Today’s Reading: Genesis 45-46
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Inner sanctuary of the Temple of Edfu, Egypt. The ancient religions of Egypt were well established by the time Joseph came to prominence. It is believed by many that Joseph’s influence helped to bring about the worship of one God in Egypt for many years, but then, as the Scripture says, “There arose a ruler who knew not Joseph” (Exodus 1:8, Acts 7:18).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo click HERE.
Key Verse: Genesis 45:5
But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.
Joseph was sure that God used even the cruelty of his brothers in order to send him to Egypt. This knowledge helped Joseph to forgive. Imagine the bewilderment and the renewal of guilt the brothers felt. Psalm 76:10 tells us that, “Surely the wrath of man shall praise You.” The anger of the brothers could not thwart God’s plan to preserve life. God forgives our sins. We accept that as a fact based on God’s promises. But forgiving ourselves is another matter. Joseph urged his brothers to forgive themselves. If they failed to do this they would never rise above the slave mentality they had shown. Their dad was “Israel,” “Prince of God.” They, too, were members of God’s royal family. It’s important to know who we are in God’s eyes, and to live up to His view of us!
Dear Lord, I forgive myself for the sin and wrong I’ve done. By the gift of Your grace I realize that I am Your precious child. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Amen!
In 1922 my Dad began his ministry in Egypt. My Mother and he were married in 1924 in Cairo. My childhood days were filled with imagination about ancient Egypt. Dad had a black granite carved head of an ancient official of Pharaoh’s court. This was the opinion of an Egyptologist at the University of Toronto. I would wonder, “Could this be Joseph?” My photographer son, Reynold, has this head now. Reynold’s pictures of ancient Egypt are magnificent. I believe that these temples were an attempt by the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) to get the worship he desired when in Heaven. This fallen Archangel inspired the closest thing he could get to the architecture of the centre of the worship of Almighty God in Heaven and then inhabited these temples to receive the worship of man. The temples are in ruins, as are the efforts of our enemy who desires to keep us from worshipping the true God.
Yours, as a forgiven sinner who has also forgiven himself, and who is a worshipper of the “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
Sometimes God’s plan takes us into unusual circumstances – praise His Name. Beautiful picture of David’s parents.
Yes, Amen Doreen!
Amen Doreen. It is a beautiful picture of David’s parents. Noticed the word “cried” and “cried out” in this story and when Joseph met his father, he “cried for a long time.” Imaging the story and seeing how realistic it is. God had arranged it all. Praise His Name!
If our emotions still affect us the same way then imagine how we will cry with joy as we meet Jesus face to face,wow.It is a picture of a very handsome Christian couple we see today.I wonder too about the possibility of that head in Reynold’s possession being a likeness of Joseph?Blessings
Joseph realized what most of us fail to see and that is God’s ‘ways are not our ways nor are His thoughts our thoughts’.Where we have to pause in thought in a chess game looking at all possible moves,God would be bored,for His thoughts are so far above (ahead of) ours that we can not imagine it.A super computer can not come close to the speed of God’s thoughts.That is why we must trust Him to take control of our lives.(Easier said than done,though.)We must try to live in a state of willingness for Him to have that control….Just my take on this.God bless all and thanks to the Mainse family for this blessing.
Praise God and let us all thank Him for how richly He has blessed us!!!
What an amazing thing Joseph said to his brothers, “…don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives.”
He had already forgiven them, and knew God’s purposes were great.
Similarly, Jesus said abour his own executioners, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” It was God’s will to put Jesus there to preserve their (and our) lives.
Thank You, Father, for Your great plans to preserve lives. May Your will be done, and may we be part of accomplishing that will today. In Jesus’s praiseworthy name, amen
Well said, Rob!!
Blessings to all this day that the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!
Lord we pray for complete healing for Sandy & Janet! Lord You know these precious people, You can heal them completely so that they can enjoy life again and enjoy their families, TY Lord for this healing.
Lord we pray for rain, enough to put out the fires, and give nourishment to the plants to grow green again
We thank You Lord for all the people who are fighting the fires, the pilots, those on the ground, keep them all safe,
Lord we know that when fire races through the forest new growth will come for the animals…this is part of Your plan. We thank You Lord for providing all our needs.
we pray Lord that those homes destroyed will be covered by insurance.
TY Lord for the roofer Paul who fixed my roof for only $150! PRAISE THE LORD
bless his daughter and his marriage, Paul is a Christian and God put him across my path and we chatted for only a few moments, TY Lord,
Holy Spirit I pray please enter the hearts of the people and help them realize that there is a God; that He loves us unconditionally; that we can confess our sins, tell God we are sorry and He does forgive us…
Lord we pray for our leaders in Canada and the United States and those around the world, we pray for peace among the countries,
we pray for our young people, those from 11 – 25, they need a MIRACLE to see you Lord; they are wandering, lost, looking for something; Lord put the Holy Spirit in their paths, You did this for me decades ago, I know Lord that You can do this for these people today…..Thank you Lord in Jesus Name I Pray amen
Amen Sah!
Amen, Sah.
Thank you Reynold for the magnificent picture, for sharing it with us!
Also for the excellent photo of David’s Mother and Father!!! What a handsome couple!!
What a great legacy you left with for your family!! extended to your by your Father and Mother!!!
Also agreeing with David’s prayer.
What a great scripture today’s is of love and forgiveness!! What Joy especially for Jacob, Joseph and Benjamin; an even for the other brothers.!!
The “Joy of the Lord is our strength”!
Have wonderful day all you saints!!