miss Ravi – and that he left behind many to step into his place in ministry – All are truly a BLESSING TO ME AND MANY !!
thanks William for sharing