Today’s Reading: Ezra 3-4
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The black volcanic stones formed the foundation of the Capernaum synagogue in the first century. Jesus healed the man with the withered hand in this building (Mark 3:1-6).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Ezra 3:12
But many of the priests and Levites and heads of their fathers’ houses, who were old men, who had seen the first Temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes; yet many shouted aloud for joy…
Today’s reading tells a story of tragedy and triumph! The people followed a two-year plan of worship and work (100words is also on a two-year plan). The foundation of God’s house had been completed. It was time to rejoice, reminisce, and express hope for the future.
The destruction of the original Temple by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had not hindered the worship of the true God in the people’s hearts. In fact, the opposite was true. The 70 years of captivity in Babylon had purified and intensified their fervency for God. The circumstances demanded small group gatherings. Eventually this would result in the development of the synagogue movement. Even before they began the construction project, they set up an altar to express reverence and obedience to God. Building or no building, God’s people will always find a place of personal, and if available, corporate worship.
In chapter four, we read of a delay in construction of the physical building; but the building of the holy temple, “eternal in the heavens,” went right on. Read 2 Corinthians 4:16 to 5:1-8.
Lord God, Like the people who gathered around Ezra’s vision, sometimes I weep and sometimes I shout for joy. You know my heart and mind. I pray for grace and consistency to worship You at all times and all places. Amen!
I served for several years as a Judge in “The International Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion.” One recipient for whom I voted was Rabbi Lord Jacobovitz, chief Rabbi of Britain and the Commonwealth (see photo below). He had written extensively on the subject of medical ethics, but the main reason I supported him was for his work with the USSR in bringing Jewish people out of the oppression and persecution of the Soviet Union. The people were called “Refuseniks.” He, like Ezra, succeeded magnificently. At Convocation Hall in the University of Toronto, where he was honoured, I had the opportunity of a long conversation with him. We agreed that one of the tragedies in history was when Jewish Christian leaders, who led the Christian Church for the first few decades, were replaced almost totally by Gentile leaders. Let us not forget that all the Apostles were Jews, as was Jesus, Himself. Read Romans 11:11-24. The Rabbi and I rejoiced for the occasion of the Templeton Prize and the recognition of his work, but we wept over the disastrous chasm which opened up between Jews and Christians. Below the Rabbi’s photo is an example of that divide. In 4th century Antioch Christians were still worshipping with their Jewish brothers and sisters in the local synagogue. This three-dimensional model is in the museum of the Jewish diaspora located on the campus of the University in Tel Aviv.
Yours for restoration for all that is God’s will for His people,

Jews and Jewish-Christians prepare to worship at the Great Synagogue of Antioch, Syria, in the 4th century AD. Chrysostom, one of the fathers of the Church, reproves the Christians and demands that they separate from the Jews.
Very interesting read today, and The Templeton award about the rabbi is great to know about. That must have been a joyful conversation. Really, really, hot today. I think it will have to be a quieter day for me although doctors have been surprised by my health improvement. Thinking of Ann this week. May she be blessed greatly with good news too.
Doreen that is wonderful news. Praise God! You made me smile a big one. Lol.
Tomorrow my husband and me are hosting our church service at our cabin on our farm. We have a lovely spot here, so hopefully the weather man is correct saying tomorrow will be cooler. Chance of rain but I think we will be ok. There will be approximately 50 people. To which we are feeding afterward. My husband wants chilie served, so myself, daughter and daughter in love are preparing it tonight and letting it cook in crock pots overnight.
Our place has been spiffed up for the service. Good thing my husband likes the heat. It is a very warm one here today.
I’ll let you all know how our day went.
God bless you all.
Dear Nan; when I read your post on preparing to have a service at your place; my heart raced!!!!!!! My parents in Alberta on the farm also held services during the summer months; once in July and August; word went out to ALL the neighbours to come and enjoy a good feast; they all came;
I used to clean up the yard, we had quack grass; an old farm house; the barn just “over there”; chickens running around and the hog barn over on the other side; BUT we had a well and it pumped the most beautiful tasting water and many people wanted that water…..the Pastor spoke German & English; all the kids in my area came; this was cool because there was a cute guy and I liked him alot; so it was a thrill to see him and I did not realize for years, they he heard the Gospel so did all the other kids…….IT WAS A GOOD TIME, Thank you Lord for this times in Jesus Name we Pray amen
So happy for you Nan, it is extremely hot today so you are right to stay quiet. My God continue to heal you.
I also enjoyed the readings today and will continue to pray for complete healing for Ann. Eleanor M.
Correction this was meant for Doreen. Then I was going to write you a note Nan, praying that you will have a wonderful Blessed time tomorrow and that it won’t rain. ????????
I was like, how did she know? I’ve been having some nerve issues. No appetite and losing weight, way too easily. But I am doing much better.
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better Nan. Praise God.
God bless you Doreen; have been praying for the Lord to heal you completely; have many others in my area praying for you also, Thank You Lord that we can pray for each other; Lord YOU KNOW the prayers going up to You from the many,many people around the world; Again Thank You Lord for complete healing;
we pray also for total healing for Jim,Sandy & Becky; Lord You know their precious lives; Thank you Lord for You uncondtional love for each and every person; in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Thank you so much Sah
David has shown us (at least) several examples of how great leaders such as himself and Rabbi Lord Jacobovits have recognized the harm of division among all of God’s faithful children who trust in what they are taught.It was hard for Jews to accept that a nobody like a carpenter’s son could be their Messiah.They saw only the mortal,human body,like theirs,but did not see the immortal soul within that mortal body.If they had then they would believe.His works should have been the proof but they choose to reject the Greatest Gift,thus the gentiles were grafted in.
Praying for Ann and some local people in need of prayer also.Yall have a great day and may God bless
If your heart is kind and true
And you seek to know His heart
Then surrender all you do
And He will tear your chains apart.
GW(Bill) Marshall
Tear down the falsehood; tear down the lies
Not just outside, but within our lives.
Please, Lord God, have mercy on us, and help us to build our lives on Your foundations. In Jesus’s name, amen
since I am early I can post this prayer request; something is going VERY STUPID AND CRAZY AROUND ME! Please pray for the Lord to straighten out all the misunderstandings; I rebuke the devil; he is nothing;
will be sending note to the Christian Pastors in town; letting them know that I have a room,bath,own entrance for busy,mature,responsible,working person;no/smokes/booze/drugs/pets/parties;a respectful person; who may be supporting a family elsewhere;perfect place for a cook/chef; the Lord knows who this person; I ask the Lord to bring that person across my path, only serious person considered;
Lord hear my prayer in Jesus Name I Pray amen
In agreement with your prayer Sah. He is our Provider.
Agreeing withe all the comments and prayers
I have been in hospital with a fractured tail bone am recovering slowly Praise the LORD!!