Today’s Reading: 2 Corinthians 6-7
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Excavations in a northern area of David’s City just outside of Jerusalem’s Dung Gate and 200 metres from the Temple mount.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 6:2b, 7:1
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation…Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
“NOW!” The present is always the time to do business with God. Like interest on unpaid bills, it will cost more to procrastinate in confessing sin with true repentance. John the Baptist, Jesus, and Peter all began their public ministries with a call to repent. Our reading today gives the very best definition of “repentance” (7:9, 10, & 11). Is this important? Yes, yes, yes!
Just as the Corinthian believers refreshed the spirit of Titus, let’s do our best to refresh our Pastor’s spirit, along with the spirits of church administrators and our missionaries. We could jump ahead and read Paul’s letter to Titus (click here). There is much wisdom in the little book of Titus. How do we do all things well? How do we make sure that we give no offense and that our ministry is not blamed? It’s well worth the time to read today’s chapters 6 & 7 all over again.
Lord God, You have called me again today to repent. Your Word is true north. It points to You without fail. It is my Compass. Like a pilot or a ship’s captain, may I constantly make corrections in the direction I take in life. Grant me the grace to be diligent. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
I received a letter recently from the former Pastor of Compass Point Church. The initiative taken by Pastor Ron Gannett has refreshed my spirit. “Compass Point” has a magnificent building next door to the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario (a photo of the church is below). The real Church is the people. Over the years my spirit has been refreshed again and again by the Pastors and people of this great congregation. As I type this blog, I’m praying at the same time that everyone who reads this with me will find their spirits refreshed.
When I became a believer at 16, I was asked to share a personal testimony in the High School auditorium at a Youth for Christ rally. I went to my part-time job boss at the local Chrysler dealership for help. He said, “David, you can never go wrong quoting Scripture,” and suggested Titus 3:5a. I remember that in a faltering voice, I simply said, “This is my testimony, ‘Not by works of righteousness that I have done, but according to His mercy, He saved me.'” The actual quote says, “we” and “us,” but to me it became very personal.
I cannot conclude this blog without commending the leadership of Crossroads. They exemplify the righteous leadership portrayed in today’s reading. I’m so very thankful for our CEO, Lorna Dueck and the entire team at Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. and at the TV network, YES TV.
Yours for “Perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (7:1b). Let the process continue!
Wonderful scripture, prayer, and message. “Perfecting holiness in the fear of God”–Amen!! Basking in His glorious Presence and praying for all the saints, this morning. Oh, that we have His love to help us run and win the race of life! We are ever nearer to our eternal reward with our Saviour in heaven! Wishing fellow saints a blessed day in the Lord!
For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord,
And My God shall be My strength . Isaiah 49:5b NKJV
Amy Grant – Better Than A Hallelujah – Lyrics
Yes, better than a hallelujah” Thank you Beverlee!
Thank you everyone for your prayers concerning my teeth. I will be seeing the dentist later today. I so appreciate each and everyone of you. You are so precious! May you be blessed as you bless others with your prayers and comments.
I have another prayer request for my 11 year old granddaughter, Brooklynn.
She was rushed to the hospital yesterday evening. That hospital transferred her by ambulance to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.
It turns out that she is diabetic. ( we did not know this before). Her blood sugar was drastically high that her body went into shock. I am thanking the Lord that the sugar is lower now and she is feeling better but still in ICU.
Please pray for her parents who have been by her side the whole time and her 8 year old sister who is very concerned.
Thank you so much!
I shall certainly p Ray for your granddaughter and family. May they have peace in knowing that GOD reigns in all our lives .b
Amen! Thank you Blessed.
Dear Luisa, holding your granddaughter Brooklynn, her sister, and her parents up to our Lord. Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha, God of healing, God of protection, watch over this dear child and stabilize her blood sugar. Help her to become accustomed to the changes that will come into her life because of this diagnosis. Keep her safe, Lord, and wash over her with Your precious blood. We pray for this in Jesus’ name. Amen, amen, and amen.
Luisa, I pray for the Lord’s Highest and Best for Brooklyn, also for peace of mind and heart for her parents and her sister. Lord I pray for you intervention in Brooklyn’s life; praise God for doctor’s and their concern for their patient, Brooklyn, and for wisdom in all they do. Thank you Lord Jesus I pray; Amen and Amen !
Agreeing in prayer for your granddaughter Brooklynn Luisa that all will go well for her as she adjusts to her new situation. In Jesus Name, Amen!
May God bless your little grand daughter Luisa. He is the great physician and will not leave her!