Today’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 10
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Looking to the northeast you can see Lykavittos Hill and Athens’ urban sprawl viewed from the Acropolis in Athens. When Paul writes, “That Rock was Christ,” (10:4b) he may have been thinking of one of the great rocks in the area.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:4
…and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.
The word “all” stands out in our reading because it is repeated 10 times. Partaking of Christ is an “all” encompassing life. There is no area of our lives not impacted by Christ. In our readings in Genesis through Judges, we were given examples of how to live and how not to live. Examples are useless unless we learn from them. Here we learn the following: First, Christ our Rock was stricken for our spiritual drink. Go ahead and drink! Second, we learn not to lust after evil. Third, we are to control our tongues…no murmuring. Fourth, God will not force us to take the escape route He provides when we are tempted. Fifth, God wants to be in every detail of our lives. Sixth, we must do “all” to the glory of God. Seventh, give no offense (don’t offend people). Why? Here’s the bottom line: The result of the totality of our lives is, “That they may be saved” (verse 33). We need to ask ourselves the question…”How are we involved in saving precious people who are lost outside of Christ?”
Dear God, by Your grace given to me, enable me to live so passionately for You that my very life will be an example of Christ, so that my words, those things to which I give my time and my money, will be effective in seeing people saved. Amen!
I remember my preacher Dad saying, “They wobble in and wobble out, and leave the people all in doubt.” I don’t remember the occasion. He may have been referring to a politician or perhaps a preacher who spoke moral concepts without the power and authority of God’s Word to prove that he spoke God’s true message. Preparing this blog each morning is leading me more deeply into the mind of God as He expresses His thoughts through the Prophets, the historical record, and in particular, the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.
As a child, I was very impressed by the effort my parents made in order not to give offense to others (10:32). Any chores had to be completed by bedtime on Saturday night. My job was to clean the little stems out of the beans which would be baked for Sunday dinner. I also churned butter, brought in firewood, etc. I knew that our entire community, with very few exceptions, attempted to keep the Lord’s day exclusively for worship, listening to the Preacher’s sermons, reading church publications, and perhaps going for a walk in the woods. Things have changed but the principles have not. My Dad prayed every day in family prayers, “O Lord, may the smile of Your approval be upon our lives.”
Yours for living to the Glory of God!
P.S. Have you ever sent my blog to a friend? I don’t know how to do this, but I’m told it’s done by a couple of clicks (my son says you can cut and paste the “” web address from your web browser into an email or onto Facebook). The next generations make it look so easy, and I sometimes feel that I’m still in the horse and buggy era. Ha! But I’m enjoying life right where I am!
Prayed David’s prayer, this morning and feeling the love of our Saviour, ever so. Very windy, still, but oh, how I love the sound of wind! Keep safe today, blessed saints in the Lord. May God’s Hand be upon you and may you rejoice in knowing you are a Child of the Living King!
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 ESV
Chris Tomlin – Sing, Sing, Sing
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:2 ESV
…and that mighty wind carried with it the many tongues of man (and perhaps angels’ too.)
Thanks for your encouraging words,as always,Beverlee.God bless
Good morning to all. Just letting you know I’m still with you.
Glad I’m not up north but in the sunny south. Praying protection to loved ones and friends in this wintery weather. Sounds like no school for granddaughters again.
Thanks for the songs you post, Beverlee and Bill’s poems.
God is good. May God richly bless you all today.
Enjoy the south sun for us, Nan.
Prayed David’s prayer as well. Having broken night sleeps lately but thank God joy comes in the morning. Around 8am the big farm tractor and blower was here blowing out my driveway one trip in wider than before. What a blessing as it is at least half done after this snowstorm that started yesterday afternoon. Now it’s raking two roofs and scooping it away from my courtyard. Northwestern NB is being hit hard with snow this year but the Lord will see us through as I gradually remove it. Blessings in your area saints!
Promise to be safe on that roof, Ger, and doing the groundwork, too. God bless you, dear sister-in-Christ.
Geraldine,you be careful doing those chores.We hardly got any snow her in NS (near the NB border) although last night was treacherous driving home.I just received words that our gig at one of the nursing homes in Amherst has been cancelled due to the ‘threat’ of the weather.(It’s a 30 min drive from Oxford to Amherst.)I have many broken nights’ sleep too but they are getting better.
Thanks for the mention,Nan.My sister and hubby spend their winters in Florida too.Pst.David also was a snow bird.
As always,I pray David’s prayer and sometimes have to change the wording to suit the situation.I started sharing the scripture on FB before I finished reading it today along with the appropriate links.I’m still wrapping that up.
May yall have a great day.Here is one of my benedictions:
The Secret (Seeds Of Peace)
May seeds of peace find a home in your heart,
May forgiveness help mend each broken part,
For you are worthy when the last sunset falls
To cross that bridge when the trumpet calls.
So be not of sorrow for those gone ahead,
They are more happy than we who are dead,
For most of us fail to learn how to live,
The secret is to open your heart and just give,
For this is the way our Savior had taught,
But through Satan’s lies,His words we forgot,
So as time grows shorter we must reawaken,
To remind the world of His love forsaken.
..G W (Bill)Marshall (from file #1)
Amen, Bill. Lovely poem.
Yes,lovely William!
Thanks for your concern Beverlee and William. I have a roof rake with three poles attached and stand on the ground to rake my roofs but the piles of snow are higher now than the roof. Even lost one of my snowshoes today and had to crawl on the ground as the snow is so deep. Tonight the wind is howling and cold. Good song Beverlee and poem William.
I pray the Lord give you an abundant of energy for all the task you need to do! Thank you Jesus, you are Ger source and supply; yes keep her safe! Amen and Amen!!
Thank you Bill for your poems and thank you Beverlee for all your encouraging posts.
I pray everyone is safe , wherever you are and whatever weather you’re having. May the angels watch over each and everyone of us.
Praying for all of you, as you share your prayer requests. Thank you Lord for the privilege of praying for one another!
“ May the smile of His approval be upon all of us “. I do like that prayer of David’s father.