Monday, March 18, 2019


Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 9-10

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


This donkey is employed full-time in Petra, Jordan, helping to transport tourists over the difficult terrain.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 1 Samuel 10:9

So it was, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day.

Surprise! “Another heart.” It’s amazing what can happen when we’re looking for donkeys. We may discover that God is up to something in our lives other than donkeys. It’s great comfort to know that God is in charge. He knows the donkeys are fine. He wants to make us “Kings and Priests” (Revelation 1:6). Sometimes He may want us to be burden-bearing donkeys. We need “another heart.” We just don’t know when we may be at the start of a brand new adventure in God’s plan for us. Remember it was a donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem (John 12:14-15). If we are available to God, He’ll do the most useful and creative things in our lives. His ways are exciting and also very challenging.


Lord God, how often I have been perplexed, frustrated in not finding what I think I’m looking for, when all along You had everything under Your guidance. I pray for a deeper understanding of Your overarching providence, and for a simpler faith in Your promise to “work all things after the counsel of Your will.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

I’ve just read all of Ephesians chapter one as my New Testament reading for today. What assurance! (click here).


Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day, and I’ve been thinking back on a Crossroads/100 Huntley Street outreach to Ireland called, “To Ireland With Love.” Violence was raging between ungodly Protestant and equally ungodly Roman Catholic factions, so we determined to send a team of Christians, RC’s and Protestants, to work with local groups of Christians who were fasting and praying for God to intervene. The churches were packed and hundreds came forward at the invitation to receive Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Not long after those days, the powers of hell were driven back and a time of tranquility and evangelism emerged.

I can’t remember why I was in Winnipeg back in 1976. I may have been “looking for donkeys,” but that was the occasion when I first met a local Jesuit priest. He had let it be known amongst the charismatic prayer meetings that he was to perform an exorcism and he wanted a Pentecostal Pastor to accompany him. I ended up being that Pastor. Before agreeing to accompany him, he gave me his testimony of personal salvation and I gave him mine. The Lord found a couple of donkeys, the priest and me, and that day, God delivered an immigrant man from Brazil, who had become deeply involved in voodooism.

Yours for God’s intervention while looking for donkeys,


A father and son tending their sheep and goats at Nazareth Village. This village, in modern-day Nazareth, is run by a Christian ministry and it depicts what life was like at the time of Jesus.


19 thoughts on “Monday, March 18, 2019

  1. Indeed, Jesus was the only One who lived life with 100%! Love that interview of David and Father Bob MacDougall! We are alive in Christ, saints. May His Spirit breathe through you today with everlasting hope and strength. Blessings upon you all, today.

    “The great word of Jesus to His disciples is Abandon. When God has brought us into the relationship of disciples, we have to venture on His word; trust entirely to Him and watch that when He brings us to the venture, we take it.” Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, 1459 R, Oswald Chambers

    Who Am I – Casting Crowns with lyrics

  2. A wonderful blog post today. I met Rev Bob McDougal at the original Huntley Street studio. A remarkable witness to what God can do in a person who is yielded to Him.

  3. Today I praise our Lord on what is my 60th birthday. He has sustained me throughout my mid’s twenties, thirties, forties and fifties. I can truly say I wouldn’t be alive today to see this milestone birthday without Him.

    I ask for prayers because I will soon be moving to a new city to be closer to family. It will be exciting, but there is some anxiety around facing changes. So I am praying the joy of this new chapter will not be outweighed by the fear. I have been in my present home for over 30 years, so letting go is difficult, but I truly feel lead by our Lord to embrace this move at this time in my life. And I look forward to the good He has plan for me to do in my new home.

    Thank you in advance for your prayers and well wishes.

    • Wishing you a very happy and blessed 60th birthday, Donna!
      May your latter years be greater than the former ones.
      Praying that the anxiety you feel about your move ( which is understandable) will be turned into great joy as you find that this new place is where you are meant to be at this time and as God’s plan for you there unfolds. May the Lord go before you and prepare the way in which you should walk.


        Agreeing in breath with Luisa for Go’s Highest and Best in the upcoming new way of life; for peace of mind and heart; for “Joy unspeakable and full of glory!!

    • Dear Donna so many are in your shoes. It is so difficult when we lose a loved one or just can’t upkeep our beautiful and comfortable homes as we age. I believe God will take care of us and bring us peace and even joy again as we live out our lives for Him. So many of His words tell us not to fear. We must trust and believe Him, which is easier said than done sometimes, I know. I don’t like flying:-). Will be praying for you and your peace and joy as you start a new chapter in your precious life. May God bless you always. Happy Birthday Donna!!

    • Happy 60th Birthday Donna and God’s blessings to you as He will part the way for your move, closer to family. Very happy for you!!

  4. King Saul was so humble in this portion of scripture. Always enjoyed the interviews of David and Bob McDougall. Good word Beverlee from Oswald Chambers and from you and Doreen. Excited for you Donna M. but understand your anxiety. Pray your fear will turn to faith. Blessings to all today.

  5. I’ve also just read Ephesians chapter one.
    I am so grateful to Our Heavenly Father for all that He has bestowed on us, who believe.
    We are His holy people. His rich and glorious inheritance. vs 18
    He has given us power…the same power that rose Jesus from the dead. vs 19, 20
    We are the body of Christ. He is the head. vs 22, 23. Therefore He is in control of the body. Who else better to have in control of our lives than the Lord Jesus Christ? Not only does He possess ALL power and authority but He loves us like no one else and wants the BEST for us like no one else does.
    All Glory be to Him forever!!!

  6. I love the way God always puts the last first and the first last. So important to be humble, apparently.
    Couldn’t sleep well last night as I watched a program on tv before going to bed where the preacher said we couldn’t enter the kingdom of Heaven unless we were baptized. He said that the sprinkle we get as babies at church is just a dedication. The preacher said we had to be fully immersed in water before a for-real baptism was to be considered. I have never been baptized and to the best of my knowledge neither had my parents been. So many dear Christians I know haven’t been fully immersed in water and declared baptized in public either. If anyone knows better, please advise. The last thing I want to do is insult our heavenly Father.
    Blessings on all believers this beautiful, almost Spring day in west central Alberta and around the world.

    • Water submersion baptism is important, Lynda, but not essential. It changes a Christian but God accepts anyone who calls on His Name before dying. What is the depth of your position as a Christian and your relationship with God? That will affect your decision to be baptised under water. David Mainse spoke of that and baptised many in the Jordan River in Israel. I will try to find his link on it and post it for you.

    • From a biblical perspective, Lynda, Jesus was baptised, submerged under water by John the Baptist. On Pentecost, in A.D. 31, the day that the New Testament Church was created, the apostle Peter gave a powerful sermon to many listeners. His message was so convicting that 3,000 people were baptized. Before their baptism, many asked him, “Men and brethren, what shall we DO?” (Acts 2:37). Peter’s answer was, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy [Spirit].”

      This verse is God’s plain command to “be baptized”! Not only is this instruction in your Bible, but the Bible also says repentance must precede baptism or one will not receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

      Most believe that there are no requirements—no conditions—to being saved. This is untrue and the above verse proves there is at least one condition that must precede baptism itself—repentance!

      Some of those who teach that there are no conditions for salvation often quote Romans 10:9, 13. Paul writes in verse 9, “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.” Verse 13 appears to make it even easier: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

      • Thank u so much dear Beverlee. I love your help and also love Paul’s advice. I’m a shy person, almost introvertish and can’t imagine being immersed in water in public. A lake or river wouldn’t be so bad but I’ve heard of people being baptized in a tub in church. I’m probably too self-conscious and should be more concerned about what God thinks of me rather than what people think. God bless u Beverlee and you’re such a blessed example of a true Christian if u don’t mind my saying:-). I’m dedicated to our heavenly Father and made up for the lack of sleep over thinking about baptism. He comforts me in all aspects of my life thru people like you and information that comes my way, if I ask. We have not because we ask not, rings true. May God bless all Christians everywhere this and every day.

  7. It is so good to see and hear Fr. Bob Macdougal again!

    Prayed David’s prayer.

    Thank you for this blog; and for including this donkey to receive!

    Thank you Jesus , that we are a new creation in you; and kings and priest, filled with the Holy Spirit to the glory of our Father in heaven.

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above you heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!!

    God is sooo good, He’s sooo good to us!!

  8. Lynda, you might like to go to They have answers to many questions from many knowledgeable folk. You could ask our Lord to reveal His heart in this matter. Some people get baptized more than once (as when visiting the Holy Land). I was baptized as a 16 yr old & again @ a school of ministry.

    • Thank you so much Doreen. I’ll visit that website for certain. Church is out for me most of the time with my job so anything I can learn online is greatly appreciated, especially when recommended by someone trustworthy. God knew what He was doing when He invented the internet as I’m certain I’m not the only one who needs it for His cause.
      Only seen people get baptized in movies or on tv but never in real life other than babies being dedicated. God bless u Doreen and thanks again for the suggestion; looking forward to that website. What a blessing that this blog is being continued after our loving teacher, David Mainse, has gone to live with our eternal Teacher.

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