Today’s Reading: Proverbs 24
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

“The White Tower” is a monument and museum on the waterfront of the city of Thessalonica, capital of the region of Macedonia in northern Greece and a symbol of Greek sovereignty over Macedonia. Our key verse speaks of building wisely. Jesus said, “Which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost (Luke 14:28a)?” At the very least, the cost of building our households wisely is the daily practice of reading the Word of God and spending time in prayer.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 24:3-4
Through wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.
The repetition of the word “lips” stands out in today’s reading. We may have heard the saying, “Loose lips sink ships.” The message is clear. Our words can make trouble (24:2), can deceive (24:28), or can provide a right answer (24:26). The word “evil” is also repeated several times. Firstly, there is a warning against making people who do evil our heroes (24:1). Our children need to be on guard against making people whose lives are a mess, such as some movie stars or some rock stars, their heroes. There are some great and godly people who work in making movies, music, or other areas of life, that we can present to the next generations. Secondly, “Do not fret because of evildoers” (24:19a)! Why not worry about it? Because, “The lamp of the wicked will be put out” (24:20b). When we pray fervently for others, we gain a long-term view of life and, as our key verses tell us, we build our household wisely and fill all the rooms with good things!
Lord God, I pray for wisdom along with the determination to fill my house with understanding and knowledge, so that I will surround my life and the lives of my family and friends who visit me with precious and pleasant riches…riches of love, joy, peace, truth and all the characteristics of Jesus, in Whose Name I ask these blessings, Amen!!!
As I came to the end of Proverbs 24, I read, “A little sleep, a little slumber…” I enjoy and thrive on the life discipline of early mornings to which God has called me, and the older I get, I like change less and less (24:21b). Nevertheless, I am determined that I will “fret not!” It was 1993 when Dr. R.K. Harrison went to Heaven. Here is an interview I did with this outstanding man of God and true scholar who was the primary New Testament translator for the NKJV (click here).
Yours for building our households with wisdom and filling the rooms with precious and pleasant knowledge,
P.S. I sometimes get a little lonely for our old studio building at 100 Huntley Street, Toronto, where the interview with Professor Harrison took place. Truly this was a building where the rooms were “filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” We moved from there in 1992. Below is a picture of the front of that special building.
How blessed are we to have had parents who raised us to be Christians.
Thanks to all dear saints who answered my call to pray for ‘Joseph’ (God knows who Joseph is).
On overindulging in alcohol, I used to do that as a young person just to feel like I was fitting in….no confidence, very shy and a colossal introvert. But, since being filled with the holy spirit, and not all that long ago, wisdom and knowledge have walked with me. God is great!! May God be your best friend forever dear saints as He truly is the answer; only took me 60 years to realize that!
My mistake…somehow got put on Dec. 3rd comments also. Merry Christmas dear saints!!
I only knew that I was to end a prayer “in Jesus’ name” and used to talk to God as if talking to myself before I finally learned enough to accept Jesus as my Savior.Anyway,I did not want my little son growing up to watch a father who needed to drink to feel ‘normal’ so,one night,I got on my knees and asked the Lord to ‘take away my “desire” to drink.About 3 months(?) later my desire to drink started to falter and then nosedive,over about a one month period.I still used to play pool with my ‘friends’ for about another 6 months and “never missed it a bit”.They were amazed.
That was about 30 yr ago.Praise God.
Praise God
yes indeed William Marshall, praise the Lord for being alcohol free, I find it so heart warming when others share their stories because I also have a story and I am so thankful for this blog; God bless those who are alcohol & drug free; praise the Lord! amen amen amen
Yes thank you everyone for sharing and opening your hearts!
William and Lynda fill my heart with hope and renewed determination to pray for my dear son as he struggles with alcohol addiction.
God is in control…..have a blessed Christmas everyone!
Lynda D. I just love you to pieces, I enjoy your posts, so right on, so thankful that the Holy Spirit came to fill you to overflowing; you must have prayed for this to happen; what a blessing and thank you for sharing,
pray the Lord would send the right person to rent the back room; God knows what I need;
pray that all people would ask Jesus Christ to enter their lives and hearts and confirm them in the Holy Spirit;
Thank you again Lynda D. for posting, God bless you and grant you good rest…..
It’s great to look back & see David & Norma Jean with the grandchild. So much has changed since that time. Jesus does not change though. He’s the same yesterday, today, & forever!! Praise His Holy Name.
Enjoyed that video again especially about “Private Interpretation”.We have just witnessed much wisdom in these 3 men.Be thankful and hang on to that.Merry Christmas to all.
They Call Me St.Nick
They call me ‘St Nick’ in my land,
Because I practiced love to all,
But then it quickly got out of hand;
The lie became my life’s downfall.
I am not Christmas,nor a saint,
But am promoted only to sell,
I detest that they made me quaint,
So they could make their money swell.
If you love Christmas,give it back,
To the true King,Lord of all lands,
Only He can replace what we lack;
You’re right beside where He stands.
So if you truly love Jesus,the Lord,
Welcome Him into your humble abode
He is the Gift we can all afford,
He keeps giving but is never owed.
G W (Bill) Marshall / Dec 2,2012
Thank You, Lord, for people who love You, who seek your ways, who love Truth and Life. Thank You for those who give, even to life itself. Thank You for those who care, who take time to pray and help others. Please bless them, and help us also to be more like You. In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen, Amen
Thank you Luisa for the update on Ann. So grateful to get some news on her.
Very thankful for Ron and Ann’s messages, this blog and all who contribute
Bless you all and have a blessed Christmas one and all
Yes thank you Luisa for the update on Ann and Ron and their ministry.