Today’s Reading: Colossians 1
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Located just outside the ancient walls of Jerusalem, this rock face is believed by many to be “Golgotha” or “The Place of the Skull” (Matthew 27:33), where Jesus was crucified. Isaiah 53:10 tells us that,”It pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand.” God was “Pleased.” “The pleasure of the Lord.” What a sublime mystery! Let’s think deeply about this.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Colossians 1:19-20
For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.
Just in case we might miss Paul’s main theme for this letter, he repeats the Name of Jesus, or a personal pronoun referring to Jesus, about 30 times in today’s reading. Jesus is the Lord of creation (1:16-17), the Source of reconciliation (1:20-22), the Reason for the believer’s hope (1:5, 1:23, 27), the Strength to live a new life (1:11 & 29), our Redeemer (1:14), 100% fully God (1:15 & 19), the Reason the cosmos exists and holds together (1:16, 17), the Head of the Church, the resurrected One, the preeminent Person in the universe (1:18), the Peacemaker between God and humanity (1:20), and the One who works mightily in us (1:29). Do we have the message clearly in our minds and hearts? God’s answer to human need is “Jesus.” We got this fact as children in Sunday School. We may remember that when the teacher asked a question, we would usually guess the answer was “Jesus.” Jesus taught that we are to become as little children (Matthew 18:1-5). In contrast to the first Covenant of God with mankind, which we read about yesterday (about keeping laws and regulations), the New Covenant is all about a Person and a personal relationship with Him.
Lord Jesus, I believe IN You, not just about You. I believe IN You as a bride believes in her man whom she meets at the altar of God. I give You, Lord, my entire life forever and ever. As Paul gave thanks and prayed consistently for the people of Colosse, even so I give thanks and pray for all my blog brothers and sisters. I’m praying from the “prayer book” of Colossians (1: 9-11), and I believe God says a resounding “YES!” to my prayers. Amen!!!
I’ve attached a movie clip to the blog of what I believe is most powerful. It features actor Bruce Marchiano as Jesus, quoting the actual words of Jesus. The Apostle Matthew was Bruce’s script writer. Bruce has often guested on the 100 Huntley Street telecast. My mind is putting Colossians chapter one as an overlay to the movie scene. I am deeply moved! (Click here to watch a short video clip).
I have had the honour in several communities to serve as a Chaplain for veterans’ associations. Invariably, when I spoke at memorial services, I chose today’s key verse as my text. Those who gave their lives for our country have made a great sacrifice. Jesus gave His life for mankind to have peace with God and peace between all people groups. He “made peace through the blood of His cross.” I share the fact that each of us must receive Jesus into our lives in order to experience the peace Jesus wants us to have. Many veterans and their family members have done this right there at the memorial service.
Yours for knowing and experiencing who Jesus is,
I am quite ill again and I’m waiting to hear from the doctor as to what course of action to take. I was quite well for 2 weeks but have been experiencing BP fluctuations & difficulty eating, etc. I’m hoping for more testing to uncover the cause. Appreciate your prayers & I ‘m waiting to hear about Ann’s recovery – bless her! Thanks folks.
Jesus I ask for wisdom for those attending to Doreen: perhaps its the medication:
I fractured my iailbone and was given Morfien (spelling) for the pain during the time I was taking it…even the smell of food nauztated me; now I am of it and enjoying my food;
In Jesus Name we pray for healing for Doreen;
wondering if you have ever visited a Acupunturist for a treatment? I believe in these treatments also a Chiropractor; also a Naturapath who can do work on a person’s blood type! The results are staggering, I found that I cannot eat chicken,corn,mushrooms from being tested; I found that a bowl of rolled oats every morning with honey and fruit is good for me; eating veggies partially cooked are good for me; salads;little or no bread; gallons of water with a dash of Chlorphyll and of course no smoking/drinking/lots of good exercise like swimming; I have to thank the Lord for all those good things; and I pray Doreen that you would also pray for the good things in your life; I pray that your Blood Pressure and the ability to eat return, never give up Doreen; always pray to the Lord; He hears all in Jesus Name I Pray amen
What a great Hope we have in Jesus: thank you Jesus!!
A great photo Reynold!
Thank you Mainse family for this daily Manna
Blessings on your day
August 2019
The Holy Spirit, Lord, Alone
by Fanny Crosby 1820-1915
“Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone,
Can turn our hearts from sin;
His power alone can sanctify
And keep us pure within.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone
Can deeper love inspire;
His power alone within our souls
Can light the sacred fire.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can bring
The gifts we seek in prayer;
His voice can words of comfort speak,
And still each wave of care.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can give
The grace we need this hour;
And while we wait, O Spirit, come
In sanctifying power.”
Continued prayers of healing, love, strength, and peace to Ann Mainse, Doreen, Irene, Ger, and all the saints who are in need. Hold onto your loving Saviour and He will give you rest. Wishing you all a most blessed day in the Lord. And thank you all for your loving prayers for me. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen.
fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 ESV
Crowder – All My Hope (Lyric Video) ft. Tauren Wells
Agreeing with all the prayers today. Healing and Blessings to all dear friends. Eleanor M.
Thank you Beverlee for your prayers and am sending up prayers for Doreen today. Please continue to pray for Jessica who does not accept God’s view of marriage between a man and a woman. Thank you. Good to hear from you Beverlee. hear Ann is doing well.
Praise God for Ann, Ger. Praying for Jessica. Hope you are enjoying your summer, dear sister-in-Christ.