Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 20-21
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

These ruins are located about 100 metres south of Hezekiah’s Tunnel. In the summer of 2004, these remains were discovered of a very large pool from the Second Temple period. It proved to be the Pool of Siloam. Nearby, archaeologists uncovered the remains of a stepped street (photo at bottom of page), the path taken by pilgrims ascending from the pool to the Temple Mount. Beneath the paving stones of the street they found a drainage channel that apparently served as a hiding place for the last Jewish rebels against the Romans in the year 70 AD. The pool ceased to function after the destruction of Jerusalem and, over time, filled with earth and disappeared from sight.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Kings 20:4b-5
The Word of the Lord came to him saying, “Return and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people,Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father; I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you.”
God added 15 more years to Hezekiah’s life by a combination of divine healing and medicine. Isaiah prescribed a poultice, which was to be placed on Hezekiah’s boil in order to draw out the poison that was in his system. God works in our time also through this combination of prayer along with the best medical care, with which we are blessed. God hears and answers prayer! Just as God heard Hezikiah’s prayers for deliverance from the Assyrians, God hears and answers prayer today. Do we have need for God’s intervention? Yes! Yes! God will hear our fervent prayers. That does not mean that God will always do just as we ask; He knows better than we do. Our faith is best expressed in obedience to do as He has told us. We pray, believe Him for His perfect will, and the rest is up to Him. Pray! Obey! Read James 5:13-18. Then God will do what God will do!
Lord God, I pray for others (name them) and for myself as Hezekiah prayed, “Remember now, O Lord, I pray, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what was good in Your sight.” Thank You, Lord, that You are hearing my prayer. I know Your decisions are on the way. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
I know from personal experience that God hears and answers prayer. As a result of God’s healing power, combined with the medical skills of the doctors and nurses, He has already added 61 more years to my life than the doctors predicted when I was 19 years old. The students in the Bible College in Peterborough, Ontario, went into a time of fervent prayer on my behalf, and two of the ministers/teachers anointed me with oil, laid hands on my head, and prayed in the Name of Jesus for my healing. God heard and said, “Yes!” The doctors then did surgery to correct the problem which had caused my illness in the first place.
Yours for believing in the power of prayer,

This is the bottom end of the stepped road and drainage channel, known as the Path of Pilgrims. In this area was a stone-paved plaza from the Second Temple period that served as a promenade for visitors to the Pool of Siloam. The promenade’s roof was supported by a row of stone columns, parts of which have been found at the site.
God certainly hears our fervent prayers.
So sorry to hear of Theresa May’s resignation today. She fought the good fight for her country but God has an agenda of His own which brings us peace regardless.
Dr. Jim Denison’s words of when we’re called upon to defend our faith:
“When Christians are called upon to defend our faith, it can seem as though we are on trial and the skeptic is the prosecutor who seeks to embarrass us and prove that we’re wrong.
In fact, Jesus is on trial. The Holy Spirit is the defense attorney; Satan is the prosecutor; our Father is the judge; the skeptic is the jury. You and I are simply witnesses called by the defense attorney to the stand.
Our job is not to win the trial. It is to tell what we know and trust the Judge.”
We’re getting rain in west central Alberta but still fervently praying for rain in northern Alberta.
How true this is! We often feel we need to “win” , when telling others about God.
Our job is to tell the facts, be it our personal testimony, truth of scripture, etc,. Holy Spirit is the One who does the convicting, not us. If we keep that in mind, I believe it will be easier to witness for Christ. Thank you Lynda for sharing such rich “nuggets “ from Dr. Denison.
Prayed David’s prayer and inserted Gavin’s, Sylvia’s and little Judah’s names, among others. What a privilege it is to be able to intercede for others. God DOES hear and answer prayers!
Have a blessed day, everyone.
Thanks Luisa, just saw a pic of Gavin with 2 of his school chums,he cried when he saw them. This is very good news, he is coming back to us Praise God.
So happy to hear this. Thanks be to God!
Dear Eleanor;
yes indeed we jump for joy and thank the Lord for healing the precious children; PRAISE AND THANK THE LORD;
I also praise and thank the Lord; I found my wallet; it was missing for one night, PRAISE THE LORD I GOT IT BACK, ALL IN TACT….amen amen and amen……
p.s. we are all children of God, amen amen and amen
Such incredible scripture today and message in line with all that we saints have been praying for of late–in need of healing and our Lord God hearing and responding!!! We, like Hezekiah, have wept to our Lord; perhaps not bitterly as in old testament times as fear of death and the unknown remained unless God responded to prayer. Just as in Hezekiah’s case, our prayers are being answered for Gavin and Sylvia. How truly blessed we are fellow saints in the Lord!! We witness in servitude to Him and He hears our prayers and makes further saints of the healed and saved. Wishing all a blessed day!
And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” Galatians 4:6 ESV
How He Loves with lyrics by David Crowder Band
Stephen Baldwin’s Testimony–so good!
Amen Lynda and Beverlee. Quite a change of events in these two chapters, some good, some bad but thank God Hezekiah’s great grandson Josiah was godly. Praying Gauvin is making and all will be well and please pray for Sylvia’s faith in God that it will be strong and evident. Amen! Raining again here today after yesterday’s sun. Spent time with the Lord this morning as I believe the Lord wants to speak to us and that He can be just as real to us today as back in the OT.
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”(Hebrews 13:8)
God ordained that we are here in this point of time for His purpose by Divine Providence. Lord Jesus reveal to us all that you have ordained for us to do. Amen!
Lord God we need rain! Lots of rain; put out all the fires in British Columbia and Alberta and anywhere else.
Lord I also need a financial breakthrough to happen! Thank You Lord for being smoke/alcohol free; Thank You Lord for swimming; for my car, my home, bless my family;neighbours/Christians in my community Thank You Lord…in Jesus Name I Pray amen
I am so blessed to have started reading the blog faithfully. I havent done that before but when I started this blog with David I havent stop doing it. i learn so much from these blog.God bless you david for being faithful.