Today’s Reading: Exodus 22
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

I took this photo as the sun was setting. We are looking east from Israel across the Jordan Rift Valley at the mountains of Moab in Jordan. If we could time travel to approximately 3,500 years ago, we would find the Israelites on the other side of these mountains either camping or on the move.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 22:31a
You are to be My holy people. (New International Version)
Here, in chapter 22, are practical rules for the purpose of maintaining a well-run, harmonious society. For example, in verse three is the phrase “he shall be sold.” This was not slavery as in 150 years ago, but a method of repayment by labour in lieu of wages, perhaps for five years, where the families would be cared for. In studying judicial history, it is interesting to note the wide acceptance of God’s civil laws. Many, if not most, of our laws are based on these laws. The ultimate purpose of these laws was that the people would be a “holy people.” Please take the time to look up and meditate on 1 Peter 2:9-10. This is a definition of “Holy.”
Lord God, You are Holy. I sing the old hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy” unto You. Please work in me Your sanctifying power so that I will be able to live a holy life. I pray this through Jesus Christ Who always, at all times and places, lived a life of holiness. Amen!
As a child living in Ottawa, Canada, I was impressed every Sunday by the scroll painted on the wall just behind the minister as he preached God’s Word. It said, “Holiness unto the Lord.” I learned the word “restitution” (Exodus 22:5) early in life. I may have been 6 or 7 years old. I came home from a nearby sand pit with a spoon. Mother said, “David, that spoon does not belong to you. You must go around to the neighbours and find the owner, returning it with an apology to the owner.” With a sense of shame I did that. Mother would not tolerate anything even close to stealing. It happened again when I was 9. Tempted by other boys, I stole an apple from in front of Kincaid’s grocery store. I ate it, but I could never fool Mother. She finally got a confession out of me, and I was required to take 5 cents of my own money and give it to Mr. Kincaid with an apology. So that’s the story of my life of crime. I most certainly got the message of living a holy life!!!
Yours for holy living,
We can say behind every good child is a good mother or father. What a mother and father David had. Will always appreciate David’s stories and experiences. God bless you saints!
Amen Ger:)
It is a blessing to have this Devotional to use consistently each day as one way of spending some time with God.
Thanks to the Mainse family for continuing this legacy started by your patriarch.
I am asking for prayers for my husband and me with our marriage.
We are living in separate countries and things are not as they should be.
My wish is for Gods desire to be my husband’s desire as well as mine; not the opposite way.
If you could please keep us in your prayers, I would be most grateful.
Thank you so much. God bless you abundantly always.
Marti, I just said a prayer for you. May God bless you and your husband with a reconciliation agreeable to His will.
Nan, Amen to your prayer for Marti.
Agreeing in prayer with Nan for Marti and her husband’s reconciliation!
Thank you for praying Nan.
I am trusting God’s will as that is paramount.
Lord God, please guide Marti and her husband in Your good and perfect ways. We know You love them. Help them to love You and each other in return, we ask in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen & Amen.
Thank you for your prayer R.
My prayers are with you, Marti…May God’s will be done. He will find a way acceptable to all concerned!!!
Thank you so much for your prayers Blessed.
Special 100 words from David ! (Again ! )
This is once again a very urgent urgent urgent prayer request I’ve been going to Physio I’ve had nine treatments right now but nothing seems to be working and I’m spending a lot of money and nothing is helping so pray that with the treatments that I do have left that my body will respond because besides that I don’t know I don’t know what to do so I’m just praying for God’s guidance and Direction and wisdom tooth to tell me what to do because I’m in a lot of pain and treatment isn’t helping and I don’t know what to do so please this is again an urgent urgent prayer request thank you very much and God bless
Lord God in Jesus Name we pray for your intervention on behalf of Marilyn, for Your Peace to decent upon her, and Your guidance and direction in her situation, thank You Jesus for answered prayer. Your will be done, Amen!!
Staying in agreement with Irene for Marilyn.
May God give you clarity and lead you to the right source for full healing and restoration in Jesus Name.
Marilyn have you been diagnosed with a specific problem? if something is not working,maybe talk with Dr. & try something different; I go to Chiro & Acupuncture and it helps me alot…
I go every 6 – 7 weeks, it works great for me.
Lord I ask that You would lead Marilyn to some treatments that work and remove and and all pain from her and grant her a very healthy active happy life.Thank you Lord for all the blessings you have given Marilyn, we love You Lord, we thank you for Your unconditional love…In Jesus Name we Pray amen
Aug 24 / 18 Merv and Pat May our Father in Heaven comfort you and may the Holy Spirit heal you and draw you closer to Jesus. Reach out in faith and ask in the name of Jesus for the healing. Our prayers are with you. May your week end be a blessing. Keep on trusting.
I have always always been deeply touched by David’s Story regarding the apple….being honest is the best medicine and his story has brought out great respect for the Mainse family..
please pray the Lord show me where I can get a hubcap for my car! He gave me that car last year and it was missing one hubcap, I thought the Lord would have brought me one by now, but now so, so please pray that I find another hubcap.
Thank you.;
Also please pray for a financial breakthrough for me….
also, what website is this blog on?
Blessings to all