Today’s Reading: Romans 12
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Pantheon (from Greek meaning “all gods”) is a building in Rome which was originally built in 27 BC as a temple to the seven deities of the seven planets in the state religion of Ancient Rome. It is the best preserved of all Roman buildings, and perhaps the best preserved building of its age in the world. It has been in continuous use throughout its history. Since the 7th century, the Pantheon has been used as a Christian church.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 12:1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
“Beseech”… We are strongly urged to make a 100% do-or-die commitment to God. Paul did this. He practiced what he preached. The daily discipline of participating with me in this blog is a renewing of our minds. We are being exhorted here in chapter 12 to a very practical Christianity. Here is the way to get along well with others. Here is the recognition of the spiritual gifts that we receive from God. No believer is left out. We can find our place here. Let us take time right now to consider our position in this list. Are we using these gifts which differ “according to the grace given unto us”? If not, why not? By exercising our gifts every day, we will, with absolute certainty, “overcome evil with good.” AMEN!
Lord Jesus, our reading for today is a perfect example of how You lived Your life while functioning as a Human Being here on earth. You never used Your Divine Essence to lift Yourself above the struggles common to mankind. I give myself anew right now to Your life within me. I ask for an increased measure of faith and grace to live minute by minute as a person who is becoming more like You. In Your all-powerful Name I pray, AMEN!
[Note: Originally written January 13, 2017]
Some Great News for me! I’m being discharged from hospital today! Norma-Jean is coming in for 10 a.m. to be instructed by the M.D. on caring for me, giving IV’s at home, etc. Our daughter and son-in-law, Ellen and Nizar Shaheen, have built an extension on their house for us. Ron was there yesterday putting up the blinds. We’re ready! Our bed, dresser, chairs, are in place. I’m finding it hard to contain my enthusiasm!
I’ve just read on my lap-top the blog postings of Julia Bayer, who died recently. One of my nurses directed me to Julia’s blog. HERE is a link to her writings so you can see and hear what has been blessing me for the last two hours (scroll down for previous posts). I know it will bless you too. That’s why I’m passing this onto you. Julia was just 26 when diagnosed with ovarian cancer. 100 Huntley Street did a video feature on Julia a while back (click HERE to watch it). The following is a quote that jumped out at me from this young lady’s blog…
“He’s not a god detached from human experiences and emotions. He’s not a god eager to rule with an iron fist. God, who created the universe by spoken Word, chose suffering. In doing so, He chose relationship instead of vengeance in response to our rebellion. I don’t know of any other religion where the god chooses suffering out of love for humanity. The humility and unconditional love demonstrated by Jesus’ death on the Cross is my ultimate source of hope and joy. As I experience some of the darkest moments of my life, I will continue to fix my eyes on Jesus, because He knows suffering and He loves me. Praise God!” (Hebrews 12:1-3).
Yours in praising God for the lives of precious people like Julia Bayer who are now in His presence,
P.S. Below is a photo of the interior of the Pantheon in Rome (see the photo caption above for a brief historical summary).
Thanks again for continuing this blog, Ron and family. As I read your father’s excitement when he wrote this day’s blog, it is clear what good care you took of him when he was ill. It is a real testimony of love
Amen Eleanor!
let us pray for others that are in Senior Care Facilities; that they receive good care,no harm comes to them;they have patient, kind and caring staff; that Christians will visit the people; prepare Church services for those in Care Facilities;prepare songs for all to sing; for safe food; for safe sleep; for safe care we pray this in Jesus Name amen
Amen Sah!
You are a very caring person. Often you remind us to pray for various people or situations we may not automatically think to pray for. You have a heart for others.
May God answer your prayers and provide for your every need, as well!
Be blessed!
TY Luisa but I am just like you and anyone else on this prayer blog; I find that everyone has a caring heart for the people,
I believe that many who pray have had some very personal encounters with God; I certainly have and it always boggles my mind how God could be so good to me!
Each and every pp is loved deeply by God and each and everyone contributes as their hearts speak!
I am so thankful for everyone on this prayer blog!
I appreciate the honesty and I told David Mainse this also; he was very honest in his posting….
A very Happy and Blessed New Years to everyone,
God has said in His Word; He will never leave nor forsake us! Good News!
Thanks for the link on “Julia’s blog” Just could not stop until I came to the end! The pain and grief her husband, Andy, expresses so honestly comes through load and clear.
and thank your for posting Julia’s interview on 100huntly Street. So hard to understand why persons of such a young age have to leave us. But God’s ways and thought are higher than our ways; He know the beginning from the end and we don’t.
Thank you Ron, Ann and Reynold for continuing to post this blog daily!!!
if you live in British Columbia, Canada, & Daylight Saving Time is hard on you,PLEASE let our Honorable Premier John Horgan know,he wants to hear from you,he may change legislation to do away with DST, thank You Lord bless our leaders in Jesus Name I pray
Ditto,Eleanor,I think we all feel that way.Not often expressed but always felt.God blesses us through the Mainse family.Amen.Loved her video and the blog.It’s easy to see why David was inspired and was strengthened by her.She had the right attitude.
One of my many grief poems:
Faith Defeats Sorrow
You speak of me in the past tense
But I am more alive than you,
For I know now what makes sense,
It’s in the grace I never knew.
I’m free of every earthly care,
Not even sorrow can touch me
In this blissful home I share
Where everyone will each be free.
Earthly eyes can ne’er understand
The truth in His words,left behind,
For He came to this very land,
To which earthly eyes remain blind.
Faith defeats sorrow every time,
Without it each day is the same
And Satan repeats his crime
By imparting to you the blame.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 15 March, 2014
I hope I can take my own advice if needed.
I just got home awhile ago.I had to leave early for church,skipping the blog this morning (and forgetting).
TY William for your beautiful and meaningful poems….