Today’s Reading: Micah 5-6
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Manger Square in Bethlehem is just across the street from the Church of the Nativity, which is built over the spot where it is believed that Jesus was born. The Palestinian government has offices here. God has something to say to political authorities.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Micah 5:2, 6:8
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth are from of old,
From everlasting…
He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
The Bible scholars consulted by King Herod during the visit of the wise men had no trouble finding the scroll which contained the 700-year-old words of Micah and identifying the place of the birth of “the One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting!” (literally the days of eternity). If the story of the birth of Jesus was not true, one would think that, with the amazing growth of the Jesus movement in Jerusalem, it would’ve brought official denials recorded in the Mishna (minutes of the Jewish ruling council which still exist today), from the priest/historian Josephus, or the Jewish teachers such as Gamaliel, grandson of the famous Rabbi Hillel; but there is no record which denies the claims of the Apostles and others (read Matthew 2:1-12). Rabbi Saul, student of Gamaliel, who became the Apostle Paul, wrote, “Concerning His Son Jesus Christ [Messiah] our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh…” (Romans 1:1-6).
Lord God, thank You for what Peter called “The prophetic word made more sure, which you would do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place” (2 Peter 1:19a). I pray that I will see with insight, with a new perception, and a clarity of understanding. May I reflect Your light into dark places today. I ask this in the Name of “the Light of the World,” Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
I’ve quoted often the words of our second key verse, but the most memorable time was on a phone call to former Prime Minister of Canada, the Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney. He had given me his private phone number sometime earlier, and I had never used it prior to this occasion. Now it was different. He had just lost a referendum on his formula to bring the French speaking province of Quebec into full partnership in the constitution of Canada. He had invested all his political capital and years of his time into the fulfillment of this vision. As I knelt in prayer that evening after the vote tally was in, I knew it was time to call him. Norma-Jean was beside me and she heard me say, “This is David Mainse. Is the Prime Minister in?” A lady said, “No, he’s at Meech Lake. He needs to talk to you, I’ll put you through.” A very discouraged Prime Minister said, “Hello.” His voice, always low, was lower than usual. When I told him who it was, he said, “I’m sitting here on the couch with my children. I’m reading them a story, thanks for calling.” In order to not keep him too long away from his children I got right to my point. I said, “I believe that God has a word for you. You’ve worked very hard to do what you believe is best for Canada. On behalf of all of us, thank you!” Then I shared the Word from the prophet Micah. I said, “Here’s all God expects of you: ‘What does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?'” (Micah 6:8b). He thanked me for praying for him, his family and his government, and then we said goodbye. On a previous visit, he said that he and his wife, Mila, watched a 100 Huntley Street repeat most evenings around midnight. He laughed and said that I helped him sleep well.
Yours for the Word that God has for each person from His Book!
P.S. Below is Prime Minister Brian Mulroney receiving one the books on Canada’s spiritual heritage which Crossroads published. Because of the 100 Huntley Street Christian television ministry, I’ve had the honour to converse with all our Canadian Prime Ministers who have served our country over the last few decades (except for the very short term P.M. Kim Campbell). I pray every morning for, as Paul writes, “All who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:2-4).
As the scriptures say, and as David did, we need to pray for our leaders, so much so now, as they face incredible challenges. Lord, please give our leaders, and those of the entire world, hearts of compassion, integrity, knowledge and wisdom. Please give us those things as well, and help us to act accordingly.
There is nothing more heartwarming than a personal message from David using the scripture we are currently studying. Praying his prayer and heeding the Word he spoke to PM Brian Mulroney: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?’” (Micah 6:8b). Asking for prayers of strength and protection from the saints as I am dealing with something difficult. Holding you in my prayers as well. Hope those who did not receive the right blog yesterday found it corrected, today. God bless you all.
Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. Romans 5:2 NLT
Dear Beverlee , I am praying that the Lord gives you encouragement and strength, to go through whatever the situation is that you are going through. He knows your innermost being and he is always there for you . I pray if you need healing that He would touch you with His healing power. He knows exactly what the problem is and I know He hears our prayers dear sister . In Jesus name Amen
Thank you sister Eleanor. God bless you.
Dear Lord, thank You for encouraging us to live in ways that are right, merciful, and humble. Guide us today, Father, and help all Your people to know Your very real presence with them, whatever situation they are in. We ask in Jesus’s great name, amen
And amen.
Yes. I found the correct reading yesterday. Thanks Beverlee. Praying for you and whatever you’re going through. Of course you know Jesus is our everything. Our Protector, Shield, High Tower, Provider, The Lifter of our heads. I pray He will give you favour & guide you through this rocky valley. Hallelujah He is alive. Amen
Amen. Thank you sister Doreen.
Amen and amen, Blessed.
” the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul.”God does not want sacrifice,especially our children.This line stood out today.Perhaps it has meaning to someone today.
It is very difficult when you have to watch someone you love more than yourself going the wrong way.We can only pray for them and trust God to lead them.Perhaps your light is a brighter light to them than you now realize.
Today’s reading does fit Israel of today.Pray for Israel.God bless
Amen Bill.
Agree in prayer for whatever you are going through Beverlee that our Lord will give you peace as He brings you through successfully. Amen, so be it! My brother Vinal got up and made coffee this morning. Have an lighted ornamental cross on my living room window to remind me that Jesus died for our salvation, healing and deliverance. As I read about what’s going on behind the scenes about new world order and economy, mass vaccinations, microchip insertion, population control, loss of freedom and our democratic society etc. we need to pray for protection and for our leadership to be strong and make the right decisions. At the same time to pray for a worldwide spiritual awakening. God bless you all.
Thanks Ger. Praying with you for the world changes.
What information were you reading, Ger. I do not buy into any conspiracy theories out there but, being a follower of Christ, we are aware of what God says in His Word about “the end times” and we will be aware of “the signs” – whatever is happening in our world today is, of course, dealing with the Coronavirus… but I think what is happening has MUCH bigger implications for the world – truly a turning point in our world. Someone has described what is happening in the world – and more drastically in our democratic countries – is what some are calling “Medical Marshall Law”…who knows if this a sign of the coming time when we “will not be able to buy or sell”… like “a trial run” for a way of shutting down the world..if “someone” had that control. In the meantime, I truly believe this is “a wake up call” for all us to rise up in prayer… in sharing the love of Christ for truly in “our self-isolation” that Gospel is freer than ever as the message is unstopable as it goes out through social media… and as we reach out to touch peoples lives for Christ in the midst of so much fear, panic and uncertainty. The peace we have because we are “looking unto Jesus who the Author and Finisher of our Faith” – that inner peace because of our relationship with Christ which makes all the difference in the world – whatever our circumstances. Blessings to all and prayers for all going through health issues and struggles of one kind or another.
“Jesus knows all about our struggles,
He will guide till the day is done,
There’s not a friend like the Lowly Jesus,
No not one! No not one!”
Amen. Thank you Pastor Samuel.
Amen Ger
Amen to all comments above.
I prayed for you, Beverlee. God hears our prayers and answers them. God is good. Blessings to all today.
Thank you Nan. I felt your prayers. God bless you.