Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 45-47
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This is the view from atop Mount Carmel looking west toward the sunset over the Mediterranean Sea. It was from here that a “cloud the size of a man’s hand” was reported to Elijah (1 Kings 18:44). God spoke to Elijah as He did to Jeremiah. God’s love will find a way sooner or later to bring people back to Himself, but it must be a decision of human free will. That’s what true love means. Happy Valentine’s Day!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Jeremiah 46:27
But do not fear, O My servant Jacob,
And do not be dismayed, O Israel!
For behold, I will save you from afar,
And your offspring from the land of their captivity;
Jacob shall return, have rest and be at ease;
No one shall make him afraid.
Jeremiah 45 is Jeremiah’s word from God for his personal assistant and secretary (scribe), Baruch. Baruch’s prize was “Life.” He went as a guest of honour to Babylon where he was allowed to buy property and to prosper. There is an Apocryphal book called by his name. The Apocrypha is a collection of writings judged by the Jewish scholars as not inspired by God, yet somewhat valuable for study.
Jeremiah 46 tells us of Pharaoh Necho, King of Egypt. Necho had killed good King Josiah of Judah (2 Chronicles 35:20-27). After his return to Egypt, Necho deposed and deported Josiah’s son Jehoahaz, and made Jehoiakim his puppet king in Jerusalem. In 606 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon defeated Necho and world history was forever altered. Egypt would never again be considered a world power (46:13). In the midst of all this, God’s Word to His people is stated in our key verse. Jeremiah 47 tells us of the Philistine cities which were also caught in the midst of the wars between Egypt and Babylon (Iraq).
This Valentines Day, let’s contrast the message of Jesus with that of Muhammed. The Koran says, “God loves those who love him.” In contrast to this, the Bible says, “God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Let’s take time to read 1 John 4:7-19 as our St. Valentine’s Day meditation. Recently a man from Mecca called in to the Light For All Nations Arabic ministry and received the unconditional love of Jesus by grace through faith.
Lord Jesus, I love You because You first loved me! Not as the Koran says, in effect, that You love me because I first loved You! You are the Initiator! You courted and wooed me! You won my heart!!! Increase my capacity to be filled with more of Your love than ever before, I pray. In the Name of the One of Whom it is written, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16a), Jesus Christ! Amen!!!
I have asked our son Ron to write the personal words for today. He posts the blog every morning for me at 6 a.m.
Hi Friends! The Bible tells us to “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). Dad embedded prayer into the DNA of Crossroads from the very beginning. I know this will take me well over the 100 words Dad asked me to write, but allow me to share a story that illustrates what I’m talking about…
When I was a teenager, I was part of our high school basketball team. I remember having to wake up extremely early one morning in order to attend a practice, which our overly zealous coach had scheduled well before the school day began. My teammates and I were far from enthusiastic about having to get our bodies out of bed that early, but that was the only time the gymnasium was available before our big championship game. So I set my alarm for “dark and early.” When the dreaded beeping noise hit my ears, I reluctantly rolled out of bed, got dressed, and tiptoed my way through the dark hallway and down the stairs, being careful not to wake anyone else in the family. However, when I got to the living room, I was surprised to see the lights on and hear someone speaking. When I looked to my left, I saw my Dad kneeling next to the couch with dozens of pieces of paper spread out all over the furniture. I paused long enough to figure out what was going on. Dad was in prayer, weeping and interceding before God on behalf of the many who had written to him as a result of the recently launched 100 Huntley Street daily TV program. He never saw me as I continued tiptoeing out the door and off to my practice. That experience deeply impacted me. It strongly reinforced to my heart the truth of Dad’s genuine passion for God and passion for people. He wasn’t on television because of any ego trip or because he needed a job. He was called by God to share the love of Jesus to a lost and hurting world. He lived what he believed about the infinite value of a soul. After that, I could think of nothing else I wanted to do with my life than work with my Dad, which I had the privilege of doing from 1985 to 2015.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone,
Wonderful blog, today. We are continually with you Lord. You hold us by our right hands and guide us with your counsel, and afterward receive us to glory. Whom have we in heaven but you? For there is nothing on earth that we desire besides you, Lord. Our flesh and our hearts may fail, but God is the strength of ours hearts and our portion forever. Happy Valentine’s Day 💖 fellow saints in the Lord. God’s blessings upon you, today!
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 NIV
LORD “You are my Reward”
Michael Bethany, feat. on Josh Helm’s Worship 52 Cd
Written & Arranged by Chuck Bethany
Landscape Photography by Helen Price
Yes Amen Beverlee
God bless you Beverlee Kay; give thanks unto the Lord for HIS HEART FOR ALL PEOPLE, THANK YOU LORD IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY AMEN AMEN AMEN
Praying for Ger’s cousin, Helene. Lord God give her strength and peace beyond all understanding. Heal and restore her failing kidneys, Lord. We pray in Your mighty Name–Name above all Names. 💖
Amen Heal our sister In Jesus Name Amen
Thanks for sharing this story, Ron. Also thank you for your many years you worked together with your Dad and now on the program, A Better Us.
I also thank Ron for sharing this story. I have remembered it from previous years of following the blog. You know that story, has come to my mind on different occasions. It touched my heart, David was a wonderful man that’s for sure.
Blessings to all today.
I have always admired David’s sincerity and I’m still amazed @ his physical strength to do the things he did (ie: up so early praying & his traveling schedules & TV appearances). Amazing Thank You Lord. Amen
Amen Doreen.
Thank You, Lord, for Your great love, and for putting that love in our hearts. Thank You for Your people throughout this world. Fill each one with Your Holy Spirit, and keep on making all Your people more like You. Help us all to show Your love to others in what we say and do. We pray for many, many to turn to You in Canada and all the world. Please keep on raising up these Godly Jetemiahs and Davids and Rons and Annes and all Your dearly-loved workers. In Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen, Rob and most appreciation for this blog and for Ron and his wife, Anne ,who have proceeded with this blog since David went to heaven.
Amen Rob!
Amen Rob
Yes, remember this touching story of Ron and his Dad. Thank you for the Mainse family and the calling and love for people you have put in their hearts. Thank you also Eleanor M, Irene, Nan and Beverlee for your prayers for Helene. Will keep you posted. God bless each one.
So thankful to God for answering our prayers on your behalf, Ger!
Praying for Helene. May God do in her body the cleansing that the dialysis would do. May He encourage and sustain her everyday!
Much love ❤️ to all bloggers on this Valentines Day! We are loved by the One who loves best!
Amen Luisa. I am agreeing in prayer with you for Helene.
Happy Valentines Day to all who read this blog. John 3:16.
Yes same here Lusia, praying for complete healing for Helene Thank you Lord amen amen amen
Father God,I pray it be your will to heal Ger’s cousin.In Jesus’ holy name.Amen
Amen to Rob’s prayer – Every time I read Ron’s account of the morning he found his dad praying for the many that asked him to pray – it brings tears of joy and thanksgiving to my eyes. PTL !
Amen to David’s heart and love for those with prayer needs, Gloria!
Happy Vanlentine’s Day dear saints!
Dr. Seuss wrote: “A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.”
“God made you like no other human being. Not just with your DNA and fingerprints, but with your gifts and abilities. Your education and experiences, your challenges and limitations, your successes and failures have all blended into the uniqueness that is you.
As a result, you can serve God and others in a way no one else can. When you try to be what you’re not, you keep us from experiencing what you are. Like a jigsaw puzzle, your piece fills a gap no one else can. You’re a piano like no other.” Dr. Jim Denison.
Jesus, It’s Me Again, Charley Pride
What an amazing photo Reynold has shared this day. Thank u for showing something of what God’s power can display. God bless. …Here Is Love
I took my (more) elderly friend for Xrays today and did a couple errands while there,got his prescriptions and returned home by 3 PM but it was a day filled with interruptions so I’m just finished now.
I always love that touching story from Ron about the deep devotion David ‘has’.My friend mentioned above is much like that too.Ie:while he is driving along his right hand will often…very often go up as we pass a car on the side of the road,etc and he will mutter a quick prayer that all is well.He started out pastoring a church in the Brighton area at the same time David was in Brighton.May yall have a great evening and a great sleep.
A Beacon
When you know that He really loves you,
Then you know you are a worthy kin
And that your faith will shine through
The curtain that’s weaved from sin,
So may your face be a shinning light,
To brighten someone’s darkest day,
For in the dark your flame shines bright,
To be a beacon that light’s their way.
G W (Bill) Marshall /16 Jan, 2014
what a glorious photo, thank you Reynold; thank you Ron for posting it:
Thank you Ron for sharing your story; how blessed you are to have such an example to follow!
The Lord lets Jacob know, that he is safe, God will protect him from harm
“fear not, Jacob” (Leaning on the ever lasting arms safe and secure
from all alarms…)
be blessed saints