Today’s Reading: Psalms 90-91
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Goreme is a town in Cappadocia, an historical region of Turkey. The people who settled here built their homes within these unusual, cone-shaped hills. This area was first settled during the Roman period. Christians were persecuted and for protection they dug subterranean dwellings into the rock hillsides. The believers in Christ were literally dwelling in a secret place as our key verse says. When Christians became the majority in the region, many churches were carved out of the solid rock. These amazing structures can still be seen today. Cappadocia is mentioned several times in the New Testament, including Acts 2:9 and 1 Peter 1:1.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 90:1 & 91:14
So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom….
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 90 is unique in that it is the only one composed by Moses. He probably wrote this during the wanderings in the wilderness for 40 years, when they had no place to call home. They could not fortify themselves against enemy attacks. Moses learned that their only safe dwelling place was in the Lord. Considering the shortness of our days, 70 to 80 years approximately, we need to pack in all the wisdom we can gain so that “the beauty of the Lord will be upon us, and the works of our hands will be established” (90:17).
Psalm 91 teaches us that the secret place with God every day (it could be this blog) is the place of security. The world can be shut out and a sense of belonging to God is ours. We’re at home in the presence of the Lord! This is true protection!!! The warmth of God’s love is here!!!
Lord God, here I am, dwelling in Your secret place. I pray that I will learn more and more to relax and dwell constantly in Your presence. Thank You for this peaceful place of complete security, for now and for eternity! This is only because of Jesus in Whose Name I ask this great mercy. Amen!!!
I have personally experienced the fact that God “is my refuge and fortress.” As an evangelist who has shared the message of Jesus on the streets first, and then for decades on television, I’ve had attacks on my personal integrity which had no substance, and attacks on the effectiveness of the ministries which I’ve led. I felt totally unworthy when I received an award in 2008 for “Integrity in Life and Ministry,” along with Billy Graham, who received the same honour that year, presented by the Canadian Council of Christian Charities. I believe the secret of honouring God in honesty and love to all is that consistent “secret place” time with God early every morning. My meditation contained in this daily blog happens in that “secret place.”
Yours because of the Lord’s promise to “establish the work of our hands!”

In another part of historic Cappadocia, the city of Kaymakli was created by persecuted Christians who excavated the relatively soft rock deep below the ground with the access opening well hidden. This is one of the below-ground rooms, and the round stone was likely a kitchen table. While this underground city consists of 8 floors below ground, only 4 of them are open to the public today, in which the spaces are organized around ventilation shafts. Archeologists think that there could have been up to 3,500 people living in this city. So far 36 underground cities have been discovered in Cappadocia.
I love to read this blog by David Mainse it is always inspirational. I also appreciate the photos, I don’t know if I will ever be able to visit all these places but I sure do enjoy being able to see them though this blog…
Thanks for posting……blessing to all.
I agree with you Helen, I would have liked to go to Israel but that wasn’t to be. I love this blog and the people who post on it, it feels to me like we are family and indeed we are in Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Have a Blessed day everyone, I pray daily for the upcoming elections and I am leaving it in the Lord’s hands. Eleanor M.
Ps Thank you Ron for continuing this blog, praying that Anne is well on the way to a full recovery????
Amen Eleanor M.
Same here Helen. Bless the Mainse family for posting this blog…..
Dear Lord God, thank You for this secret place, the time we have with You. As Moses said, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations… We pray for this generation, Lord, that they find their refuge and strength in You.
Thank You, Lord God, for your Word and for your workers (even us) who are your witnesses in this world. As Moses prayed, establish the work You have given us to do, Lord. May we do it well. Be glorified in it, Fathe, we ask in Jesus’s name.
We also pray again for our country, Lord, and ask for your mighty hand on us. Please guide Canada and her people into your ways and purposes for us. We pray for good leadership in our homes, our schools, our media, our justice system, our workplaces, and in our government. Help us also to follow You, dear Lord. In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen,Rob.The last several generations have been drifting away from God.Therein lies the challenge for us to reach them.Far too many of them do not see their lack of morals.Without the bible there are no boundaries.God bless
My ‘puter disconnected from the internet over an hr ago and I just got back online by running Network Diagnostics.This has happened before when there is no problem.(I got online with my old LT ((Laptop)) with no problem.)
Amen, amen, amen. I have prayed this blog verbatim and depend on God’s word!!!
Amen Rob
Agreeing with you bloggers (especially for Godly leadership) and for our younger generation who did not get the privileges of scripture reading & prayer in our public schools. Society is so off track these days and the Light of Jesus is so needed. We ask for God’s plan of leadership here in Canada & in the USA. Amen
Amen Doreen
Amen Helen, Eleanor M and Rob. Your Word Lord and this blog is a place of security. May Your will be done in the upcoming election. Amen!
I know how you both feel.I can only visit foreign lands “electronically”,via the internet mostly.I would also love to visit Israel but “it ain’t gonna happen”,lol.Below are oodles more pics of the underground dwellings in today’s blog.
I have been praying for Ann’s full recovery along with many others:”that it be the Lord’s will.”May God bless
Hello Brothers & Sisters; I have been in this secret place everyday for over a year and do not post much. Please pray for my cousin, Eva, who just found out yesterday that she has uterine cancer. We are closer than sisters. She has an appointment with a cancer specialist this coming Tuesday. Eva does not know what stage, but surgery is imminent. Thank you all for your prayers.
Dear Maria,
I’m glad you’re part of our blog family!
I pray that Eva will be sustained by God’s peace, as she enters this journey of a cancer diagnosis . I pray for guidance and wisdom for her doctors. May the Lord direct them in making the best decisions concerning treatment. I pray for absolute victory for Eva, in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
Luisa I am agreeing with you in prayer for Maria”s cousin Eva.
Yes I also agree with Luisa and Eleanor prayers for you cousin Eva, Maria.
Lord intervene for Eva for her highest and best, Amen
Lord You know Eva and her issues with the cancer; BUT You Lord know how to heal her; we Pray for this healing to happen in Eva`s life and may she be a witness to all who see this healing;
Lord You also know all the others who are dealing with illnesses BUT You Lord know how to heal them all; Lord You love us unconditionally; we Thank You Lord for this healing; for Your Love; for the forgiveness of all our sins;
Lord help the people of Canada vote for God fearing leaders; bless their families;bless THE WORD OF GOD IN ALL OF ITS TRUTHFULNESS AMEN AMEN AMEN
Godbless you pastor David Maines