Today’s Reading: Mark 3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Capernaum has many traces of earlier societies. Found among its ruins is this grinding wheel which could work even today.
GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 3:35
…For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.
In the first three chapters, the word “immediately” is used 11 times. Peter told the stories to Mark, who wrote them down. Peter was an “immediately” man. He believed in “do it now.” Jesus mentored him in this.
The healing of the withered hand united three religious groups in opposition to Jesus. An unclean “religious spirit” motivated them. Even “His own people” (probably relatives) thought Him “out of His mind” (verse 21). The warning against the one who “blasphemes against the Holy Spirit” (verse 29) is most serious. The primary work of God’s Spirit is in bringing people to Jesus for Salvation. Rejecting Jesus until death is unforgivable because one never asks for forgiveness.
Finally, how do we do “God’s will?” We live our lives as a true “brother, and sister, and mother” to Jesus (Jesus’ true Father is God and Joseph had passed away). All I must do is follow Jesus ever so closely.
Lord God, I pray fervently that I will do Your will, acting “immediately” on that which You’ve taught me through Your Word. May this daily blog light up “God’s will” so that I may see You with insight and live accordingly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
My blog photo from two days ago is of the synagogue in Capernaum. It’s a 3rd Century structure, but you can see the original foundation from the time of Jesus. If you have the opportunity to visit the Holy Land, it will bring the activities of Jesus alive in an amazing way! My mother and father visited Israel on their honeymoon in 1924. They were missionaries next door to Israel, in Egypt. I lived as a child on these stories and over and over I looked at their pictures. Miss Brown, a missionary in Jerusalem, loaned my parents her Model T Ford car. Dad said he backed up the hills of Palestine (before Israel became a modern state), because the car’s gas supply was gravity fed, and if the tank was lower than the engine, he’d run out of gas. Well, that’s not really important, but I enjoy telling these stories.
Yours to help us all do “God’s will,”
I so desire to do God’s will today and everyday. I fail so many times But I will persevere, with the help of thé Holly Spirit. Giod Bless all blog friends today. Eleanor M.
Amen,Eleanor.That is what the holy Spirit makes us aware of by His presence,I think.Blessings
Thanks William.
yes by nature I am a sinful human being; however I repent of my sins and tell God I am sorry and ask Him to forgive me and He does every time….I am so thankful for the Lord God Almighty and His Plan for mankind Thank you Lord thank you…..
please pray for rain to put out all the fires burning in Canada and the United States! in Jesus Name we ask for the Heavens to open up and pour down sweet rain Thank you Lord amen
Don’t some of us get treated differently by our unbelieving family members.We are so often thought of as lacking in intelligence because of our faith.I believe it is our intelligence which enables us to see the logic behind the Christian faith and when we invite the holy Spirit to come into our very being,to ‘clean house’,we give our consent for Him to remove our sins,root by root,thus cleansing us gradually throughout our entire life.I hope this makes sense because I did not get much sleep last night.God bless
Amen William!! Makes complete sense. Sleep is a gift from God, don’t insult Him by throwing it back in His face:-).
God bless each and every soul following this great blog, keeping in mind we’re only human and will make mistakes throughout our lifetimes. Praise the Lord Rev. Mainse is teaching the bible in this way.
Yes, Amen William, hope you catch up on your sleep tonight:)
Amen William as to intelligence and family.
Yes indeed Amen.
I posted this yesterday, actually, in response to Irene, but got the message that “the post was awaiting moderation”, if that means anything.
Thank you, Irene, for being such an encourager. And please, Lord God, show all your people that You are faithful and keep all your promises. Please meet all of Irene’s and Sah’s and all Your people’s needs, so each can testify of your love and care, in Jesus’s name, amen
Just looked up a verse in 2 Corinthians 1, and it said, “It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ.” (v. 21). Thank You, Lord, for enabling us!
I’ve had this song (It Is No Secret What God Can Do) running around in me for the last few days (always found it an encouragement), so here’s the story of where it came from:
And hete’s Stuart Hamblen singing it at the Billy Graham crusade:
May God bless each and every one of you.
It’s so good to know, we are in the family of God. Saved by Grace through faith that comes from Him!!
Be blessed in the Lord all you saints in the Lord!!
God bless the family of Billy Graham and David Mainse! I thank the Lord for these men who taught the Gospel to all mankind…Thank you Lord