Today’s Reading: Genesis 43-44
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Rows of pillars from the great Hypostyle Hall in the Karnak Temple complex just 2.5 km north of Luxor, Egypt.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo click HERE.
Key Verse: Genesis 43:30
Now his heart yearned for his brother; so Joseph made haste and sought somewhere to weep. And he went into his chamber and wept there.
Joseph is a type, or picture, of the Lord Jesus Christ. Both Joseph and Jesus were rejected by their brothers, sold for the price of a slave, considered to be dead, yet later declared alive. Both wept over people and circumstances, their hearts tender for others and their sin. Both were tested severly.
Joseph, I’m sure, faced the temptation to be angry and bitter against his brothers. Have you, like Joseph, been betrayed, treated cruelly, lied about and forsaken? Because of actions taken and lies told, have you lost the beautiful experience of God’s love? Or have you retained a soft, trusting heart? God honoured Joseph highly because of his magnificent attitude. He’ll do the same for you.
Dear Lord, I need Your grace constantly. May Your Holy Spirit fill me so that the Person of Jesus Christ will be seen through me. Like Joseph, may I be tender-hearted, forgiving any and all who have sought to do me harm. I pray this in the Name of the One who prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” Amen!
As children in Sunday School, we would be asked to quote a Bible verse by memory. I would often be the first to quote “Jesus wept,” the shortest verse in the Bible (John 11:35). We’d laugh, and even the teacher would manage a grimace. We, as immature children, did not understand the tears of Jesus. The only times we wept were out of self pity. As I grew older, I stopped crying for that reason. It was often reported to me that people would say, “Let’s turn on 100 Huntley Street and watch David cry.” So be it! I wear, as has been said, “my heart on my sleeve.” Sometimes I felt sheepish about my tears. I remember being encouraged when I read that the tough General Schwarzkopf, leader in the first Gulf War, said, “I never trust a man who can’t cry.” I felt better about my tears after that. I’m not ashamed to cry. Jesus and Joseph are my kind of men.
From my heart,
As a young child, I would often say to my mother “tell me the story of Joseph.” it is still a favourite part of the old Testament for me. A great comparison to our Savior and Lord.
Am really touched by David’s comments and prayer today and yesterday. May we keep it in our hearts. Thank you David and the family for these posts. Amen!
Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul!
Thank You, Lord, for making me whole!
Thank You, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free!
Thank You also, Lord, for Your Word, and for this wonderful ministry which encourages me and so many others. Please bless all these who keep on broadcasting Your Word. Let it accomplish Your will, Lord God, throughout the earth.
In Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen Rob!
When I first received Jesus, I believe I cried very easily; somehow now tears don’t well up quite as quickly. Lord I pray I have not become callous; Lord keep me tender towards the needs of others!
You sound like a lovely person to me Irene, I enjoy reading your thoughts on this blog, they are always very encouraging . You love for Christ shines through them so I do not think you could be callous.
Thank you Eleanor M for those kind words:)
irene and Eleanor your comments are always insightful and a joy to read!
Amen Anne.