Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 7-8
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Light rays from the stained glass in the Church of Annunciation in Nazareth fall upon the wall where Jesus is depicted upon the Cross. Other photos of this beautiful church are at the bottom of today’s posting.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 7:3
When all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the Lord on the temple, they bowed their faces to the ground on the pavement, and worshiped and praised the Lord, saying: “For He is good, For His mercy endures forever.”
In yesterday’s reading, Solomon repeatedly asked for forgiveness, for God’s presence to rest in the Temple, and for God’s blessing on the priests and the people. He had not asked for any supernatural manifestations. God did declare, “I have heard your prayer and I am with you!” Now God confirms His Word with signs following. Today’s reading tells us that fire and the glory of the Lord appeared. During the 40 years of the wilderness journey, God had manifested Himself to His people with fire and with the cloud of His glory, and now He shows the people that He is still with them. The people worshipped God with the familiar words, “He is good and His love endures forever.”
The fire of God was seen, and the sound of a mighty rushing wind was heard at the beginning of the building of Jesus’ Temple, the Church (Acts 2:1-4). Also, the supernatural sign of speaking in tongues was manifested. The 120 became the living Temple of God, Jesus Himself being the Chief Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:19-22).
Twenty years have passed and we find Solomon and the people content, enjoying peace and safety, and in a dangerous place spiritually. We must guard against complacency, taking the blessing of God for granted. Solomon was about to step on the slippery slope of compromise which turned his heart away from his original commitment to the purity of his relationship with God.
Lord God, I thank You for the manifestations of Your presence. I pray that I will so live that You will be pleased to continue the signs and wonders which accompany Your presence. I worship You for You, Yourself, Lord Jesus, not for what You do. Your Word declares that “signs follow them that believe.” I soak in Your presence day after day. Praise You, Lord, for You are “Good.” Your “Mercy endures forever.” Amen!!!
In 1981 Crossroads Christian Communications sponsored “Salute to Canada,” 25 LIVE 90-minute telecasts from 25 cities over a period of 31 days. I have many memories of praying with the leaders of cities, of provinces, and of the country. One farmer was so enthusiastic that he cut the words, “Welcome Salute to Canada” into the wheat on a hillside which we read as we approached Edmonton, Alberta. The theme Bible verse for “Salute” is in today’s reading…2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” I believe that God is in the process of doing just that some 36 years later, as I do my part and as others join in with the call of God to be “humble” and to repent of “wicked ways.”
Yours for God to “Hear from Heaven…forgive…and heal,”
P.S. Below is a photo from “Salute to Canada” (click on it to enlarge)…
I remember those broadcasts! I would have loved to have been there. So much has changed in our society since then. Also technology has greatly increased. I hope to be strong today (in the Lord & in physical strength. Have a great day all.
Yes, it is so easy to become complacent in the worship of our heavenly Father when things are going well for us.
There are so many Christians in Iran that they need prayer desperately for their physical safety, according to news reports.
Will talk to God today about all those in need of assistance in their daily lives. May God bless all saints this beautiful day (so far) in west central Alberta.
Love the sign the farmer cut into his field near Edmonton:-)!
Andrew Murray: “It is in intercession for others that our faith and love and perseverance will be stirred up and that the power of the Spirit will be found to equip us for bringing salvation to people.”
Good quote Lynda! Beautiful day here in NB. Had a busy day yesterday at two services and a Grad party which brought all the family together. Lord help us in our witness to others who are unsaved. Amen! The sound on the Daniel movie is too low. Thank you for posting William!
I have a small set of auxiliary speaker attached to my laptop for the same reason.They are powered from any USB port.You could get a cheap set of earbuds or headphones at the dollar Store…God bless
Had a very busy day attending 3 services,counting our Celebration Sunday at Camp Pagweak where over $7,000 were raised.That will help send many needy children to camp.It was a great time too.Praise God
Today,for some reason,I wondered if the biblical Greek word for “fire” is the same as for “lightning”.I was up late so slept late and have to defer that thought til later.Yall have a great day and don’t take our times of peace for granted.God bless
2nd Chronicles 7:14 is so VERY IMPORTANT FOR US TODAY! I pray no one gives up praying for others; for our country,for the leaders of our countries; never give up! We rebuke the devil; he is a liar; he is nothing;
we pray for healing for all who are in need of a God-filled Holy Spirit bound healing;we pray for our local leaders to come together to work on a plan to help the homeless; God has a plan, He is waiting for us to figure out how we are going to work this out and we thank Him for His help in leading us, guiding us, forgiving us, as we receive His many ways to help the homeless, in Jesus Name we Pray amen