Today’s Reading: Philippians 2
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Key Verses: Philippians 2:1a, 3
THEREFORE…Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
The word, “therefore” appears six times in this reading. It could be written, “Because of the preceding statement, we do as follows:” (1) We do as verse three tells us because we “believe in Him” (Jesus), and because “we suffer for His sake” (Philippians 1:29).
(2) “Therefore” (verse 9), because of Christ’s humility in voluntarily restricting the use of His attributes as “God-with-us,” living as a human being, we humble ourselves and in “lowliness of mind,” we “esteem others better than ourselves.”
(3) “Therefore,” because God has exalted Jesus and “given Him a Name which is above every other Name,” we seek to live in unity with our brothers and sisters in Him, so that we “may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation” (verse 15).
Paul states his case around that word “therefore.” We may want to read the second chapter again, checking out the statements before and after that key word, “therefore.”
Lord Jesus, You are God; therefore, I pray that I will be granted the grace to live in humility and in unity with fellow believers. Grant that I may shine as a light in the world, “holding fast the word of life.” In Your strong Name I ask these mercies, Amen!!!
As I’ve read and reread Philippians 2, I can’t help but think of those I know and hold in high esteem (verse 29). Bob Johnson stepped through the curtain of death not long ago. He is son of Leah, whom I mentioned yesterday is such a special person to me. His picture was in the hall of my high school and listed below his name were the honours he had received. Bob could have entered any university of his choice and had great worldly success, but he chose to study for the Christian ministry. By the summer of 1952, Bob had graduated from his theological studies and was establishing a new congregation. His brother, Wallace, my classmate, and I traveled on weekends to help Bob, singing and playing our trumpets on the street corner in preparation for Bob to preach. He was still single then and did not have money to buy a bed. We slept on the floor. It was on one of those weekends that I began to pray, “Lord Jesus, would You do me the honour of calling me into the full-time Christian ministry?” I’m sure it was because of the sacrifice I saw in Bob’s life. I hold Bob and many others in high esteem. Thank you, Bob, for being like these men in our reading. I sincerely want to be such a man also.
Yours, in Christ’s love and service,
David was such a wonderful modest man, he certainly was held in high esteem by many, many people including those who read this blog.
Dear Lord, bless everyone today and give them a special touch from Youself. If anyone is sick heal them, if anyone is lonely confort them. In Jesus Name amen.
Hi Eleanor;
what I always liked about David Mainse and his family is that he was always honest about his walk with Jesus; somedays he could not make it;he wrote about that and I was deeply touched; I can not always read the Scriptures everyday; I just so appreciated David speaking about his human nature; he was a sinner saved by grace and not through anything he did; BUT WHAT GOD DID
Amen,Dale….I couldn’t resist posting this one.(The note is attached in my files.)
I lay them down in front of you,
For Jesus,that is what I must do
When my burdens become too much,
I surrender them to your gentle touch.
Lord,I give all my troubles to you,
They are yours when my day is through,
Please make them smaller for me
So I am unencumbered and free.
Lord you found me and gave me hope
With new strength that I might cope,
And now I have surrendered to you,
Body and soul to be made anew.
You lifted me up so I could see,
That you were always beside me,
Now I feel grief for the lost years,
But I shall not cry any wasted tears.
So I will lay them at Your holy feet,
For You have made me more complete,
I am yours through the fires of Hell,
With love that Satan’s hordes can’t quell.
G W(Bill) Marshall/2012
Written after my ‘surrender’,on my knees,
in my living room,over a year after the fact.
David lived today’s example of humility and has proven his gift of teaching (in this blog alone).That teaching still goes on and on,thanks to his devoted family.
To anyone on the blog it becomes obvious who this was written for.I felt then that it was a message for David….and I’m still here.Thank you,Ron,Ann,Reynold and all connected to this wonderful ‘Beacon-of-Light’.God bless you all.
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
Amen! Thank you for sharing your poems. They touched my heart. This blog is a light in the darkness, thank you, thank you! Blessings to all.
Amen to all the comments today.
Am reading the book about Corrie ten Boom called ‘The Hiding Place’. Am looking forward to meeting her, her father and the rest of her family in heaven one day. Absolutely amazing what the human being can survive if our minds are set on the Lord. So many people I know have already read that book and it has helped them so much in their lives.
St. Paul is probably having some wonderful visits/discussions with Rev. David Mainse. Praise our heavenly Father for such people.
God’s blessings on all dear saints this rainy day in west central Alberta and beyond:-).
Found this amazing and encouraging video online ’40 Days for Life’ to help end abortion. This campaign started in 2007 by souls that remind of St. Paul et al.