Today’s Reading: Joshua 18
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

At Timna Park, 20 miles (32 km) north of Eilat in the Arabah, a life-sized replica of the biblical Tabernacle has been constructed. While no original materials (e.g., gold, silver, bronze) have been used, the model is accurate in every other way based upon the biblical description.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses – Joshua 18:1, 3
The whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of meeting there…Then Joshua said to the children of Israel: “How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you?”
Just imagine the excitement in the air as all the tribes came together. Think about thousands of animated conversations. Perhaps some said, “If only our parents were here to see this, but they refused to believe that this could happen. They refused to follow the leadership of Moses, Joshua and Caleb. We could’ve been born here in the Promised Land, instead of in the wilderness. Instead of just getting our borders settled, we would’ve been well established for 45 years already. Here we are, gathered around the Tabernacle as we did when we were children on the other side of the Jordan. But listen, Joshua is going to bring us a message from God. It sounds the same as we remember Moses saying to us before we crossed the Jordan. What’s wrong with us? Can we not learn to obey God fully?”
We may want to read, Hebrews 2:1-4 where the word “neglect” shows up again relating to our salvation. Also, “let us not neglect” is found in Hebrews 10:23-25. To neglect the ministry which happens when we assemble together is to court spiritual decline and to miss the essential message God wants us to hear from those He has called into leadership.
Lord God, God of our fathers, I believe that I need to possess all that You have given me. Grant me the grace, the determination to go forward, not stopping short of all You have for me. Give me a greater fervency of spirit, because I know that You respond directly in proportion to the level of my fervency. In Jesus’ strong Name I pray. Amen!
Thank you to all who read God’s Word with me each day. I have a question for you. Do you know anyone who started well on January 1st in a one year through-the-Bible reading program, but may have already missed some days, or has reverted to opening their Bible anywhere to read in a hit-and-miss fashion? Ask around amongst your friends. You may be surprised at the numbers to whom this happens. Let’s try to do this in a non-judgmental way. Now….I have a suggestion. Invite those who have struggled with the one year commitment to check out 100words.ca and see the difference it makes when the readings are shorter (more time for meditation and prayer) and when we move back and forth between the New and the Old Testaments over 730 days. The two-year program works! Crossroads has proven this in magazines and books since the 1970s and now in this daily blog. Readers could join us today and in 104 weeks complete God’s Book with joy, much fresh understanding, and growth in spiritual maturity!
Yours for God’s work in us to continue without neglect,
Let us awake with prayer and the Word and go to sleep with prayer and the Word to keep us healthy, happy, and holy. Blessings upon all saints in the Lord. Stay safe in this weather. Jesus loves you so!
The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2 ESV
It is well with my soul (lyrics) Chris Rice
Amen, Beverley….so well said. May GOD bless you and may you have a wonderful and blessed day.
I have a book on the stories behind famous hymns.This gives a more modern ‘equivilent’ to the story.(I still like Robin’s version better,lol.)
I have reading the Bible through on this blog since it’s inception in June of 2012. This way works and is such a blessing.
Yep! I agree also! Blessings to you,
This daily manna is a blessing. It is constant and easy to apply daily; the scripture of the day, David’s interpretation, Reynold’s photos, and the responses. all combined to encourage and uplift our spirit for each day, as we participate. For the Glory of God Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!
Have a blessed day as you participate in His love!
I am one who did not expect to last in 100 Words.I am well past
3 1/2 walks through the bible and I very often share the link and portions of our daily teaching on my FB page.Thank you to the Mainse family again.God bless
Reynold’s contribution is often taken for granted.Under each picture is a blue link which will take you to where his camera was when the picture was taken.With a little experimenting you can ‘pan’ around the whole area to see more through google earth.It’s snowing heavy here now but rain is expected too.
This melody started in my head,over and over, followed by
the first line of the chorus,then I had to get up (at 328 AM)
and this is the result.I corrected two typos but this is as it was
written.I firmly believe it was an inspired writing but at the time
I felt too unworthy to believe this:
G W (Bill) Marshall
Sweet Jesus I owe everything to you and to you alone,
You have shown me my home,you are my anchorstone,
You have saved me always when stormy winds have blown,
You have always been my rock,the truest friend I’ve known,
So why do you think me worthy as a seed you have sown
What can I ever do to earn all the love you’ve shown .
Let me know sweet Jesus, let me know beyond my days
Let me know my savior,when I bow down to you in praise,
When my time here is drawing short and coming to a close,
As they carry me away after leading the life I chose,
I pray that I will leave not sorrow for those that I love,
But instead to know the joy that waits for us above.
I am not a wealthy man but I am very rich by far,
When I walk my journey you’re my guiding star
And you know that I am honest in all the things I do,
I have never born false witness,I only say what’s true,
You have strengthened my soul before I even knew
Of life’s losses with your love to see me through.
You have always had your hand placed within my soul,
You have shown me your light that has made me whole,
I have never known this love that comes from your grace,
Nor have I known compassion that shines from your face,
For I am still a sinner and you are the son of God
I can only meet you at the end of the road I’ve trod.
G W(Bill) Marshall (No copyright intended)
Inspired by Psalm 73:24-25
With wise counsel Thou will guide me
‘Til in glory Thou make me free,
For Who in heaven have I but Thee
And with no mortal I choose but with Thee to be,
For earthly strength may up and flee;
But Thou be my portion for eternity.
(G.W.)Bill Marshall/Oct 09, 2015
Beautifully inspired and penned, Bill. Thank you for sharing.
Amen Beverlee, William and blogger friends. Thank you Sah for your thoughts and prayers. Never knew the whole story behind the song, “It is Well With my Soul.” We are getting the Toronto storm now. Blessings on you saints!
Amen, Beverley….so well said. May GOD bless you and may you have a wonderful and blessed day.