Today’s Reading: 1 Peter 1-2
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Church of St. Anne (the mother of Mary) is located at the start of the Via Dolorosa, near the Lions’ Gate in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The current church is erected near the remains of an earlier Byzantine basilica. There is a tradition which claims that this was the site of the home of the parents of the Virgin Mary, and that she was born here and grew up here. The sculptor has offered us this depiction of a mother and a young girl.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 1 Peter 1:5, 2:2
…who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.…As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.
“Kept by the power of God!” What a confidence-building statement! Can it be any better than that? Add to that the amazing privilege of growth through the Word of God! We’ve been reading daily the Prophets. We are encouraged to learn a most important lesson from them. They “inquired and searched diligently!” (1:10). We are given clear instructions as to how to do this: “Gird up the loins of your mind” (1:13). That picturesque language helps us understand the process. We could put it differently, like, “Take yourself by the scruff of the neck and partake daily of all the spiritual nutrients we need to grow and thrive.” A baby’s whole world is all about survival and growth. As a hungry baby desires mother’s milk, so we should hunger and thirst, eating and drinking God’s Word!!!
In Peter’s writing he sounds a lot like he did when he delivered the very first sermon on the birthday of the Church (Read Acts 2:22-24). Peter quotes from his Hebrew Bible from Isaiah 53. Compare 1 Peter 2:24 & 25 with Isaiah 53:5 & 6. All the Apostles were “Word of God” preachers and teachers.
Lord God, I pray for the grace of consistency in my reading and my meditating on and in Your Holy Word. I ask that Your Spirit will impart to me a greater comprehension and practical application of Your Word. May I, like the Apostles, have a strong ministry to others by skillfully, and with wisdom, sharing Your Word with others. In the Name of the “Living Word,” Jesus Christ I pray. Amen!!!
A while back, I spoke at the Crossroads Chapel service about the DNA of the Crossroads Ministry. I took “Uncle Jasper” and “Caspar the Cop” with me to illustrate the commitment Crossroads has had to children’s ministry since the beginning of the TV ministry back in 1962 (photo below). I used these same puppets to help me grab the attention of the children in a Sunday School I started in Chalk River, Ontario, when I was 18 back in 1954. Most of the time there has been a children’s component to the Crossroads ministry.
Yours for getting the attention of the children so that they will drink the “pure milk of the Word” and “grow thereby!”
P.S. Jasper and Caspar are pictured below. Notice the copy of a Bible under the wooden shoes. The symbolism is that we stand on the solid foundation of the Scriptures. The Word of God is over and above all the other books in my library! The wooden shoes were a gift from the Netherlands when I travelled to that country speaking about the dangers of euthanasia in the great reformed churches of that land. To the dismay of historical Christians, the government passed a bill allowing the killing of the elderly. I weep now because Belgium, where two of my grandchildren were born, has passed legislation by which children can be euthanized. May God have mercy on His human family!!!
By his wounds we have been healed, amen. Stunning about euthanasia of children in Belgium. Please pray for me today, fellow saints to have strength to battle this back pain and finish my writing without interruptions. His Hand be upon you all, today.
“There is none holy like the LORD; there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God.” 1 Samuel 2:2 ESV
Cornerstone/The Solid Rock by This Hope
Dear Lord please have mercy on our sister Beverlee. I pray that you would take away the pain in her back. She is anxious to get her writing done and I know that you are the one who can help her. Bless her for her input To this blog. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus.. Amén .
Eleanor M
Agreeing with you in prayer, Eleanor for our dear sister, Beverlee.
I prayed for her also. Hoping she feels our prayers.
Amen Nan.
i stand in agreement with you Eleanor.
Amen Eleanor M
Agreeing with your prayer for Beverly Kay; Also Lord for a complete refreshing for this day and always Thank You Jesus, Amen!
Praying the Lord gives you the strength to carry on today, heal the pain in her back, Bless Beverlee Kay for sharing music and her thoughts and prayers, it is an awesome experience because she is down east and I am in British Columbia, thank you Lord for this prayer site and Your Word which brings us close together, amen amen
Great article on euthanasia:
Belgium authorised euthanasia of a terminally ill nine and 11-year-old in youngest cases worldwide
Forgive me for using the word great in relation to euthanasia of children, I meant information wise in terms of an article.
It is indeed upsetting to learn this about Belgium and the euthanization of children. Thank you for the article, Beverlee. Also, it is very grievous to me that Canada is one of the few countries in the whole world where there is absolutely no protection for the unborn. These precious ones aren’t even given a choice in the matter.
Beverlee, my heart goes out to you, as I too have recently been dealing with back pain. Praying for you, dear sister.
Blessings on each fellow blog reader today.
Every year in Canada there are 100,000 babies killed in the womb.
I found this statistic on the Campaign Life Coalition website.
Hi Ron,
I did not get today ‘s blog February 20 2020
can you please send it to me
I really appreciate it I think it is such a good idea to read the Bible in 2 years
I also like the explain what you father gives and his always clear prayers is such a blessing to me
thank you
Boudewina Verkaaik
Thank You, Lord God, for the cross, where we can be forgiven. Thank You for taking our sins on Yourself. Thank You for living a perfect and sinless life, though You were tempted in every way. Please help all Your people to see and choose the way out when tempted. You are the Way, Lord Jesus, so help us to choose You!
We also pray for good leadership in Canada. Please raise up strong, wise, and Godly leaders, people who will look to You for help, as we all need to. Thank You for being our help. In Jesus’s great name, amen
I did not get the blog yet today but I clicked on yesterday ‘s and today’s opened up. Father God, in Jesus Name, release Your healing touch to Beverley releasing her from pain & discomfort. Thanks You Lord. Amen Blessings all.
So nice to have moved on to 1 Peter:-)! Love the pic of the books as I’m such a book worm.
Praying for all dear Saint’s souls suffering with physical pain.
“I have become convinced that medicine is indeed ministry. Just as the Great Physician healed bodies to heal souls, so doctors, nurses, and other care providers meet physical needs as an extension of God’s love for us all. Whether medical professionals know God personally or not, he knows them personally. And he uses the gifts he has given them to bless their patients out of his unconditional grace.
If you’re facing physical suffering today, know that the same One who healed “every disease and every affliction among the people” stands ready to help you as well (Matthew 4:23). All that he has ever done, he can still do. He works medically and miraculously as we trust him for his timing and our best.” Dr. Jim Denison God Will Take Care of You
Lord Jesus we pray for the healing of Beverlee’s back today so she can do your will and continue with her writing. Thank you Lord for her faithfulness to this blog and praying for others. I unite my prayers also with others who have prayed. In Jesus Name. Amen!
Dear Beverlee,
I pray that you were able to do your writing today, unhindered by pain.
May God’s healing touch overtake you and bring healing and health to every area of your body! Be healed, in Jesus’ Great Name!
I join all others in thanking you, again, for your faithful contributions to this blog.
We love ❤️ and appreciate you, dear sister!
Praying a blessing on each and every blogger. May the God of Israel answer when you call on Him!
Casper and Jasper must have kept the attention of the audience, especially that of the children!
Peter’s powerful message saved many souls, that morning; Thank You Jesus for Your Great Love!!
God heal Beverlee and bless all the Bloggers.
Thank you Mainse family for the Blog
Lord You need to get the attention of those who abort babies, this is a horrible thing to do, we are not to kill, people need to take responsibility that sex is for marriage,use proper birth control is you do not want to have babies, BUT THE LORD GOD SAYS THOU SHALL NOT KILL HE MEANS IT, WE HAVE TO GIVE ACCOUNT ON JUDGMENT DAY