Friday, April 19, 2019


Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 22

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The fortress of Masada stands high above the Jordan Valley floor. It was here that Herod built his highly protected palace to which he could escape. Later it was used by Jewish freedom fighters who, for a couple of years, resisted a Roman siege. It was in this area where David hid from those who sought to destroy him. He may have had this scene in mind as he sang, “The Lord is my Rock.”

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Samuel 22:2

And he said: “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer…”

The words of today’s reading take on much more significance because of the previous chapters in the life of King David and those around him. David has lived a perilous life. He has fled from King Saul and from his own son, Absalom. From his years as a shepherd boy, protecting his sheep from the lion and the bear, to the rebellions which could have taken his life, David knew very well that he needed a hiding place in a time of crisis. David had hidden in the cleft of a rock. He had known the protection of a fortress. Now, as he composes and sings these Psalms, he is not at all confused as to how he has been saved each time. He recognized that he was never protected by a physical rock or a fortress made of stone alone. He confesses that his true Deliverer in every case was the Lord God. We learn here that God is our Protector, our strength and our future.


Lord Jesus, I run into Your loving arms. You are my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer. Keep me, I pray, from foolish human pride which would make me think, even for a moment, that I can go it alone. In Your strong Name, Jesus, I ask for Your grace 24/7, Amen!


David burst into song when he realized all God had done for him. I’ve done the same just now. As I sing “Rock of Ages, cleft for me; let me hide myself in Thee,” I think of my dear friend, George Beverly Shea, who, at the age of 104, went into the immediate presence of his Rock, his Fortress and his Deliverer, the Lord Jesus. George, or Bev, as he became known, was raised in Canada’s capital region and was a graduate of Annesley College in Ottawa, where my parents served. As Billy Graham’s soloist, he has probably sung to more people in person than anyone else (click here to hear him sing about the “Rock of Ages”). I can never read 2 Samuel 22 without also singing a children’s song, the words taken from this Scripture, and the music composed by my son-in-law, Bruce Stacey. My great-grandchildren began singing this when they were two years old. Click here for the God Rocks team with “The Lord is my Rock,” sung by my granddaughter, Sheryl Neilson.

Yours, singing for joy at the knowledge that “He is my Rock,”


10 thoughts on “Friday, April 19, 2019

  1. Such unbelievable perfect timing here we are on Good Friday the day our Lord was tortured and hung on the cross. Who are we reflecting on our Rock our refuge our protector our strength our everything. Thank you Jesus for what you did God in the highest. You are my rock saviour strength nothing of my strength all yours. And the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Father.


  2. He is our Rock, our strength, our Redeemer, and our salvation. To Him, do we sing with thanksgiving and praise! Today, our Saviour was crucified and died on Easter Friday. We lay claim to His victory, for we know He is risen and is living within us! We love You, Jesus! We thank You for Your sacrifice for us. Wishing all saints a blessed day in the Lord.

    The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;
    the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
    The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.
    Psalm 118:22-24

    Rock Of Our Salvation [Official Lyric Video]

    • Amen Beverlee Kay!
      Praying for all the saints on the blog that our
      Lord Jesus would supply all their needs in
      Jesus’ Name, Amen!
      A blessed Easter to everyone!

  3. Great sincere words,Dale and Beverlee.Jesus knew well what awaited Him when He sweated drops of blood.Would you not do the same for children you loved?He calls us daily to sacrifice for others,His children but most of us miss that oppertunity.
    I listened to George/Bev sing his song.(I wonder how old he was then?)
    I have several Easter poems (messages) in simple words but first is a very beautiful hymn that Pastor Tonks presented on screen last night at the Maundy Thursday service in Oxford.Yall be blessed,our sins are forgiven…..

    This was written at least a year before I began to read the bible,when I subscribed to 100 Words.(I did not sign nor date my poems for at least a year also until FB shower a professional authour/poet in Ct with the same name,thus my initials were added.)
    Off The Cross

    They opened my flesh to the bone,
    Harder still when they heard no moan,
    As meat was torn from my ribs;
    For my clothes they claimed dibs.

    As the cross was still on the ground,
    A mother’s sobs were the only sound,
    My body ached in so much pain,
    From the whips that fell like rain.

    They drove the spike through my hand,
    As my Father’s shadow covered the land,
    Then they raised the cross up high
    To where my body would soon die.

    Each breath then came with bolts of pain
    As Satan sought this world to regain.
    But he knew I would do it again
    Just to break his worldly reign.

    That is why I broke the serpent’s sword
    And became your loving,willing Lord,
    For to step down off the cross,
    The world then would be My loss.
    GW (Bill) Marshall/ (2011~2012)

  4. Jesus is our Salvation, Our Rock, Our Deliverer, Our Strength. Love David’s song of Praise. Enjoy your Good Friday Services fellow saints. I am going out to hear my niece’s husband preach and another and lift up the Name of Jesus! Let His Name be praised!

  5. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving your life for us. Thank You, Father God, for giving your son for us. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for teaching, guiding, comforting, & strengthening us every day. Have Your good & perfect way in this world today, we ask in Jesus’s name, amen

  6. Lord God we pray the Holy Spirit will enter the hearts of all our leaders and that they will come up with a plan to deal with the homeless; Lord God there is enough money in our system; we need people who will ask You for the blessing on the monies and will as You for guidance on how to proceed; we pray that those who have been greatly blessed will bring forth BIG dollars to end this problem of homelessness;give people back their dignity; help them to budget; help them to obtain good education for training in different areas that would supply good jobs for all people; Lord this whole situation has to change from the top down; we pray the Holy Spirit will lead and guide our leaders to love each other as human beings;to come together and pray about the needs of all people, Thank You Lord God for helping all the people God bless our Provincial and Federal Leaders; bless their families; bless our Pastors and Church leaders to work together to being about a God loving solution in Jesus Name we Pray amen

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