Today’s Reading: Judges 6
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Some of the excavations from the tel of Jericho show the foundation of an old tower and walls. The Tower of Jericho is an 8.5-metre-tall (28 ft) stone structure. Regular readers will remember “The Palace of Eglon” and the fact that Jericho was rebuilt by the Midianites who were still settled here at the time of Gideon.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Judges 6:12
And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valour!”
When God calls a person to service, He chooses someone who is humble and has a heart to serve others. That person, genuinely called of God, will be sensitive to God’s leading day by day. It has been said that God is not looking for ability, but availability. He often equips the most unlikely people for His purposes, great and small. God uses people who are willing to risk everything for His cause. Gideon did this when he destroyed the altar of Baal and the image which his own father had built. When Gideon built an altar to the Lord and burned the wooden image under the sacrifice to the true God, he established his leadership. He was also very human and needed confirmation from God. The sign of the wet and dry fleece gave him additional confidence.
The God-called leadership of the Church was confirmed with signs of God’s presence. In Acts 2:42-47 we read of God’s confirmation of His call on the lives of the Apostles. The sign which indicated God’s call on Gideon was that the people supported him. When we recognize the call of God on someone’s life, we need to support that person in any way we can.
Lord God, help me to find ways to support those You have genuinely called into some form of leadership in Your cause. I know I can’t support everyone, therefore guide me in knowing where to put my support. Bless my Pastor and in particular those who are effective in bringing new people into a relationship with You, O God. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!
When the Roman Catholic Bishop of Calgary, Bishop Henry, took a strong stand in favour of “one man, one woman” marriage, he was maligned terribly by those who opposed his stand. I called him on the telephone and my first words were a quote from the angel who appeared to Gideon. I quoted the old translation of the words found in Judges 6:12, “Hail, thou mighty man of valour.” He laughed and so did I. He encouraged me in my campaign to see marriage retained as it had been throughout human history. We lost that battle in the House of Commons and in the Senate of Canada. I received a call from the then Prime Minister, Paul Martin, who wanted to thank me for a book I had sent him. It was kind of him to call. However, the conversation went downhill when I said something to this effect… “Sir, you have led Canada in a direction which will eventually prove to be most destructive to the human family…God’s plan is one man, one woman.” I believed that to be true then and still do today…and I speak the Truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). I love people and, therefore, I want only what I believe would be best for everyone. I believe I’m following Jesus in this. Check out Matthew 19:4-6.
Yours to encourage all who serve the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to take a stand for what is right in God’s eyes,
Love today’s scripture of Gideon, the fleece and the dew and God’s Presence. Prayed David’s prayer and moved by his message. Things have certainly gone downhill with changes to the constitution of marriage in Canada and abroad. We call on God for strength. The Lord Is Peace. Amen. His blessings upon you, fellow saints. Stay safe.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5 ESV
Peace Be Still (Lyrics) ~ The Belonging Co ft. Lauren Daigle
Beverlee Kay
I have e mailed & phoned to let our MLA`s know that God`s plan for marriage is the best plan for all mankind and that the government would do well to go back to the meaning of marriage between one man and one woman! some scoff; but I tell them that `living together`has no special time in itself; there is no meaning, no vows, HOWEVER when God is involved He blesses the marriages….
I believe we should speak of when we can….
ALSO rebuke the devil always, he is in this mess up to his neck,BUT the devil is nothing….
Lord we come to You and ask for the Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of our leaders and make them realize that marriages blessed by our Triune God are the very best kind of marriages and that God blesses every marriage….Lord we pray that our leaders will read Matthew 19:4-6 daily, in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Yes agree with you Beverlee. God help us, God help Canada. God help our leaders and give us leaders who will lead our nation according to your Word. We know you love our nation and we do too. God gave me strength, grace and love to visit a brother and wife yesterday and it all went well. Please pray for them that the enemy does not harass them. Pray for your brother Joy that God will meet his need. We got the freezing rain last night. Be safe saints!
God bless you Ger! Yes we pray for healing for Joy`s son also pray for healing for Kathy Mainse!
I might have mentioned this: we had the African Children`s Choir Watoto) from Uganda performing and witnessing and praying for those who desired to give their hearts to the Lord; it was a lovely performance and the joy in the singer`s lives was so heart warming….
Yes Lord we pray the Holy Spirit to enter the hearts of our leaders and bring God`s Word back into our country, we thank You Lord for this snow; will need this moisture in the summer, in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Meant to say your son Joy who needs healing and may he receive your healing Lord. In your Name, Amen!
Thank-you Ger.
May God bless you.
The subject today about praying for those who are in Ministry and who have a call of God on their lives particular hits home for me because I have a brother who is in Ministry and he is a pastor in a church he is a pastor of a church just outside of Oshawa and I also pray for today’s subject when David talked about the one man one woman relationship and not the laws were were cast down in our own government and David Maines is taking a stand to try to change things but yes things definitely have gone downhill we have so many people that are gay and marriages of that sort being allowed to happen in this country it’s it’s really sad and we really need to pray for Canada God bless everyone and be safe amen
Hi Marilyn
Yes indeed! we need to pray for Canada, just heard the National Anthem and God is mentioned in this song;;;;Yes, Lord speak to our Leaders; may the Holy Spirit lead them to do the right thing as God`s Word says in the Bible!
God bless you Marilyn,
Agreeing in prayer for God’s plan of marriage and for children in school who are being subjected to the confusion. Glorify Yourself Lord in ALL the earth. Praise Your Name.
Amen Doreen!
God bless you Doreen
Yes it is very confusing for the people today; we just need to keep praying for the Holy Spirit to call, gather and enlighten people about God`s Word.
God will settle all these differences and He will do this in His time…