Today’s Reading: Nehemiah 1-2
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The City of David is the Israeli name for the oldest settled neighbourhood of Jerusalem, and it is a major archaeological site. It is on a narrow ridge running south from the Temple Mount. It was a walled city in the Bronze Age and, according to Scripture, it is the place where King David built his palace and established his capital. The City of David enjoyed the defensive advantages of its position by the Tyropoeon Valley to its west (mostly filled in), the Hinnom Valley to the south, and the Kidron Valley on the east. This photo is looking south along an ancient City of David wall. Down to the left is the Kidron Valley.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Nehemiah 2:18
And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to do this good work.
King Artaxerxes, ruler of the vast Persian Empire and stepson of Queen Esther, became God’s servant in the answers to the prayers of Daniel and many others who suffered ethnic cleansing at the hands of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The Jews were still subjects of Persia, but the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem provided some sense of control over their own destiny as a distinct people. Some have called this period of time “The Springtime of Judaism.”
Ezra, in our readings over the past few days, has concentrated on the spiritual restoration of Judah, and now Nehemiah focuses on the political and geographical restoration. God gave the Jewish people one more leader who was a contemporary of Ezra and Nehemiah, the prophet Malachi. His ministry to the people was crucial to the revival of Judaism. The final book in the Hebrew cannon of Holy Scripture is powerful. To discover the power of Malachi’s words we may read Malachi 3:6-12.
Lord God, like Nehemiah, I pray with all sincerity for You to move upon the lives of those in authority. Please lead, guide, and direct our leaders in Your ways. You influenced the Persian Kings for the good of Your ancient people; now I pray that You’ll do the same for our current civil authorities, and in particular our spiritual leaders. Raise up in our time, O Lord, powerful prophetic voices as You have done in times past. I pray all these mercies in the Name of Jesus, Amen!!!
About 30 years ago, I was invited to speak at a conference of pastors and church leaders in Berlin, Germany. Rev. Volkhardt Spitzer was my host. He was the leader of a great Pentecostal congregation which had taken possession of the great church building in which Kaiser Wilhelm, of WWI times, had worshipped. I passed through “Check Point Charlie” into Eastern Germany, where I had the honour to preach in a Methodist Church. There in Communist-controlled territory, I found a church full of young people. Poverty was evident, but the joy of the Lord filled the building.
The next day, I took a taxi from my hotel to the infamous Wall that the Communist East Germans had built. A house which was a part of the Wall was being torn down and the Wall was being constructed to fill the gap. Police with machine guns were everywhere on the East German side. I approached the Wall from the west to try and make conversation with the masons laying the stones. I spoke in my best German (not that good) a warm greeting, but was met with no response. The workers would not look at me. I was totally ignored. I tried several times, but there was no response. I shared that evening in the conference that God is seeking to get our attention, but we just keep on building walls which separate. President Reagan said a few months later, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” As in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, God still uses leaders to bring about positive change in human affairs. I must never give up hope.
Yours for optimism based on the knowledge that God hears and answers prayer,
Perhaps there is no better photo and scripture than today for Ann Mainse. You are built upon the rock–God’s rock. He is Your strength and salvation. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust in His hands holding you through this surgery, dear Ann.
We pray to You, our Heavenly Father, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Spirit, Ruach breath of life, to breathe through Ann Mainse during her surgery at 11 am this morning and protect her with ten thousand Angels. Remove all the cancer from her body and heal her completely. Make her well, dear Lord, and give her rest and comfort as she heals. Jesus Christ, our ever present Saviour, comfort our dear sister and shine Your heavenly Light through her as a vehicle of Your Love. We thank You Lord, for Ann being a daughter of Your Kingdom and servant on earth to spread Your Word and grace. We love you Ann and are on-going prayers are with you.
He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
Psalm 62:6 ESV
Whole Heart (Hold Me Now)- Hillsong United with lyrics
P.S. I can you see you worshiping to this song, Ann. I know you are giving our Lord all the thanks and praise for His glory, as He turns our pain and suffering into victory for His Kingdom. Amen.
typo: our on-going prayers
Agreeing with every word of
your prayer Bevrelee.
Just adding a prayer, that the Lord would be with Ron and all the family circle. OUrR GOD IS ABlLE TO DO ANYTHING. Amen and Amen.
Amen, Eleanor. Praying for you, Ron, for your children, Norma-Jean, all of the family. And I should have also said: God, work through the hands of the surgeons and nurses.
Amen and Amen to all the above. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering the prayers of you people. Blessings to the entire Mainse family
Agreeing with all today for Ann & family and for a safe & speedy recovery.
Amen to all the prayers above. I too am holding you up to the Lord dear Ann, and Ron, Norma Jean and all the Mainse family. Like Nehemiah prayed, “May the Good Hand of the Lord be upon you,” and I believe He will as there are many holding you up to the Lord, God is faithful! Amen!
Amen to the comments above and prayers for Ann and. Ron and the rest of the family amen God bless everyone this day
Amen to all the comments and prayers above for Ann Mainse
& her family.
God is always with us, bless His Holy Name, Amen!
Amen to all comments and prayers above for Ann. I have been keeping her in prayer. Been praying for her family as well.
Our dear Lord will see them through.
Blessings and prayers for the “Maines Family” at this critical time in Ann’s life. God is so merciful!!! Thank the Lord Allmighty for all His Care and the stamina He gives us.
Amen Beverlee and Eleanor. Beautiful prayers I’m sure God loves.
I too agree with the prayer requests made above . Have been praying for successful surgery for Ann with complete recovery.
Amen. Praying for the Mainse Family. and complete healing for Ann in Jesus holy name .