Today’s Reading: Exodus 27
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The High Priest in front of the Golden Lampstand in the Holy Place. This lamp would burn continually and brightly, fueled by pure olive oil. This photo was taken in the full-sized replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle, which was on display during the summer of 2012 at the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario. Rev. Rick Hiebert portrays the High Priest.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 27:20
And you shall command the children of Israel that they bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to cause the lamp to burn continually.
The horns of the altar literally stand out for all who enter the outer court of the Tabernacle (in tomorrow’s blog we will include a photo of what those horns on that altar may have looked like). As with some animals, the horns speak of protection from attack as well as weapons to attack. Defence and offense are God’s commitments to us. God cares for all who trust Him. Animal sacrifices were consumed here. For we who believe in Jesus Christ, the Sacrifice of the Cross provides protection and also we must be on the offensive with the Cross as our message to the whole world. The olive tree and its fruit always represent the spiritual devotional life of the people of God. The olive oil was to be replenished without fail every day. The Sunday School chorus says, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” This blog is one way to make sure our spiritual life is burning brightly 24/7.
Lord God, I pray for fresh oil in the lamp of my life today. Holy Spirit, You are often represented in Scripture as Oil. When my light is about to go out, please fill me with Yourself, Holy Spirit. I want to be a brightly shining light in this dark world. Thank You for answering my prayer. I receive it now, in the Name of Jesus, the One of whom John the Baptist said, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11b). Amen!
Among my childhood memories are the words of prayers I would hear God’s people pray. One had to do with holding onto the horns of the altar. My imagination was fired with a picture of the one praying, holding to those horns and refusing to let go until God’s voice was heard and His purposes fulfilled. This is a stubborn, unyielding determination to stay in fervent prayer until the answer came from God. “Yes!” “No!” “Slow!” “Grow!” Then there was my Father’s prayer and one of the many couplets he would quote. It went like this: “May Heaven come down our souls to greet, and Glory crown the Mercy Seat.” I was not too sure what it meant, but I knew that as Dad was praying his face lit up with joy. What an amazing spiritual inheritance I received from my parents. Norma-Jean and I had a different pattern we followed with our children, but the results were the same in their lives as in mine. The Oil was replenished daily and the flame continues until today.
Yours for the daily infilling of the Holy Spirit, helping us all to burn brightly,
“Lord,restore to us a right spirit,”
Yes,I too need ‘more’ of the Holy Spirit.Just ask and He will give “more”.Thank you,David.
The Kingdom Is Ours
Oh,Lord,though we have sinned against You
And have done evil in your sight,
You still love us the ages through,
Withholding from us Your just might.
To each of us You have been a Friend,
Your guidance led those who would hear
And shown Your mercy has no end;
As we repent,you draw us near.
Lord,restore to us a right spirit,
For You have washed away our sin
And we know we’re not to fear it
When evil seeks to come within.
Oh,my Savoir,You are always true
And we want to walk in Your light
But there is one who will undo
And e’er seeks to bind us in fright.
Oh Lord,we know Your word is our shield
But relentless thoughts from the snake,
Seek to steal what we must not yield,
For the kingdom is ours to take.
G W(Bill) Marshall/13 Sept, 2015
Further prayer request regarding Marion. She had heart surgery and did well. But meds were giving to her (that usually work) but cause a huge negative reaction on her (couples with possible diabetes problems)..the med work 95% of time but not on Marion. I explained this on my blog on Aug. 1st, followed by a positive update on Aug. 3.
Marion is in Victoria BC hospital. I visited her in the past week and prayed with her, and my niece, Sue, in Nanaimo. Marion (age 67)once walked with God but is restoring her faith and I am praying for my niece..age 55, carrying this Load but does not know the Lord but accept me and the prayers I pray with her.
Healing was gradually happening. Hands which had turned black are ok and finger tips on both hands now have tinkling feelings and should be ok.
However, got word last night that the hospital is still thinking of amputating Marion’s right leg from the knee down – and are still desperately trying to save the left leg! So, I am praying for another miracle. Jesus is our Saviour, our Deliverer and and our Healer. so, if you feel led, lift Marion up in prayer..praying for full circulation in both legs… a miracle that would spare the drastic measure of amputation… Our God says, “Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will answer thee”…so that is what I am doing..and ask you to hold up Marion especially… and my niece Sue in prayer and deliverance and healing.. Our faith is in the Lord and praying for revelation, wisdom and guidance for the surgeons and caregivers.. as God continues to equip them with the skillfulness of His Hand.
Agreeing with Samuel in prayer for Marion and Sue. Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus I come to your on behalf of Marion and Sue and ask for Your intervention in their lives; for Your Highest and Best in their live. For wisdom for those attending to Marion and her needs. Thank you Jesus for answered prayer for the Glory of Our Father in Heaven, Amen!!
Amen ! Agreeing with Irene in prayer!
I shall pray for Marion….that she may be healed and given the strength to handle ( with God’s help) whatever is God’s will.
I also pray for Marion that she will not have any amputation . Lord we know that you are able to do anything . I also pray for you Samuel and your niece for strength to support Marion in whatever happens. In Jesus name Amen.
Amen Eleanor M.
Joining with you in prayer for Marion and
Sue. May Samuel’s request to God be
answered, in Jesus’ Precious Name,
Lynda, about your request for a book on Jewish thoughts on Jesus, I can recommend several good sources.
Here are a few Jewish people who became followers of Christ:
Dr. Michael Brown,
Dr. Michael Rydelnik,
Andrew Klavan,
These are Youtube videos, but you can look more into their writings as well.
Day of Discovery has many excellent videos, especially featuring Dr Rydelnik. Andrew Klavan is more of a commentator on contemporary American thought, and Dr Brown uses the media to give out Christian thought on issues people deal with today.
You could check for resources from Jews for Jesus.
God bless you.
Here are some thoughts on Jesus from Jewish people who became followers of Christ:
Dr. Michael Rydelnik,
He is a great Bible teacher who has made many teaching videos for Day of Discovery.
Dr. Michael Brown,
He is a very media-savvy commenter on contemporary challenges to Christian teaching.
Andrew Klavan,
A Jewish writer who became a Christian.
You could also check out resources from ‘Jews for Jesus’,
May God bless and keep you.
Agreeing in prayer for Marion and Sue that you will save Marion’s leg and renewal of her faith in you and give Sue strength in Jesus Name. Amen!
Marion is in my prayers
In Jesus name.. I pray for health and healing for Marion!