Today’s Reading: Joshua 24
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Ad Deir (Arabic for “The Monastery”) is a monumental building carved out of rock in the ancient city of Petra. Built by the Nabataeans in the 1st century, it measures 50 metres wide by approximately 45 metres high.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 24:15
And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve….But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Three points we might consider – First, human free will. There’s an old spiritual song taken from verse 12 – “God did not force them to go ‘gainst their will.’ He just made them willing to go.” The hornets caused them of their own free will to change their minds.
Second, the choice, again by free will, to serve the Lord. Surely the threat of judgment should’ve been as effective as the hornets. Joshua led by example in choosing to serve the Lord.
Third, the visual message of the stone of witness and the bones of Joseph which were brought from Egypt (Genesis 50:24-26). We may decide to have our own visual aids for our children and grandchildren. Our witness could be our personal testimony of faith written by the lawyer in the document known as our Last Will and Testament. It may be a beautiful wall hanging which they will treasure. There is great potential in using our imaginations here.
[Personalize this prayer for your own family, as I have]
Lord God, grant that I may be very deliberate in planning my spiritual legacy for my 4 children, my 16 grandchildren and my 13 great-grandchildren. I ask for a gift of creativity so that I will communicate effectively for time and eternity. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!
I was just 12 when my mother died of cancer. She was only 50 years old. I have powerful memories of her. She cared for me and my two sisters, Willa Hodgins and Elaine Boudinot, while my Dad was away during the Second World War. She was loving and strict, a good combination. The last time I heard her speak out at a prayer meeting she quoted Joshua saying, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” That statement was true for our family. When she was about to take her last breath, I thought I heard her say my name. I went to her bedside, kissed her and said, “Mother, I’ll meet you in Heaven.” My Dad claimed I added the words, “I will, I will!” Perhaps it was my imagination but I thought I saw a smile beginning on her lips as she gave a last sigh and was gone to be in the immediate Presence of Jesus in Heaven. I have an unmovable stone of witness from my mother. In case you read my blog up there, Mother, I’ll see you soon!
Yours for an unmistakable witness to our faith,
You are reunited in heaven with your mother, now, David. Well done, oh good and faithful servant and son. We are reminded in today’s scripture of the verse which adorns the walls of many homes: But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Amen. Thank You for the peace and strength You give us each day, Lord. Blessings, fellow saints.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not upon thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Pro 3:5-6 ERV
I’ve got Peace Like a River with lyrics
P.S. It would have been my dad’s 92nd birthday, today. Happy Birthday in heaven, dad!
Today would have been my fathers 95th birthday. Our fathers are rejoicing together in heaven!!.
Ahhh–amen, Charlene!!
Amen Beverlee!
This song reminds me of the Summer camps we used to enjoy! Praise Jesus for that Love, Joy, and Peace Like a river in my soul.
Thank you Beverlee for posting it.
I thank you Lord for a good night’s rest and for this day Your Day. I also thank your for this blog and I pray for all those who participate in it. Lord if there are those who need healing, comfort and just a friendly voice, I pray in Jesus’ name that you would answer these petitions. Amen
I am looking forward to seeing my dear mother and many others one day. In the meantime I will keep praying for all of my unsaved friends and loved ones to give their lives over to Jesus.
Have a Blessed Lord’s Day everyone, Eleanor M.
God bless you Eleanor! Praise the Lord you had a good night’s rest;
I Praise & thank the Lord for the same!
God Bless you, Eleanor M. I echo your sentiments entirely.
Bless you Eleanor M.!!
Amen Eleanor M. We had a good time of weeping and praying for our loved ones in church this morning. I am declaring this year a great year of harvest of my loved ones; you too? Thank you Luisa for your thoughts and prayers. Picture David saying those words to his mother and the smile on her face. Have a great day saints.
Speaking of earthly Fathers, my Dad ( 56 years old) was killed in an auto accident;he was turning left;a car came flying by; hit the Volkswagen front on;the car was about 24 inches wide;jaws of life had to be used; the left turning signal was still operating;
the autopsy showed Dad had no alcohol,no drugs inside his body which was a blessing and a surprise, apparently Dad had quit smoking & drinking 2 years before;
I saw him 13 days before and I wished I had told him I loved him; I gave him a hug and the children all hugged him, that was 49 years ago but I still think about the whole situation…..
lesson learned tell people you love them because you never know what the day will bring….
Good word Sah!
In Jesus Name my prayer is “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, Amen!!
It is a very cold day, however, it is a day to come before the Lord to worship Him, in
Spirit and in Truth; as a corporate body as a congregation: giving Him Glory and Honour, the Lamb that was slain, and is worthy of all praise, Amen!!
I was seven when my father was killed in The Bump.I still can’t dwell on his memory.I don’t know if he was a believer but mom carried on donating to the Anglican Church.|
I could not do my devotions this morning so I just finished.That goodbye scene that David painted gave me this poem and almost a tear too.
A Kiss Goodbye (4 David Mainse)
When you gave me a kiss goodbye,
I heard your words of love
When you said we all will be
Together in our home above.
With my loved ones I now rejoice,
So too will be your turn
Since He gave us all free choice
And a gift that no one could earn.
So when the angels bring you home
And you are through the gates,
Then in heaven we will roam
In a kingdom where no one hates.
G W (Bill)Marshall /03 Feb 2019
That’s beautiful, Bill. Thank you.
I look forward to seeing my parents again some day. They were both in their fifties when they died.
So glad they gave their lives over to Jesus prior to them being taken home. Such a relief to know they were saved.
Mr. G W Bill Marshall
God bless and thank you for your poems, many do bring a tear to my eye, but it is good to weep; helps the heart alot; the kidneys like it also,the adrenals REALLY like the emotions to be revealed and my mental health feels so good; brings me to confess any sins I made against the Lord or others and also weeping is good for weight loss and also good for rejoicing with a happy and content heart and it brings me to prayer, maybe for me, but mostly for others, so Mr. Marshall, the Lord has blessed you with the words for these poems and He has given you a heart for His unconditional Love. A very wonderful thing happens to each one who reads your poems and that is a GOD thing which is a good thing; and then we believe the Lord God Almighty, we believe in His Son Jesus Christ and we believe in the 3rd Person of the Trinity and that is the Holy Spirit and we Praise and Thank the Lord. AMEN
Very true, and from the heart William; thank you for sharing.
What explicit, wonderful photos Reynold, especially with you inside the Monastery; Thank you!!
Yes David, what a reunion it was when you and your Mom, once again, have the joy of being together! Praise God for His Great Love and faithfulness!