Today’s Reading: John 12
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The view towards the Old City of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Mt. Zion is central on the horizon. The City of David is on the left and in the foreground is the high point on the wall which is known as the pinnacle of the Temple.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verses: John 12:10-11, 31
But the chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also, because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus… Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.
Like Lazarus, we who believe in Jesus have been raised from the dead. Ephesians 2:1 describes us as “dead in trespasses and sins,” but now “made alive.” We are living proof that Jesus is real and that He brings new life where there was death.
Our second key verse declares the reality of what happened at the Cross. The world, with its pride and rejection of God, mistakenly thought it was judging Jesus. The opposite is true. God was judging the world by the way it treated His Son. The so-called “ruler of this world” thought he was the winner, but again the opposite is true. The pretender to the throne was cast out. Jesus is King. His eternal Kingdom was established forever and ever. Amen!
Jesus, You are Lord of all. Grant that I may demonstrate that I’ve come out of the grave and discarded the grave clothes. May my life be the proof that You judged the world and deposed its ruler. I celebrate my new life with great joy. Thank You, Jesus! Amen!
I thank you who send me a reply. I read what you have written. The best way to get answers is by asking your Pastor or a Bible teacher at your local congregation. You can critique what I have written with your friends on facebook, or better still, in a home Bible Study with your brothers and sisters in Christ and potential new believers. If you start a home study group, get the blessing of your church. Beware of false teachers who may come to your door or who may be on radio or TV. There is protection in the fellowship of a church which is affiliated with an established denomination. Here in Canada, you can check the website of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada for affiliated churches. Also, there are local congregations of the historic denominations which may not be a part of the EFC, but they are true to the historic Christian faith. Check out the church. Click here for the most ancient declaration and summary of our faith, “The Apostles Creed.” Still have questions? Make an appointment with a Pastor.
Yours for the glory of the One Who said, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself” (John 12:32),
Praise God you came to earth for us, dear Jesus. Asking saints to keep my back in prayer. The cold rainy weather has hit us here in Prince Edward County. Wishing you all blessings upon blessings. Oh, that we may see the face of Jesus, one day!
Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8:9 NIV
Nicole C. Mullen – My Redeemer Lives (Lyrics)
Will pray for total healing of your back Beverlee. God bless.
Thank you for sharing info about your weather. I’m from the east and enjoy hearing about what God is doing for weather back that way; now live in Alberta.
So sad to hear what has happened in Pittsburgh. Often wonder if these events don’t bring souls to God.
Thank you Lynda. We haven’t really put a prayer for Pittsburgh on the blog, have we? My heart goes out to all those beautiful people who lost their lives, were injured and their families. Hatred spurn from the devil can only be extinguished by love–the love of Christ. You are right on Lynda–such tragedy does bring souls to God. May He comfort those in need and be assured their beautiful souls are in heaven.
I have found “” to be a help in getting information. Blessings all.
Thank you Doreen for the website. God bless.
Following along with the reading of The Word. Thank you, Anne and Ron.
Will remember your back in prayer Beverlee. Would appreciate prayer as well as have two tests this week. Also will remember Pittsburg in prayer and families who lost loved ones. How sad! Had a bad ice storm here in NB over night and church was cancelled this morning. Our hope is in you Lord. Amen!
Thanks, Ger. Holding you in prayer for your tests, this week. Stay safe.
TY Lord for this day! We come to ask You to heal the bodies of Beverlee Kay & Ger! May they enjoy every day life, no pain, just PRAISE & THANKING THE LORD FOR ALL HE HAS DONE!
Started a Bible Study called ‘JOINING JESUS ON HIS MISSION, HOW TO BE AN EVERYDAY MISSIONARY’ BY Greg Finke! purchased through Amazon; it is just what I needed at this time; Greg & his wife have a ministry call Dwelling 1:14 which comes from John 1:14! It points out that Jesus does not send us out to work FOR Him; He invites us to come WITH Him and join the work He was already doing! This sure makes sense to me!
Blessings to all;
also please pray the Lord Hand picks the right room mate for me! used to do this years ago; would like to rent out back room again; praying the Lord sends the right person, TY for praying for me…
A healthy and blessed week to everyone ….
Praying for God to bring you the right room mate, Sah. Thank you for your prayers.
Ger: I will remember you and Beverley in prayer and also for the terrible situation in Pittsburg. I was thinking the same thing as Lynda. Hoping that all those people will find hope in Christ. God is able Amen and Amen.
Also praying for Irene as she recovers. Blessings to all. Eleanor.