Today’s Reading: 1 Peter 3-5
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

A visit to Rome is a feast for the eyes. In the centre is the Trajan’s Column with a church on either side. The larger church in the photo is the Church of the Most Holy Name of Mary at the Trajan Forum. At the very end of today’s reading, “Babylon” is mentioned. In Roman times the persecuted Christians called the source of their persecution, Rome, by the name of the capitol city of the ancient persecutors of the Jewish people, “Babylon” (Revelation 17:1-6).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Peter 5:7
…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
There are three points of emphasis here, all three mentioned more than once!
(1) PRAYER – 1 Peter 3:7 informs us that if we, as husbands, don’t honour our wives properly, our prayers may be hindered. Let’s not forget that elsewhere it says, “Let the wife see that she respects her husband” (Ephesians 5:33b). This is serious! Do we want God’s ears to be open to our prayers? Then pay attention to 1 Peter 3:9-12. Amen!!!
(2) A message from Jesus to those “spirits in prison” (3:19 & 20) and “those who are dead!” (4:6). This seems strange. Yet we understand that all who had died in faith prior to the Cross and the Resurrection were somehow incarcerated in a place where they could not enter Heaven above, because their sins were not removed until Jesus had paid the full price for their redemption by His blood sacrifice. It would be amazing to hear a replay of Jesus’ message to these people someday.
(3) “Love!” “Love!” and “Love!” (3:8 & 4:8). And this is to be “FERVENT LOVE!” We may think we know something about the meanings of the word “love.” But what about the word “fervent.” The dictionary says, “Displaying a passionate intensity – burning – glowing – boiling hot!”
O yes! Let’s read several times 1 Peter 5:5-9. “Be humble!” “Cast your cares on Him!” “Be sober!” “Be vigilant!” The result? The Devil may roar, but he can’t harm us!!! Let us be “steadfast in the faith.”
Lord God, I pray for all You have for me. I now am wide open to receive Your provisions. Thank You! Praise Your holy Name! I worship You with a fervent heart full of love for You, and for others. Through the world’s greatest Lover, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!!!
100 PERSONAL WORDS (or more)
I’ve just read all of First Peter again. As I read Chapter 1 verse 3, the word “begotten” stood out for me. The same thing happened as I read 1:23 which says, “Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the Word of God which lives and abides forever.” Recently someone sent me a picture of Billy Graham and Chuck Templeton (below). I remember when Billy and Chuck worked together as Evangelists in the Youth For Christ Movement. Billy was steadfast in his faith and commitment to the Gospel, but Chuck went to a very liberal theological seminary, and it seems he lost his faith in Christ. He returned to Toronto, wrote books, and became a broadcaster of note. On one occasion I was interviewed by Chuck on national CBC television. Chuck said, “David, you talk a lot about being born again. The Bible only refers to this one time.” I responded in a way that I later apologized for. I said, “Chuck, you’ve not been reading your Bible lately! Jesus said those words twice in John 3, and there are other places where the ‘born again’ experience is found. For example, Peter wrote those words, ‘born again.'” Then I referenced other synonymous expressions of this truth. e.g. “a new creation” and “born of the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 5:17 & John 3:8b). After the live show was over (I would only go on live shows because they had in the past edited me to make me say what I did not!), I prayed about it, and that still small Voice said to me, “David, you do not love Chuck.” I repented, and the next time when we were together (off camera), I asked his forgiveness for my lack of love, and he graciously forgave me. In the late 80’s, when the TV Evangelists scandals broke, Chuck was everywhere on Canadian TV, radio, and in the press defending me as an evangelist of integrity. Shortly before his death, he said to an interviewer, “I love Jesus very much, and I’ve missed Him for a long while.” I believe I’ll meet Chuck in Heaven!
Yours because, as the Scriptures say over and over, “His mercy endures forever!”
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
precious fellow saints who prayed for me. I did, indeed, feel your prayers throughout the day, which was uplifting as I was moved by an incredible sense of peace and love, and wrote a new chapter. That is the love mentioned in today’s scripture and David’s message. Lovingly overwhelmed, that by prayer, our requests are fulfilled by our Heavenly Father. In admiration of David’s message about Billy Graham, Chuck Templeton, and scriptures to being born again. The photo posted on the morning of Billy Graham’s return to heaven (2 yrs ago), a sign of their reunion. Amen! God bless you mightily, dear saints!
I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s;
he makes me tread on my high places. Habakkuk 3:18-19 ESV
How Deep The Father’s Love For Us, Fernando Ortega
So happy to hear you heard our prayers and felt better. I prayed for you a few times throughout the day. I look forward to your comments and have been enjoying the music you supply.
I pray God restores your back to normal again.
Blessings to all brothers and sisters in Christ today.
Thank you Nan and God bless you!
Amen Beverlee! I’m glad to hear you experienced the prayers of your brothers and sisters, and were able to write another chapter. Prayer with love are powerful together. I so enjoy reading 1 Peter, and also grateful for the way David explained those more difficult to understand passages. It’s a lovely, sunny morning here in southwestern Ontario. Have a blessed day all!
Amen Deanna!
Beverlee: I am so happy to hear that you could feel our prayers. It is very encouraging when we hear that God did answer and He helped you finish that chapter. You are an inspiration to all of us.
Bless you and all our blog friends. Very cool but sunny here today.
Eleanor M
Thank you dear Eleanor. You are an inspiration to me. God bless you!
Thank you Beverlee for sharing the good news:
Praise the Lord for His goodness to us; when we cry out, He hears and answers: Glory to God in the Highest!!! Amen!
Dear Father, thank You for the gifts You give us: eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to serve, feet to go… Please help us, Lord, to go where You direct us, and to do what is right and good and pleasing to You. Bless, encourage, and send out all Your workers today, Lord; open the doors for Your Word to go out freely and clearly; and may Your good and perfect will be done on Earth as in Heaven. In Jesus’s great name, amen
Oh, amen Rob!
Glad to hear your testimony Beverlee and you were able to continue with your writing. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless your days. Always good to read your posts and you have been faithful. Have been praying for our country and leadership. Lord have mercy and may these problems be resolved. In Christ name,
Praying with you Ger for our country and its leadership. May your day be blessed, dear sister-in-Christ.
Prayer and love are such amazing guidelines in our daily lives. Such great pics today and it was impossible not to admire Billy Graham as he devoted much of his life to bringing lost souls to Jesus.
William Franklin Graham IV (Will) is the third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the banner of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Will is the grandson of Billy Graham and the oldest son of Franklin Graham. “I’m not trying to be the next Billy Graham; I’m just Will Graham,” says the ordained minister. “I have a burden in my heart to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If that’s to an arena full of people or one person on the street, I will do whatever God is calling me to do.”
Loving all saints and those who will become saints, in Jesus name.
Amen Lynda. I love your closing–those who will become saints. A foreshadowing of love to come. None shall separate us from the love of Christ. Amen!
Ravi Zachariah (well known apologist), is asking for prayers. He is facing spinal surgery Thursday for a previous spinal injury. He suffers much pain as he travels with his amazing ministry. A great gift of teaching & great intelligence in reaching university students has been given to Ravi. He will be recovering for approximately 8 weeks.
Thank you Doreen for letting us know. I love Ravi Zachariah and will be praying for him.
Lord I pray for Your intervention and your wisdom to guide those attending to Razi Zachariah, that nothing be done during the surgery, that surgery will be successful; with a speedy recovery, in Your Name Jesus I pray, Amen!
Thank you Lord for answering our prayers regarding our sister Beverlee. We pray you will continue to heal and strengthen her body. Pour out your anointing upon her, as she does her writings. All to your glory! Amen!
Lord, minister your peace, comfort, healing and strength to all in need. Thank you for your faithfulness! Amen!
Thank you Luisa and God bless you!
Yes thank you Doreen for letting us know about Ravi Zechariah’s back surgery. Really appreciate his ministry with the university students.
Amen and God Bless You All
Lord God your word tells in Rom 8:38-39 “that nothing can separate us from the Love of God…” Though Chuck Templeton strayed, God never left Chuck Templeton. Praise God for His Mercy and Grace: His faithfulness is everlasting!!
Thank Ron for posting the photo of your Dad and Chuck Templeton: Thank you Reynold for the detailed photograh of the Churches.