Today’s Reading: Psalms 110-113
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem candles are continuously being lit outside of the Edicule (small shrine chamber), where many believe that Jesus’ grave was located. When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century after Christ, the vast wealth of the empire began to be poured into the construction of magnificent church buildings. There is no tomb here hewn out of rock. It is claimed that during the second and third centuries, when Jerusalem was declared to be a pagan city, the rock in which the tomb was located was removed in an attempt to remove the memory of Jesus’ resurrection.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 110:1
The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
The key to understanding the Bible is to let the Bible interpret the Bible. As we read, we do our best to compare Scripture with Scripture. Let’s do this by reading Matthew 22:41-46, where Jesus gives a commentary on Psalm 110. There are many New Testament Scriptures to which we could turn to help our understanding. Here’s one more example found in Hebrews 5:5-10. Psalm 110 is quoted by both Jesus and by the writer of Hebrews.
Psalms 111 & 112 are written as acrostics. In Hebrew they are beautiful poetry. All sentences begin with a consecutive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The acrostic is a device which is created to help in memorization. The Scriptures were written to be studied by all people who love God and who take pleasure in learning more about God. We who do this daily blog are some of those people!
Psalm 113 quotes from the song of Hannah, the mother of Samuel, who praised God for healing her so that she was no longer childless (1 Samuel 2:1-10).
Lord God, I thank You for communicating with me through prophets, kings, poets, musicians, priests, apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists, but most of all through Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. I pray for more and more of the One that You promised would guide me into all truth…The Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit, I know that You live in me as a believer, according to the promise of Scripture. Now I pray that I, my total being, will live in You! I desire to be filled to overflowing with Your Person, Holy Spirit! I ask this in the Name of the One who was always filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus! Amen!!!
It was in 1968 when, as a young Pastor, I first visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. I was filled with joy to be in a place where it was said that Jesus was buried and then arose from the dead. However, as I stepped inside the man-made structure, I was met by a priest who asked for money. I gave him something, and I know I should have been more gracious, but my disappointment was so great that I turned and walked out immediately. My parents, missionaries to Egypt, had travelled to Jerusalem in 1924 for their honeymoon, where mother took pictures of what is known as “The Garden Tomb,” which is in a different location. I was raised on those pictures. That Garden Tomb may not be the actual location of Jesus’ burial, but it sure looks like it.
Yours for experiencing the presence of God, whether in Jerusalem or here at home,
Wishing my mom Jean, in heaven, a Happy 92nd Birthday. Picked this song for her–Happy Birthday Mom!! Beautiful photos, today, Psalms, message (acrostics) and prayer. Disappointing about the priest asking David for money. We extol the Lord, with all our hearts. Our praise is never ending, Adonai. For whom have we in heaven but You? We count our blessings, Lord, for we know the joy of being in love with You. Wishing all saints a blessed day. May all your needs be fulfilled and your dreams come true.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 ESV
Celine Dion – A Mother’s Prayer (Lyrics)
The lyrics are fantastic… every mother’s prayer. I shall search for that CD. Thank you so much and may God richly bless you!
Blessed, this song is the one Celine sings with Andrea Bocelli, called The Prayer. But, in the version above, she sang it by herself for Mother’s Day, and called it A Mother’s Prayer. Here is the usual version you are used to hearing:
Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli – The Prayer (Live) Lyrics
Thank you Beaverlee
What a beautiful song !! Tears flowed as I listened to this song -It is my prayer for my daughter who is ill in hospital (mental Illness) The treatment doesn’t seem to be working fast enough for me – I wait upon the LORD to touch her – relieve her pain and anguish as we see her thru this time in her life – She became a Christian as a young girl and my prayer is if she is not healed GOD will take her HOME so that she doesn’t suffer anymore. I would ask for theprayers of the people who follow this blog (I’ve been on it for the last two years and it is surely a comfort to me
Dear Beverlee, thank you for sharing that beautiful song with us. My thoughts turned to my mother who has been in heaven since I was twenty.i It was a long, long time ago but I still miss her. I hope you have a wonderful day of great memories of her.
I will be thinking of you ????????❤️
I prayed David’s prayer this morning and I hope I can do all of what it says.
Blessings everyone. Eleanor M.
God bless you dear Eleanor!
Dear Lord God, please forgive us for our groaning. Help us to trust in You. Hannah wept and cried out to You about her barrenness, You heard her cries, and gave her a wonderful child. Her cries turned to rejoicing over your goodness.
Please help us in our need, Lord. We cry out to You with our many needs, for help, healing, comfort, wisdom, strength, guidance, provision, protection, salvation… Not only for us, but for our families, friends, neighbours, coworkers, and our leaders. Have your way in all this world, Lord, and be honoured in and through all your church everywhere. Thank You, Lord. We ask in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen and Amen
Amen Rob!!
Powerful prayer.We should always ask to be filled with more of the Holy Spirit and I never fully realized until now we should ask:”..,my total being, will live in You! ” !!
It is He Who will enable us to see that which we previously failed to see.
I posted this when it was written.The note is attached in my files:
This poem ‘intruded’ as I was commenting
in the 100 Words blog (The one below it is his
All The Way.
You have been a light to many,
You sought to make them free,
And through the years of plenty
You served Me so faithfully.
I know you wanted to stay,
I need you more now than they,
So I brought you home that day,
Now you’re with Me all the way.
Your light shone so bright and so far
When you heard me and obeyed,
Now your torch is their bright star,
From one who never delayed.
Faith will keep your light shinning bright
And love will feed the flame,
So the world can see His light,
The One Who took all our blame.
GW (Bill) Marshall/30Jan/2018
4 David Mainse
I stumbled on some more tributes.They may not be great but they are sincere.God bless
This poem ‘intruded’ as I was commenting
in the 100 Words blog (The one below is his
All The Way.
You have been a light to many,
You sought to make them free,
And through the years of plenty
You served Me so faithfully.
I know you wanted to stay,
I need you more now than they,
So I brought you home that day,
Now you’re with Me all the way.
Your light shone so bright and so far
When you heard me and obeyed,
Now your torch is their bright star,
From one who never delayed.
Faith will keep your light shining bright
And love will feed the flame,
So the world can see His light,
The One Who took all our blame.
GW (Bill) Marshall/30Jan/2018
4 David Mainse
I just corrected the last line to read: “The One Who took all the blame.”
We are blessed sister Beverlee to have good Christian mothers and our memory of them is sweet. Amen!
Amen Ger! My Mother has been in heaven 46 years as of Aug 23, 1973 and we still often quote some of her special sayings!
Amen Ger and Irene. Amen to our Mothers in heaven!